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Join the residents of Discovery Mountain for a Bible-based audio adventure as they experience mystery, overcome obstacles, and exercise their faith in God. New episodes weekly!Better yet, join the Discovery Mountain Club for 100% ad-free episodes, plus hours of exclusive bonus content for club members! https://discoverymountain.com/clubBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/discovery-mountain--2408141/support.
Author: Discovery Mountain
Dogs and adventure go together like PB&J. Learn why this mini story from 2023 earns the most “appaws” from Director Doug.
What was your favorite mini adventure from last year? Ms. Jean shares her pick for the best of 2023. It’s a delicious two-parter!
Leon fears heights, but he would scale Everest for Addison! This Christmas, we learn that one dad's love—and one Father's—really can change the world.
Young Zeb isn't sure shepherding is his calling. But then he hears an eye-opening parable from Jesus. There's no greater purpose than saving the lost!
Ever lost something irreplaceable? Did you panic and search EVERYWHERE you could? Emily Harris and Leon Tremblay know that feeling all too well!
Today’s the big hike! After an early morning start, the Pathfinders are in a bit of fog. Will the leaders' voices get everyone safely to the summit?
Pretty poinsettias should inspire smiles, not tears! Something's gone wrong... Also, not everyone's thrilled about hiking. Let's hear their reasons.
Leon Tremblay has a festive idea to minister to at-risk youth. Can he get any support? Meanwhile, the Harrises mourn the loss of their patriarch.
How can something look so good and healthy and yet be moldering away? Punny Ranger Reed helps Haddie and Mr. Simon make a surprising discovery!
Back to the classroom—did the students find it easy to be positive toward others...AND themselves? Also: what's even harder to tame than wild animals?
Have you ever tried the 24-hour positive words challenge? Was it harder than you thought? Let’s hear how Jake did—or didn't!
It's easy to jump to wrong conclusions about someone or something. Embarrassing and hurtful, too! Try this challenge from Ms. Simon—it's eye-opening.
Ever notice that a negative attitude can spread, like a little spark becoming a fire with a gust of wind? Pretty soon everyone is thinking negatively!
Get to know Elika Nelson, the actor who plays Genet. Part of her character is based on a real-life family member—let's hear the full story!
Poor Genet and Harold...they feel awful about scaring Kyler and his sister, who now don’t want to join the youth group! How can they fix this?
Kyler raked the church lawn when he's not even a member! But who could be throwing ROCKS at this nice new kid in town? Chaplain Jake investigates.
Harold goes to rake an elderly neighbor's yard—and discovers more than just leaves. Meanwhile, Jake meets a new friend with a startling story!
Jake must be hungry! He's getting ready for a youth meeting, but he's talking about...cake? And who are the mysterious visitors outside the door?
Chef Tyler gave the Harris family a second chance to make a good first impression. But has the family learned to exercise their faith as a team?
There's a celebrity in town! Chef Tyler and his TV crew arrive to film an episode of Cafe Quest. Can the Harris family handle the pressure?
Tara struggles to carry something large and green into the academy. Is it a "delicious monster," a houseplant, or both? Listen and decide!
Jr. Ranger Brooke has learned a lot from Ranger Reed. She's also heard a lot of jokes. Listen (and groan) along with her—laughter is good medicine!
In their final game of capture the flag, will the blue team win again—and honestly? Samson's story hits close to home for James. Is he really leaving?
Two trapped powerhouses are fighting to free themselves! What awaits the search team in the deep dark of night?
Harold and Logan have a plan to figure out how the blue team keeps winning. But their new vantage point will reveal more than just Hugo's secret...
Joyce and her brother are at odds. And the tension isn't limited to staff—the red team thinks blue is cheating! Is bribery a good solution, though?
The campers are ready for fun, but their first activity is a safety assembly. Drama auditions begin, and Hugo—suddenly doesn't want to play Samson?!
Camp's set to start in a week! Director Joyce Holt has her whistle ready—but will an aerial discovery force her to cancel camp before it ever begins?
Director Doug gives us a Discovery Mountain Club sneak peek at our Bedtime Bible Stories program. God's Word is the perfect way to close out the day!
It's almost time for summer camp in Discovery Mountain. Join us around the campfire for a sing-along to get your spirits up for some summer fun!
Stan returns to the rest stop. Will that smart, brave dog still be there? And if he is, what does God want Stan to do?
Stan is back on the road, but his trip is anything but boring! After a memorable rest stop break, is God prompting him to take another step?
A mother wants only the best for her daughters—including a chance to meet Jesus. But will the disciples stop her?
Harold, Logan, and Officer Lewis are up early. They're going hiking, and fortunately Harold packed more than sandwiches—he packed a listening heart!
Jake needs help with his now not-so-secret project. Will anyone show up? The Smiths reflect on their memorable visit. Is God calling them to stay?
The search is on for Gracie's missing tablet. While waiting, Gracie and Piper hear a story about someone whose borrowed item was miraculously rescued.
The bus is loaded and ready for the field trip to Reeder's school in the city. Hugo's about to learn about more than technology on this excursion. And back at home in Discovery Mountain, will they find Princess? Where could she be hiding?
Chaos reigns in the classroom—right as Pastor Williams stops by to visit! Will Dr. Smith be able to explain Jake and his alarming power tool?
After a rude awakening, the Smiths are ready to explore the town. Dr. Smith has some big shoes to fill, and not everyone is happy he's trying.
Is the Smith family ready for a faith reboot? Is Discovery Mountain ready for them? Jake gets inspired on a hike. What's his SUPER super secret idea?
LC and Gladys find another explosive story. Bitter enemies end up in an unexpected situation—will they both exercise their faith and come out alive?
Umi is enjoying the warm sunshine and the new flowers springing up! Her surprise bouquet turns into an unexpected faith exercise.
Have you ever had a catchy song or jingle get stuck in your head? At Discovery Mountain Camp, the best songs happen around the campfire--and they're stick worthy. Listen and sing along!
Everyone’s favorite library cat, LC, helps Gladys find an interesting old storybook. Listen to a spine-tingling story of a daring girl and her brave intervention!
"Think, Harold, think!" People haven't been very successful in getting through to Harold. Maybe it's time for a chat with the animals?
