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Attempting to reconnect
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Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill relates his incredible adventures playing on the Tacoma Seventh Ward church basketball team. This was in the epoch when The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had an ALL-CHURCH basketball tournament. Grandpa Hill will share the value of friendship, and how important it is to be a GOOD friend. A good friend will be with you when you are happy, when you are sad, and even when you are mad. A good friend will have your back in hard times.
We begin Season 3 with an episode about New Years' Eve in Ecuador. In 2002 Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill, Grandma Juanita Ray Hill, and five children (Abby, Hannah, Emily, Amanda, and Seth) were working in orphanages in Cuenca. In keeping with Ecuadorian customs we made an effigy out of straw and old clothes. We had a lot of excitement on New Years as we kicked and kissed and burned our effigy. We learned that whether the old year was happy or sad was unimportant. The new year is full of possibilities!! Happy New Year! May 2024 be your best year ever!
In this episode Great-Grandpa Irving J Ray remembers his childhood growing up in Arizona without air conditioning, without fans, without even electricity. It was hotter than blazes. This is a transcript of what he recorded when Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill took him to San Francisco on a business trip and they became friends.
In this episode Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill prays to have a better relationship with Great-Grandpa Irving J Ray. Grandpa follows an impression to take Great-Grandpa Ray on a business trip to San Francisco. Great-Grandpa Ray records his life history. They become close friends. Grandpa learns it's OK to be friends with people who are different from you. In fact, that difference is good.
In this episode Grandpa (Edward Jeffrey Hill) meets his future father-in-law (Great-Grandpa Irving J. Ray), for the first time. Their relationship gets off to a rocky start when Grandpa is asked to disc a field and has an interesting experience on a tractor!
In this episode Grandpa tells about how he loved to sing as a child. And then someone made an unkind comment about his singing and so he stopped singing. Then how he started to sing a lot when Sarah was born. He then sings some fun songs.
In this episode Grandma Tamara Snell Mulford Hill describes her love of paper dolls and a valuable lesson that she learned one afternoon. When you are not true to yourself, and you don't listen to you mom, you can miss out on some really good things. Grandma learned this lesson well when she was a little girl.
One of Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill's unique accomplishments is that he has not thrown up in 60 years! Can you imagine that? This Podcast explores the stories behind this amazing feat. Please remember: "You get what you get, and you don't throw a fit!" And especially remember: "You get what you get, and you don't throw up!" Since Grandpa is prone to overeat on Thanksgiving, this is a very appropriate episode for Thanksgiving week!
In this episode, Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill does a few more crazy things. I mean really crazy. At least the hippies at the International Fountain in the Seattle Center were entertained. However, Grandpa has another interaction with a policeman!
In this episode, Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill learns valuable lessons in friendship with animal crackers, poetry, and The Little Prince. "It is only with the heart that one sees rightly. The essential is invisible to the eye."
In this episode Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill realizes that pride in doing better than others can cause you to fall, literally. He also learns how compassionate his wife, Grandma Tamara Snell Mulford Hill, is.
In this episode Grandpa tells the story of his great-great grandpa, George Washington Hill, and how he found his wife in the woods, found the gospel, and moved West with the pioneers.
In this story Grandpa and Grandma Hill decide to keep their promise to stay out of debt, but are still able to get the car of their dreams - a shiny red Lexus!
In this episode Grandpa shares a story that he wrote for a magazine about the importance of spending quality time with people you love, especially your children.
Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill and Grandma Tamara Snell Mulford Hill will celebrate our 17th wedding anniversary this week, on October 3, 2023. In honor of that occasion, we will share how Grandpa met Grandma in her bubblebath as our bedtime story.
In this episode Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill tells about a crazy thing he did while editor of the Washington High School "Patriot" school newspaper. At this time, unsurprisingly he was going to Washington High School and living in Tacoma, Washington.
In this episode Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill tells about crazy things he did while in elementary school living in Santa Cruz, California in the early 1960s.
In this episode Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill tells about crazy things he did while a pre-schooler living in Santa Cruz, California in the 1950s.
In this episode Grandma Edward Jeffrey Hill and Grandma Tamara Snell Mulford Hill take a cruise to the British Isles. Their attempt to kiss the Blarney Stone in order to receive the gift of eloquence is interrupted by the Rotund Bald Man with the Ugly Mustache. After several adventures with the Pirate Pilo things look bleak. Will Bigfoot be able to save them? You'll have to listen to find out.
In this episode Grandma Edward Jeffrey Hill and Grandma Tamara Snell Mulford Hill take a cruise to the British Isles. This episode gives background to the exciting Bigfoot story about kissing the Blarney Stone and receiving the gift of eloquence (aka, the gift of gab).
In this episode Grandpa tells of the miracle by which Grandma became aware of him. Interesting enough, the venue for this meeting was a bubble bath with a handful of chocolate chips reading a church magazine! Strange but true! And yes, it was a miracle!
In this episode Grandpa Hill tells an imaginative story of how he met Bigfoot for the first time in the Enchanted Valley on the Olympic Peninsula in Olympic National Park in Washington State. By listening to this story you will learn how Bigfoot and Grandpa became best friends, and why Grandpa loves to hike to the chalet!
In this slightly tall tale, Grandpa tells about going with Aunt Sarah, Nathan, and Booker to a Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine while they were on a Fall cruise in New England. There they have some scary adventures with Pi'e Grande and Big Foot. Enjoy!
In this episode, Grandma Tamara Snell Mulford Hill tells a story about how she learned a valuable lesson about honesty.