Bailey has an eye-opening visit. Harold's fixation on “ART-i-teckt” nears a breaking point. The pressure's on—and it offers a chance to turn to God.
With Jenny's help, Jake concludes his lesson on Balaam. But has Harold—or Bailey—learned ANYTHING about the twin temptations of profit and fame?
A flood of bad reviews is hurting the cafe—where are they all coming from? Meanwhile, Harold's obsession with his "not-a-game" is getting out of hand.
Bible class gets a fun surprise when Jake brings a friendly, fuzzy guest! It's the perfect chance to share one of the Bible's best animal stories.
The cafe is thriving, but a big-city rival might threaten its growth. And Jake's so panicked about something that he misses PANCAKES—what's his issue?
Ms. Jean reads one of her stories, called "Don't Forget!" Piper finds Umi's forgotten scarf, but Umi has forgotten something else—something important!
Director Doug revisits one of his favorite multi-parters from 2022, "Too Tired" and "Still Tired." Listen to find out what made it so memorable.
Ms. Jean revisits one of her personal favorite minis from 2022, "Ruby Runs." Why that one from among so many? Listen to find out!
Sit down with the team for their answers to your hard-hitting questions about Jake, the cast, being a Pathfinder, and using the show in the classroom.
Who is Samantha Taylor? Is her cover about to be blown? Meanwhile, Breonna and her mom finally catch up, but can they patch up their relationship?
It's time for Jake's self-appointed test—the Christmas Eve service! Come hear about "The Secret Believer" and his role in Jesus' journey to the cross.
The library's new mysterious book is more popular than ever. Even Piper and Umi are fighting to read it—until they learn just where it comes from...
A mysteriously crafted book appears in the library. Might as well catalogue it, Addison figures... Then folks start lining up like crazy to read it!
Breonna and Addison team up to investigate Sam. Hugo finishes his secret art project, while Jake takes up a project he's sure will impress Natasha.
Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends, even visitors—but one new arrival in town is eating alone. Who is she? And why does she seem familiar?
Haddie encounters a strange adoption agency. Inside, a familiar stylish businesswoman wants to adopt a daughter—but only one who's just like herself!
Jake had a big idea about how they could help fix Mrs. Amos' home. He's about to put it to the test... Will her other neighbors step up and pitch in?
The cleanup crew at Mrs. Amos' house comes to visit her in the hospital—along with a wriggling furry friend! Mrs. Amos could use their kind company.
When a tree smashes a neighbor's house, Jake, Peabody, and Mr. Simon brave the dangerous site to provide first aid. Someone could be trapped in there!
A powerful storm batters Discovery Mountain, causing its residents to seek refuge both physical and spiritual.
After a long day of teaching, Mrs. Olsen and Ms. Holt swap funny student stories—and encourage one another in the process.
With the guiding example of wave-walking Peter and Jesus, Natasha shows Mia the supportive power of trust, faith, and good old H2O.
While Harold barrels into the pool off the diving board, Mia ventures into the deep end with a kickboard. But is she in over her head?
It's swim lesson time again at the camp pool. Mia's got a sinking feeling in her stomach. Genet sets out to help Mia start floating.
To many people, swimming seems easy. Not to Mia! She's tired of sitting poolside, though—will she finally take the plunge?
Producer Steve shares another round of bloopers from exclusive Club programs—some from Jake's Take, some from a new show featuring a certain ranger...
The incomparable Jeanette Jones throws her hat in the ring—not literally, of course—and joins the game to test her knowledge on the book of Daniel.
After Daniel overeats at lunch, Pastor Peabody and Coach Mabel share some advice learned from their past health struggles.
Delicious food is piled high at church potluck, and Daniel isn't one to hold back. Regret sets in with a post-meal soccer game.
Our 4th Q&A has us laughing and reflecting on past mistakes, continuity flaws, future teen roles, and the benefits and challenges of remote recording.
Is Joyce fired for good? Did the secret notes work? The campers have been practicing their David and Jonathan drama in faith that a better day dawns.
Joyce, Tess, Robin, and the rest of the staff are forced to get creative about sneaking out word of Major Ruhder's changes to Reeder and Mr. Simon.
Camp morale is wilting under Major Ruhder's oppressive changes. Can Joyce talk some sense into him?
As more changes loom over the camp, Hugo's daredevil self leads Harold into delinquent territory and causes mayhem at the archery range.
A summer of faith and fun? Definitely not Major Ruhder's idea of a proper camp. Troublemaker Hugo's also not a fan, though for very different reasons.
Major changes in leadership are coming to Discovery Mountain Camp. But will the camp experience be any different? Everyone has their own hopes.
How did Ruben become the voice of Jake? Will Jake and Natasha get married? Would we ever do the show in a different language? More Q's and A's today!
It's Judge Barber on the hot seat as Peabody quizzes him on the story of Nehemiah. (Should be familiar territory!) Test your own memory as they play.
Miracles seem to be everywhere in the Bible, but what about today? Hugo and Umi find something extraordinary during an ordinary after-school hangout.
A roadblock threatens to stall a father-son adventure for Officer Lewis and Logan. But a barrier can be a blessing—as the biblical Balaam learned.
How does Pastor Jason Levy, a man of the faith, find it so easy to play Officer Lewis, a man of the law? Find out in this behind-the-scenes interview.
Can Jake keep a secret? Everyone's hoping so as they count down the hours to the big surprise... Time to show Mr. Simon the true impact of his faith!
Bedtime stories are extra special in Discovery Mountain! Grab your popcorn for this tale of sorrow, promises, and faith that transcends generations.
Judah's at college and has his whole future ahead of him—and his mother can't help but worry. What if he forgets his spiritual roots?
Haddie shares her secret plans for Mr. Simon. Mr. Garcia shares the inspiring story behind Ellie's Peak with Hugo while they hike up its slopes.
Jake and "DIS-AS-TER" seem to go hand in hand! During the latest crisis, though, his friends have to agree: Jake's plucky spirit always shines through.
Imagination comes alive as Genet's dad Steve learns about Daniel in the lions' den. Meanwhile, Natasha worries about her aging granddad.
A special treat for all our listeners: Producer Steve shares some hilarious Jake's Take bloopers from the Club!
Ruby wants to RUN! Genet just wants to keep her dog safe. How can she keep Ruby from racing headlong into danger?
Line by line, they all add up... A city shopping trip teaches Harold the importance of little things.
Amanda Ruf, the voice of Olivia, shares about being (not) spontaneous, maple pumpkin goodness, and her undying love for stories of all kinds.
The Garcia siblings have a lot they need to say to each other. Finnegan is up to her usual tricks, but a surprising discovery is about to change the whole game.
The prodigal child returns, and the whole town's celebrating! Well, everyone except one bitter brother, lost in his anger... Can he find a way toward forgiveness?
A way back home opens up for Isabel. And her school, as Reeder and Officer Lewis discover, is in deeper trouble than they thought!
Who, exactly, deserves a second chance? Isabel's hopeful, but there's some serious suspicion from those determined to protect Mr. Simon and the town.
The Parable of the Prodigal Son comes alive on Umi's first day of school. Elsewhere, another prodigal hits rock bottom and wonders how to phone home.
Who is Finnegan, and why is nice Mr. Garcia so outraged to see her again? It all started with a painting...listen as an intriguing backstory unfolds.
Madame Manager prizes her family's old clock. But when it comes to its real value, she's in for a shock!
Can a wee spider change the course of kingdoms? Gracie and Ranger Bob follow an inspiring thread of history.
Mia's big project is in big trouble...and the deadline's tomorrow! Is it too late for rescuing?
We're back to answer more of your questions! Let's talk faith tips, auditioning, Discovery Mountain Camp, and...Madame Manager the spy? Intriguing!
A "Jericho" Christmas? Looks like Harold will get his wish! Listen as he surprises Genet with a special project for the season.
CRASH! The sound of disaster—or new openings for growth? Mrs. Lee, the Beckmans, and Rahab are about to find out!
Pastor Peabody seems to be getting nowhere with his Mountain Meadows outreach efforts. Are these walls just too big to get through?
Danger comes knocking at the gates of Jericho! Entranced by the Bible story, Genet wonders if there's a way to know if it really happened.
Chaplain Jake helps the Bible come alive for Genet and his class. Meanwhile, the Peabodys undertake a risky mission to Mountain Meadows.
The Beckmans' new neighborhood is very safe. But will their new town be welcoming?
You've got questions, we've got answers! The DM team responds to listeners' top questions on season schedules, Australia, multi-role actors, and more.
What happened to Discovery Mountain? Everything seems all wrong in the world of Peabody's dream. Maybe a visit to the mayor's office will help...
Peabody's feeling discouraged. Was coming to Discovery Mountain really worth it? He's about to gain a new perspective...through one STRANGE dream!
Harold's back for another shot at an HCC medal in this Bible quiz challenge on the story of Ruth and Naomi. Download the questions to play along!
Several promises depend on the delivery of an important package. Let's see what's got Logan and his mom Hannah so anxious to have it!
Get to know our fine Southerner friend and coworker Kyle Warren—the voice of Deputy Bo and our gifted visual graphic director at Discovery Mountain!
A butterfly's delicate wings put Gracie and Detective Lana on the trail of an intriguing mystery.
How well do you remember the Parable of the Good Samaritan? Test your memory alongside Pastor Peabody's contestants in this fun Bible quiz!
Just a simple game of hide and seek? Mrs. Lewis helps Chaplain Jake look deeper.
Learn about E.Z.'s story and his special connection to Discovery Mountain—first as listener and now voice actor for the role of Chris.
When Gracie finds a fallen baby bird in her backyard, she quickly enlists her family's help in trying to save it.
It's time for another Harmony Corner Challenge! Peabody quizzes his contestants on the story of Esther. Follow along and test your own knowledge.
Jake loves to help! But how much help can one man give? Mr. Simon and Natasha have some advice.
A most unusual patient shows up to surprise Dr. Simon and Nurse Julie.
One woman, Tabitha, and her acts of service changed history! Haddie, Charlotte, Cody, and their friends discover the power of the faith ripple today.
Ready, set...serve! The jog-a-thon is on, but its sponsorship and the drama production are in question. Can the show go on?
Is Haddie's financial contact "trouble with a capital T"? Guy Watts and Mr. Simon fear the worst, and the consequences could be disastrous!
Charlotte isn't doing too well at camp. Counselor Natasha tries her best to help, while Counselor Jake is concerned about Charlotte's brother Cody.
Camp's looking better than ever, thanks to Haddie's generosity! Mr. Simon is worried, though...can you give too much for a good cause?
Everyone's stumped on ideas for this year's camp theme. But when Haddie gets the birthday surprise of her life, she finds the perfect solution.
Chase Rodriguez, voice of Camper Ben, has been part of the show since its very beginning! Learn about his roles and his taste for adventure.
It's almost recess for Mrs. Lee's students. But math class is about to get rocking and rolling!
Reporter Tina finds herself back in Discovery Mountain—at the hospital! Can she get the urgent help she needs?
Pastor Peabody peps up his church with a fun Bible quiz! Follow along and test your own knowledge.
It's a big universe out there—enough to make you feel like a nobody. But the Bible has a different point of view, as Chaplain Jake shows Devin.
You know his voice as John Harris, but Joel Baker is so much more to our team! Learn about Joel's role in production—and his epic "treasure hunts."
The Harris family is changing in a lot of ways! Through it all, they can trust that the same God keeps watch over all of them.
Twenty years is a long time to be separated from family. Jacob wants to reconcile with his brother, but will Esau feel the same?
Jake and Olivia's fighting lands them in Reeder's office, where the principal invites them—and Gracie—to learn from the story of Jacob and Esau.
Grandpa Harris gets more than he bargained for in visiting with his granddaughters. Can he answer their questions and revisit a painful past?
Gracie gets Detective Lana to join her search for a secret Harris twin. But is Gracie using this family mystery to run from a distressing family reality?
Gracie's got her family's future all figured out—well, dreamed out, at least. She's in for some huge surprises, however!
Honest. Hard-working. Loyal...to a fault? A new job forces Travis Manning to decide just what kind of accountant he'll be.
Gracie's been helping Breonna with her math homework. Helping a LOT...to the point where she wonders: is Breonna even trying?
We're headed back to Babylon for a story about Daniel's three friends. A king's pride is a towering thing—which only a towering faith can challenge!
Discovery Mountain's favorite song leader can preach his heart out, too! Alex Rodriguez shares with us his zest for life, God, family, and potatoes.
One innocent man can gain his freedom, but how about a guilty one? The governor’s hearing is today, and everyone’s wondering about the outcome.
As the town gathers together to pray for Mr. Simon, Jake, Natasha, and Peabody find encouraging parallels in Daniel chapter 6.
Will Judge Barber be a fair judge? The governor and his attorney are anxious to know—though perhaps not for the same reasons.
Like Daniel in the Bible, Mr. Simon has learned that there is great power in asking for heavenly wisdom. Years ago, he faced a similar crisis…
Mark Marshall says he’s here to help the Wards, but there’s more to the story... Listen as we dig into his history with Mr. Simon and Madame Manager.
The Ward family is back in town! With the press right behind them, unfortunately... Turns out the biggest scoop in the state is in Discovery Mountain!
Harold learns an important lesson when it comes to following directions and doing things the right way. Whose curiosity pays the price?
Madame Manager has to confront someone from her past...Haddie! But can she make amends when she's still stirred up about all that happened?
Reeder shared the verse James 1:27 at worship, and Mrs. Torres can't stop thinking about it! She turns to Mrs. Lee for some special insight.
Get to know Mary Phillips, the fun and talented actor who voices Mabel Peabody! Learn why she relates so much to her character in this interview.
A surprise guest awaits Jamey in Australia. Back in Discovery Mountain, Jake and Harold's temptations reach a tipping point.
Jamey's still asleep, dreaming of her journey to the Celestial City. But her path isn't clear yet... What friends and foes will she meet next?
Jamey has an unusual dream during her flight to Australia. What’s it about? And why is Maura, the lady who sold her the suitcase, in it?
In our final story on the American Revolution, Bostonian colonists Joseph and Thomas look to higher ground as they exercise their faith in a God who turns the tides of history.
Natasha learns more about Paul Revere and his efforts to aid the American colonists. When British soldiers threaten the city of Concord, someone must warn the people before it's too late...
Join Natasha as she explores the exciting beginnings of the American Revolution! The Sons of Liberty invite Paul Revere to a truly bold act of protest against unfair English taxation. Dare he join in?
Harold's pet parakeet Ricky is awfully quiet this morning, with none of his usual singing and talking. Harold's awfully worried. What could be wrong with his beloved bird?
Spiders, skeletons...failure, loss...just about anything in life can be scary! Luckily for Harold and Jake, Mr. Simon's got a surefire way for them to fight their fears.
Leaves are falling in Discovery Mountain—indoors, that is! Something else is falling, too—pride, thanks to a new illustration of humility for art students Harold and Gracie.
Meet Haddie Bellamy, the niece of Mr. Simon, and who just recently returned to Discovery Mountain. Find out more about Anna and her life as a student and what she does in her spare time.
This school year will be different for everyone—including Harold and his friends at Discovery Mountain Academy. Harold's pretty unhappy about it... What will finally put a smile on his face?
At Mr. Simon's insistence, Jake's sister Olivia agrees to a trek up to Lookout Ledge. Then the topic of Joshua the Bible hero comes up—and a spur-of-the-moment hike turns into a lesson on bravery.
Jake's got a special visitor in town—and she wants to know the agenda. Organization, however, has never been one of Jake's strong suits...
Today we meet someone who's played a pretty big role in Discovery Mountain and her character, in particular, Madame Manager. Find out more about the voice and what Natalie does in her spare time.
Aliyah had a favorite hobby that she and Kylie bonded over. They both loved outer space. Aliyah is walking to the bookstore and she's very excited because one of her heroes is signing books there today. She's excited, but is her hero?
Do you know the story "The Little Red Hen"? When no one helped the little red hen make the bread, she ate it all herself. Our story today is also about baking and work, but it involves a twist! Listen for the twist in this mini adventure.
Do you remember Cody from our last season, "Fear or Faith?" Voice actor Cody traveled a long way to come and play a big role in that story. Find out more about him, his mom, and the neat way they got involved with Discovery Mountain!
Today's mini adventure doesn't happen in Discovery Mountain, but in real-life Colorado! It's the true account of what happened to Grant—the actor who plays Judah—and his best friend Theron on a ski trip. Listen to their story of how God miraculously answered their prayers and faith.
It's the last day of camp, and expectations are high. After all the designing and building and crashing, will the Rube Goldberg machines work? And how about Kylie and Jamey's crazy plan?
"Let my people go!" Mr. Garcia's group has been practicing their lines. Let's listen as they finally perform their drama of the Exodus!
Brysen and Cody, Aliyah, and Jamey—some of our campers and counselors haven't been getting along. But one dark and scary night could change all that...
The story of the Exodus gets even more real at camp, testing friendships and faith alike. Can Pastor Peabody help the story's message shine through the chaos?
A green "plague" has come to Discovery Mountain Camp! The counselors and campers summon their courage to face the frogs and their fears.
It's summertime and it looks like there's a lot of work happening at the summer camp! Our old friend Haddie has a new job at the Discovery Mountain camp. It sounds like she's afraid that not everyone will like her new ideas.
Remember that podcast Jake was planning? Well, turns out creating a podcast is a bit tougher than he expected... Jake's going to need some help!
A precious treasure has been lost in Discovery Mountain—and the owner may not even realize it!
Mr. Simon needs someone responsible to help take Gadget on walks. Mia's definitely interested—but is she the right person for the job?
Today we someone who started with us in Season 6 as another character but quickly joined the Simon family as Natasha. Found out more about Liesl and what she enjoys doing in her spare time.
Jamey has to face her granddad about the crash—and she's understandably nervous! Down at the church, Mabel's arranged a special surprise for Hannah Lewis.
Mabel Peabody and Hannah Lewis finally meet again, and we learn the story behind their troubled past. Things were different back then, but one thing hasn't changed: God always keeps His promises!
The story of Hannah and Samuel in the Bible helps Jake, Owen, and the entire Bible class learn how following God leads to His abundant blessings.
Harold and Logan are becoming fast friends! But their moms are a different story...could they really be old enemies?
Jake's going to need a lot of help teaching the 1st–3rd graders. Will Owen be as helpful as promised?
Jake makes a big promise, but is it one he'll be able to keep? Meanwhile, an exciting homecoming represents a different promise kept.
Have you ever been on a field trip? Mrs. Lee's class is taking a field trip to Hadassah's Observatory tonight. What will they discover?
Lana and Gracie are a little, well, stuck! Can their faith help them find a way out of a desperate situation?
You can learn a lot about God from animals, as Mrs. Torres and her friends discover in today's mini-adventure.
She may play a teacher, but there's one BIG difference between Danielle Neidigh and her character, Mrs. Lee! Learn more in our interview with her.
Today another re-dedication program is planned for the Harmony Corner Church. Will it be enough to keep the little church open?
Even after being re-dedicated, Harmony Corner Church is still missing something. The Bible's story of Nehemiah offers some clues to a solution.
Everyone’s worked as a team to fix up the church, but just when Peabody thinks it's all done, he's going to face his biggest challenge yet!
Barber's been talking to McGee and Madame Manager about the "property" at Harmony Corner. What does Barber want? Can he be trusted?
Peabody's ready to help fix the church, but getting a working team together proves to be tougher than he realized.
The Harmony Corner church in Discovery Mountain looks a little run-down. But who in town has the time and money to fix it?
Lana is puzzling over a very important question. Can Discovery Mountain's best detective uncover the answer?
Jamey helps Caleb learn a lesson in thankfulness—and learns a little more herself in the process.
Miss Michelle's an excellent cook, but not the best at accounting…who can she find to help her manage her cafe's finances?
Today we meet someone who is not only the voice of Mr. Simon, but a skilled musician as well! Find out more about George Swanson in this special interview.
Miss Tamara's back early from her cruise. What will happen to the Cook family? Chaplain Simon and his family are back home, too, as Wyatt gets ready for his big day.
It's a snowy Christmas morning in Discovery Mountain, and almost everyone is inside with their families. Wyatt’s waited so long for this day—but his dad isn't home! Where could he have gone?
Mrs. Lee reads a story to Brody and Natalia—with one unexpected listener! Is this an opportunity for our listener to exercise his faith?
The Cook family has found a quiet mountain getaway in Discovery Mountain. What will Jordan and Keyaira find when they go looking for something exciting to do?
Guy Watts is finally getting out of jail, and Wyatt can't wait to spend some quality holiday time with his dad. For others, however, Guy's return is shrouded in suspicion.
It’s the holidays again—the time of year to remember what we’re thankful for. Wyatt’s particularly thankful because someone special is finally coming home!
Meet the newest member of the team—Producer Steve! Learn what brought him to Discovery Mountain and how voice acting's become part of his life.
A family is camping, the parents are sleeping, but soon they'll wake up and see something's missing—their own son! Where could little Andy have gone?
It's question-and-answer time as Director Doug and Ms. Jean respond to queries from you, the listeners of Discovery Mountain!
Mrs. Lee believes that Jake’s sister Olivia stole her red sweater! Did she really take it? Mrs. Lee and Jake are determined to discover the truth.
There’s a visitor at Discovery Mountain Academy when Mrs. Lee suddenly notices that something’s missing. Could the visitor have taken it?
In this interview, we get to learn more about Ms. Jean! Find out about her work producing Discovery Mountain and other projects at the Voice of Prophecy, plus her many hobbies.
It’s a big day for McGee and Madame Manager as today is the grand opening of the Emerald Lake Hotel and Spa Experience. Will Madame Manager learn that money and fame aren’t the most important things in life and see through God’s eyes?
Things are looking up for Madame Manager—a new job, a new hotel, a new faith. But an incident with her new boss will test that faith... Has she truly changed?
Do you know what your spiritual gifts are? Julia's not sure about hers, but some camp activities might help her learn more about herself.
Natalie Boonstra interviews Director Doug and we get to find out more about him! Learn about his favorite Bible verse, his favorite food, and other projects he does in addition to his work as director on Discovery Mountain. Discover what “Dirty Bean Soup” is, too.
Tomorrow is Cook’s birthday, and Reeder wants to surprise him and the campers with cupcakes to celebrate. Miss Michelle helps Julia and Riley whip up the treats, giving the girls a lesson in baking—and faith!
Join Counselor Sarah, Riley, Julia, and others at summer camp! This week one of the campers isn’t treating Riley like he should. Will they be able to overcome their differences?
Director Doug and Ms. Jean interview Ruben Gomez, the actor who plays Jacob P. Donovan on Discovery Mountain—alongside his many other roles at the Voice of Prophecy. Does he sound just like Jake? Tune in and find out!
At Camporee, Haddie and Natasha meet an old friend of Mr. Simon's. The girls realize getting Blue Birdie picture-ready is harder than they thought.
After a talk with Owen, Jake has rushed back to the campsite. What’s his hurry? Let’s find out in the conclusion of this devotional series.
Jake’s been a little distracted from the fun and the blessings of Camporee, and all because a stranger told him that he sounds different from the other chaplains she knows. Did God really call Jake to be a chaplain when he's so unlike all the others?
Jake’s plan to find his “chaplain voice” isn’t going very well. He not only didn’t impress the neighbor in the campsite, but he may also have offended her! Jake’s exercising his vocal cords to find the answer…but is he exercising his faith?
Yesterday Jake tested his new “chaplain voice"—with disappointing results. Was that voice just not “chaplain-y" enough? Let’s see how Jake’s doing this afternoon.
The last time we checked on our Pathfinders, their campsite neighbor seemed to question Jake’s role as a school chaplain. Is Jake questioning his call, too?
This Camporee will exercise everyone’s faith, but Jake’s more than anyone else’s. When Jake first arrived in Discovery Mountain, he wasn’t sure that God was calling him...and a campsite neighbor might make him wonder that again. What will he do?
The Discovery Mountain Pathfinders are at Camporee when Judah spots an old friend from summer camp wearing an orange bandana. Will he be able to catch up?
Haddie’s working at Camporee as a reporter when she meets up with her Uncle George. She discovers that quite a lot has changed in Discovery Mountain since she last visited. Can she consider forgiving someone from her past?
Natasha and Madison have a solution for the cow that's holding up the train, and we're reminded that just like David, God chooses each of us to go where we're needed most.
Just when the Pathfinders thought they'd finally make it to Oshkosh, their train suddenly stopped! As they wait to find out why, Madison experiences something only heard in Discovery Mountain before.
While their bus troubles haven't stopped, the Pathfinders do get to meet some old friends on a train. Come aboard to find out who!
Stan's arrived in Discovery Mountain with a message, the Pathfinders are on their way again to Oshkosh, and the bus still isn't quite right. Will it break down again?
The bus is broken down? Will the Pathfinders have to turn back to Discovery Mountain and miss Camporee?
The Discovery Mountain Pathfinders are on their way to Oshkosh—everyone but one. Who will miss this exciting trip?
Jake's sister, Olivia, is getting married. Did Jake forget something important for the big day?
Jake takes the dinosaur bone back to Professor Z at the dig site, where he makes an interesting discovery.
Kayla doesn't want to leave Stormy alone! Will she manage without her even in this bad weather?
Will McGee finally let Rich go back to the Professor? We'll find out in the conclusion of Season 9.
Judah, Jamey, Wyatt and Kayla hear the creation story up on Lookout Ledge and find a surprise visitor at the end!
Did you ever imagine that slime could exercise your faith? Rich explains why to the Academy students.
Everyone has dinosaur fever! Will Rich be able to answer everyone's questions? Let's find out.
Gracie is sleeping with the hall light on again. Reeder has an idea to quiet her fears. Will it work?
Gadget finds an unusual bone while hiking with Natasha. Could it really be a dinosaur bone?
Mrs. Lee has an idea for a new cookie. Brody loves the cookies, but Jake isn't sure about them. Listen to find out why!
Get to know the man behind the "Yee-haw!" Meet Tom Martin, the voice actor who plays McGee (and more characters!)
Dr. Simon is worried about her patients. She finds a peaceful spot to wait for an important phone call. Will it be good news?
Madame Manager has had a change of heart, but what about the election? Will the town choose Mr. Simon as Mayor or Madame Manager as City Manager?
Mr. Simon tells Madame Manager one of his favorite stories from the Bible—the Parable of the Sower.
Madame Manager and Mr. Simon are still stranded! In Discovery Mountain everyone is more worried about the election than Jake's Week of Prayer.
Madame Manager takes a ride in Blue Birdie that she'll never forget!
No one seems to be listening to Jake's week of prayer messages—everyone is distracted. Miss Michelle's garden planting doesn't go exactly as planned!
Mr. Simon recovers from eye surgery. He hasn't seen the new election posters around town. What will he think when he does?
Wyatt isn't sure how to handle a difficult situation. He overheard something important, but he doesn't want to be a tattletale. What will he do?
Listen to this mini episode and get to know Tamhelda Yalape, the voice of one of our favorite characters, Kayla Lewis!
If you’re a fan of apple-flavored desserts, you won’t want to miss this mini adventure! Listen as Miss Lucy teaches Miss Michelle an old family recipe. You may just want to try it out for yourself later!
It’s Miss Lucy’s last day at the cafe! What will she and Michelle be cooking up in the kitchen? Fresh baked goods, some hearty soup—or a fancy new dessert, perhaps? Find out what Miss Lucy has in store for the occasion in this Discovery Mountain mini adventure.
Christmas Eve has arrived, but it’s far from peaceful among all the last-minute shoppers and toy-donors and the workers who help them. Jake still hasn’t reconciled with Natasha, Michelle still struggles with cooking, and everyone is dying to know what is in that Puffy Heart! Join us for the conclusion of this season of Discovery Mountain.
Miss Michelle has yet to make a final decision about the cafe. Does she belong there? Did God bring her, Judah, and Gracie to Discovery Mountain for a purpose? Her wondering prompts Mr. Simon to share a favorite Bible story—the story of a famous ancestor of Jesus.
As if the Puffy Heart weren’t enough, now winter coats are disappearing all over town! Can Officer Lewis keep up? How are the suspects handling being questioned, anyway? Join us for another episode in this mystery-filled Christmas season.
Officer Lewis questions the suspects about the stolen puffy heart and just who is Uncle Hubert?
Jake and Natasha decorate Trekkers for the holidays, and Michelle considers a job at the Cafe, but Jake's day takes a turn for the worst!
A visitor arrives in Discovery Mountain and her arrival makes Jake wonder whether or not he belongs.
The first and second graders at Discovery Mountain Academy have a special birthday surprise for their teacher, Mrs. Amanda Lee. But the real surprise comes later, in the midst of a mystery only someone like Detective Lana can solve! Join us for another mini adventure.
George Simon is a busy man. But even the busiest people—well, especially the busiest people—need a day off once in a while. Today is just such a day for Mr. Simon: no obligations, just some time for him to relax! So...why isn’t he relaxing? Maybe his daughter Shelley can help...
Jake’s got some head-spinning news: Mr. Simon’s old enemy is back in town—selling lemonade, of all things! Just what are her intentions here? And how will Mr. Simon react, given all the harm she’s done to his beloved camp and town? Don’t miss part 2 of this mini adventure!
There's someone selling lemonade down by the river. It couldn't be Mr. Simon's oldest enemy, could it? Listen to find out!
Get to know Discovery Mountain Academy's favorite principal!
Peachie the Moose has one too many best friends!
Chaplain Simon saves the day!
Caleb's having trouble with his math homework, but Mrs. Torres helps him solve his real challenge.
Devin is accused of cheating! Can Detective Lana clear his name?
Madison has a test today. Did she really read the book, and can Reeder help her to prove it?
Meet Hasina who voiced Taliah in everybody's favorite Christmas story in Season 3!
Mrs. Lee makes a surprise visit to her sister Katie and helps her with her busy morning!
Get to know Wyatt in an interview with Ms. Jean and Director Doug.
Wyatt and Ben plan a skit for Mr. Garcia and Ben takes all the credit! Listen as we go back to summer camp for this mini adventure.
Ellie delivers her plane to Montana, but her mission of encouragement isn't over yet!
Jake discovers Elise crying on the front steps after school. He quickly finds out why she's upset!
Ready or not, it's time for the campers' drama production! They share the story of the Good Samaritan, and there's a special guest in the audience!
Pilot Rawlings finds out how to recover her crashed plane and how to make amends with Reeder. The boys plan a camp prank—will they get away with it?
Gathered around the campfire, the teen campers listen to Ms. Rawlings' story of why she became a pilot. It all started the Christmas of 1943.
Dr. Simon and Nurse Megan are extra attentive to their injured patient, and Wyatt has an emergency in the Discovery Mountain Camp laundry room!
The campers hear a loud crash just outside of Camp! The search and rescue mission is a lesson in who is our neighbor.
Summer camp begins at Discovery Mountain Camp! Lana finally gets a ride in Blue Birdie and Reeder seems a little distracted. Welcome back to Camp!
Join us for a behind the scenes listen to the Discovery Mountain Camp music with Ms. Tamara and Pastor Alex!
Get to know Grant Velbis, the voice actor who plays Judah Harris!
Discovery Mountain just isn't the same without Emma and Ethan. How are they managing back at the Governor's mansion?
Ethan finally conquers his biggest fear!
The Discovery Mountain Academy hike up Ellie's Peak takes an interesting diversion.
With Mrs. Torres' help, Wyatt shares a family secret that just might help Emma and Ethan.
Why did Emma and Ethan's mom Kate stop talking to their Aunt Amanda? Let's take a canoe trip to find out!
Mr. Simon and Emma imagine what it might've been like for Moses as a teenager growing up in Pharaoh's palace.
Parker Dean has kept the reporters away from Emma and Ethan—hasn't he?
Jake and freshman Bible class study the story of Moses—a story Emma has never heard before.
Emma and Ethan have a memorable first day at Discovery Mountain Academy!
Emma and Ethan Ward are about to discover more about their family than they ever realized!
Enjoy a sneak peek of Season 5 which begins on March 28, 2018!
Learn the faith exercise involved in creating the Discovery Mountain program!
Mr. Simon has a special surprise at the end of the path to Lookout Ledge. What could it be?
Auction Day is here! Mr. Simon believes that God has things under control. Will the Camp be saved?
Madame Manager grabs her hard hat for her Boss of the Year interview. Will these interviews end the way Haddie hopes?
Haddie is feeling a little discouraged. Jake flies her back to Discovery Mountain in Blue Birdie to hear an important Bible story!
Lots of helpers arrive to make repairs on Discovery Mountain Camp. Will they get the work done or will Mr. Simon end up even further behind?
Haddie has a plan to help save Discovery Mountain Camp and it involves nominating someone for the Boss of the Year Award!
Can Haddie save Discovery Mountain Camp? This might just be her "Esther" moment!
Haddie is assigned the job of taking pictures at an explosive event for Bilsby Builders! Madame Manager seems like a good boss—or is she?
Haddie is nervous about starting her new job at Bilsby Builders. Is Uncle George disappointed in her?
The Discovery Mountain Camp cafeteria is falling apart! Will Mr. Simon's archenemy use the needed repairs as an excuse to hurt Discovery Mountain Camp, or will God send help just in time?
It's inventory day at Trekkers as one year ends and another begins. Will Mr. Simon finally find the owner of the mystery package?
The students are still snowed in at Discovery Mountain Academy. They pass the time with a favorite Christmas Story, Taliah's Prayer.
The day begins sunny and bright, but in Discovery Mountain the weather can change quickly. Jake, Mrs. Lee and the students are in for a big surprise!
The students at Discovery Mountain Academy bring in items for the first annual food drive. The class that brings in the most items wins a prize!
When Mrs. Lee discovers a problem in her basement she has some unusual help. Just how will a couple of Chaplains do as plumbers? Listen to find out!
Mr. Simon receives some bad news about the Trekkers delivery truck. Will Jake's first Thanksgiving in Discovery Mountain be a disaster?
The Story of Joseph, Act Two! The campers say good-bye to Discovery Mountain Camp.
Will Judah be able to swim with a cast on? Miss Wendy and Miss Tamara wonder, will the campers be ready for Act One of the drama production?
Counsellor Jake tries to perfect his landing of Blue Birdie again. This time it almost ends in disaster!
Judah and Ben's competitiveness reaches a peak, and all over a bowl of oatmeal! Will they ever get along?
Judah is on a winning streak, from rock-climbing to drama practice. The mystery boy returns and it sounds like Reeder knows him!
Ben slips on the edge of the pool and Judah can't get his drama lines right! This camp day is full of embarrassing moments.
Ben and Judah still aren't getting along! Will Miss Tamara's story help to change that?
Gadget and Jamey just aren't themselves today. Can Dr. Simon figure out what's wrong?
Where is Mr. Garcia? Judah and Ben compete in the swim competition—who's the better swimmer?
It's time for Discovery Mountain Camp! Meet Ben and Judah and see how Jake Donovan does as a camp counsellor!
When Jamey and Gadget explore the summer cabins they hear a noise! Just who is hiding inside the cabin? Join us to find out.
Jake Donovan is afraid of heights. Just what is he doing way up on Lookout Ledge in a thunderstorm?
Just what is Jake running from? His story is a lot like one in the Bible! Listen to find out.
Thunderstorms settle in over the town of Discovery Mountain. Where is Jake Donovan sleeping in the storm?
Jake Donovan is afraid of heights! So, why is he running into the mountains, and what is he running from? Listen here to find out!
The big day is finally almost here! And what could be worse than wedding jitters? Well, actually quite a bit! Let's listen to this mini, Wedding Woes.
Oh no, a forest fire! Will Jake and Natasha get married after all?! Will the most important thing rule the day - that we should love one another?
"Fearfully and wonderfully made." What does that mean, exactly? Let's listen as Amy Beckman steers Genet in a truly "awe-some" direction!
With caring for the land and serving people, a U.S. Forest Ranger's job is never done. Let's see what other fun things Kyler learns from Ranger Reed.
A mysterious field trip! Where are they going? Who is Gertrude? Just how many desserts can one restaurant have?! Join us for a delicious new season.
Flour + sugar + rumor + distrust = one sweet conspiracy! Breonna suspects Grizzly Mountain of recipe theft, but more testing is needed. Cake, anyone?
LOOK before you LEAP—and that goes for jumping to conclusions! Mailboxes are toppling, the mysteries deepening. And Carson can't control his temper...
Snow tubing, sledding, and sharing s'mores is a great way to make new friends and break down barriers. Can it de-frost everyone's attitudes?
Enemies at their worst declare war. That was Assyria, besieging Jerusalem and mocking God. What does such malice reveal about grace and understanding?
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Take time to find the truth and get to know people! Breonna and co. learn the origins of the towns' rivalry. Carson's world grows a bit friendlier.
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Janice Nelson is the creative powerhouse behind some of our favorite characters and seasons. Do you dream of being a writer? Listen and be inspired!
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What do practicing musical scales and being an heir have in common? Let's find out as Mrs. Amos teaches Hayley all about our inheritance from God.
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Get to know Joletta Redd! She voices Joyce Holt—camp director, teacher, harpist. Joletta has her own musicality and deep faith that's guided her life.
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Talking to God is like talking to a friend. But sometimes that is hard for us. Let's listen to see what helpful things Nora learns with Harold's help.
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A drizzly spring day (or three) has given everyone something to grumble, growl—and worry—about. The rain has to stop soon. Right?! Find out in the latest episode of Discovery Mountain.
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The rainy weather has the students—and teachers—feeling crabby! Reeder calls someone who may just be the perfect expert for a mud emergency.
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A muddy disaster puts an entire class in danger. And one person feels terribly responsible for it all...until the Mud Guy helps in a surprising way.
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There's a lot of skepticism in little Lily. The Mud Guy plunges into the Bible story of Noah and some natural history to provide some answers.
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Bulldozers and excavators whir in a race to fix the school before a storm hits. Lily is armed with knowledge for a storm of words with the Mud Guy.
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The students take a muddy, and illuminating, field trip. Carson and DS both have a poignant reminder that we're never alone-God always has a plan.
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Carson promised his mom that if he transferred schools, his grades would improve. But a near-failing grade has her wondering: is he up to old tricks?
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1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
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Henry and Sarah hear something unusual happening at the Ranger Station. Is there some "funny business" happening up there?
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As Gertrude sits on her new front porch, she prays. How she can repay her friends' kindness—and more?
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Carson's friends have an exciting plan for him. Just one problem—they forgot to ask Carson if he's interested! Could it all end hopefully anyway? - update
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The Pathfinders ride the bus to Camporee—will they arrive on time, this time? Carson, after a summer on the ranch, worries about being an outsider.
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As the Pathfinder leaders try to solve their predicament, Piper has a lucky chance encounter in the rec center. Trouble is, will anyone believe her?
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With heavy hearts, Sarah and Carson walk back to the ranch and past the Rockpile. A mysteriously familiar stranger walks with them. Just who is he?
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The Pathfinders huddled together in the bus - disappointed and sad. Will the story of two disciples on the road to Emmaus offer them hope?
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Camporee highs and lows abound! Will they get tickets in time to get in? Will they have to go home? Plus, Carson comes to a major decision.
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Carson feels that what he learned in history class wasn't all that useful. But could it actually help him face a "giant" in his own life?
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Ms. Holt has an interesting way of helping Genet solve an algebra problem. Will they discover the harmony of patience and perseverance?
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Carson and Breonna are doing library research on rocks. Well, supposedly, but some "invisible" words and audible "woofs" prove awfully distracting...
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He's in every episode, but you've never heard his voice—until now! Our ace composer Danny Colomby shares about his creative process and musical life.
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Mr. Simon and Gadget meet an old friend with a surprising treasure. But is someone trying to steal it?!
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As the race for the treasure begins, one party tries to sneak ahead of the others. Will it work?
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Hugo thinks he's found a way to reach the treasure ahead of the others. But he may just find himself in a high predicament!
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Hugo is hanging on a limb and a prayer. He sure isn't thinking about the treasure anymore—he's wondering how fast Harold can run for help!
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What's on the menu this Thanksgiving? Join Breonna, Carson, and friends as they feast and give thanks together—and discuss exciting Christmas plans.
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What do you get your family for Christmas when you're a broke teen?! Carson's at a loss. Play rehearsals start, costumes come out—and Piper's dazzles!
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As everyone rehearses, Hayley and Carson confront the weight of their roles, Mary and a wise man. Carson also confronts his mom about her gloominess.
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Carson and his class learn more about the magi's quest to see the newborn King. Will their epic journey inspire or intimidate him?
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Time for "Rediscovering Christmas"! But time out—Breonna's getting snippy with Hayley! Also, has Carson finally figured out his gift for his mom?
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Ms. Jean’s favorite 2024 mini adventure featured a chat on the Harmony Corner Church stairs. Listen and relive this faith exercise!
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Director Doug’s favorite 2024 mini adventure mixed algebra with music. Listen and enjoy this inspiring faith exercise!
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Carson and his frenemy Rick are at the Frosty Inn. Rick's once again trying to badger Carson into doing things. Will Carson finally put his foot down?
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This Bedtime Bible Story is a free Discovery Mountain Club episode! In 2025, every Club episode released on a Thursday will be free for all listeners.
Today's tale reveals a royal jealousy—turned deadly! King Saul can't stand how the nation adores warrior-poet David. Can David both serve his king and dodge his wrath?
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Meet Naomi, the voice actor who plays Jamey and learn how she got to choose the name for her character's dog.
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Lily’s library visit takes her down a rabbit hole. What do pufferfish, sand circles, and sharing your faith have in common?
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In a hushed library, Piper and Ranger Reed learn about the mighty, spiky blue spruce tree—but staying quiet is tough with so many exciting discoveries!
Hope you enjoy this free episode of our Club program Creation Nuggets. In 2025, every Club episode released on a Thursday will be free for all listeners.
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After a visit with Gertrude in Cobbler's End, Keziah takes home an interesting puzzle to solve. How hard could it be? Well, soon EVERYONE wants a try!
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Stan delivers a truckload of precious goods to Trekkers. The cube puzzles—and puzzlers—are multiplying! Meanwhile, Dr. Scott-Smith's new nurse hire has arrived...and Nurse Ken isn't impressed.
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Kyler receives praise for his cubing skills—but has he earned it? The Balanced Health program begins, yet the medical staff seem at odds.
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The cube puzzle craze has gone from fun to frazzling for a few students. McGee has an enticing idea for the tournament.
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Cyrus and his friends are reminded of the power of "simple" faith like Naaman's—it can lead to miracles! Will Kyler choose Naaman's path?
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