In this episode Grandpa Hill talks about his first friends who were girls. One of them was the daughter of an NFL Hall of Famer.
In this episode, Grandpa Hill shares about his first friends who were girls. In this bedtime story he learns to be careful about who he kisses at Church during Sacrament meeting!
This week we participated in the Irving J. Reunion. Great-Grandpa Irving J. Ray was a very generous man. This is a story of how he blessed my life about 40 years ago when the first personal computers were being sold.
In this episode imagine Grandpa is laying on the floor. He's just told you a Big Foot story and has sung some crazy songs. Now he sings these songs to put you to sleep. Sweet dreams! By the way I have sung these songs to my children and grandchildren for the last 45 years!
On July 1, 2023, Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill retired from Brigham Young University after 25 years of service and teaching more than 21,000 students. In this podcast Grandpa relates how he decided to retire, even though he loved his job at BYU.
In this episode Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill copes with a few effects of aging soon after he turns 65 years old. He loses something that he really shouldn't lose!
In this episode Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill copes with a few affects of aging soon after he turns 65 years old. He loses something that he really shouldn't lose!
In this episode Grandma Tamara Snell Mulford Hill remembers a time when she realized it was better to do what is right than to do something to be popular.
In this episode Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill has adventures in the Swiss Alps with his wife Grandma Juanita Ray Hill. They encounter the Rotund Man with the Ugly Mustache who vows revenge. They learn to "Be aware and beware!" Will Bigfoot save the day?
In this episode Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill meets up with his wife Juanita (Juanita Ray Hill) in Switzerland. They go sightseeing to the Alps and interact with a Rotund Man with and Ugly Mustache. Grandpa learns how important it is to "Be Aware and Beware."
In this episode Grandpa tells about when he got engaged to Juanita Ray in 1976 and how this led to a tradition of Romantic Elevators!
Grandpa learns the hard way to obey his Mom! And to NOT eat catfood!
In this episode Grandpa shares about his ancestors, his parents, his first days, and his first memories.
Our Podcast recorder is out of the country for a few weeks so we are offering our most listened-to podcast this week as a re-run. In this episode Grandpa tells about how his Dad, Great-Grandpa Edward Eyring Hill, taught him some valuable lessons. Perhaps the most important lesson was that if you want something you should work for it. You should not expect people to just give you everything you want.
By popular demand we have another re-run of a Bigfoot story! Enjoy.
Owing to the numerous requests for additional Bigfoot stories, this is a repeat of our most popular one. In this slightly tall tale, Grandpa tells about going with Aunt Sarah, Nathan, and Booker to a Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine. There they have some scary adventures with Pi'e Grande and Big Foot. Enjoy!
In this episode Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill shares more exciting adventures with Dr. Craig heart as they try to get to the Palais de Naciones in order to give their speeches at a special session of the United Nations General Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland. Do they ever get to give their speeches! You'll have to listen to find out!
In this episode Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill has a number of exciting adventures with Dr. Craig Hart as they travel from Salt Lake City to Geneva, Switzerland to speak at a special session of the United Nations General Assembly on June 26, 2000.
In this episode Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill tells about how he was asked to speak at a special session of the United Nations General Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland in the year 2000. Even though he was fourth choice among BYU faculty members for the job, he felt very honored. Little did he know what adventures awaited him!
Here are some more songs that have been sung for generations in Great-great Grandma Mynoa Andersen's family. Grandma Juanita Ray Hill's cousins, Ladawn Andersen Jacob, Karen Andersen Redd, Lynette Andersen Lewis, and Kathryn Andersen Kartchner are the singers with angelic voices! Enjoy!
Singing has always been an important part of our families. In this Episode we hear about how singing became very important in Great-great Grandma Mynoa Andersen's family. We also are blessed to hear some of those songs sung by Grandma Juanita Ray Hill's living cousins. Ladawn Andersen Jacob, Karen Andersen Redd, Lynette Andersen Lewis, and Kathryn Andersen Kartchner are the singers with the angelic voices! Please enjoy, and make music in your families!
In this episode Bishop Edward Jeffrey Hill has an unusual encounter with a garage door of one of his ward members. He learns what "When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade" means.
I (Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill) was not that great at basketball. However, there were four seconds that made my whole high school basketball career sweet. Listen to hear the story!
My Dad (Great-Grandpa Edward Eyring Hill) loved to play the accordion and sing with his classes at school, with Church groups, and at Boy Scout campfires. He would also play the accordion and sing at home with my Mom (Great-Grandma LaDean Jones Hill), my brothers Ted and Scott, and my sister Anne. My Mom liked most of the songs that we sang. But there were a few songs that she did not like! In fact, I think she hated these songs! As a boy I loved these songs and I thought it was fun how upset they made my Mom. In this bedtime story I will sing the songs that my Mom did not like!
One of Grandpa's unique accomplishments is that he has not thrown up in 60 years! Can you imagine that? This Podcast explores the stories behind this amazing feat. Please remember: "You get what you get, and you don't throw a fit!"
In this episode Grandpa finishes a scary adventure to Peggy's Cove in Nova Scotia, Canada with Aunt Sarah, Nathan, and Booker. Will Big Foot save the day?
In this episode Grandpa shares an adventure with Aunt Sarah, Nathan, and Booker as they explore Peggy's Cove in Nova Scotia, Canada. Will Big Foot save him from doing something impulsive that is very dangerous?
In this episode Grandpa completes 24 hours straight of playing golf. Is he crazy? Listen in to find out.
In this episode Grandpa wants desperately to set a record in the Guinness Book of World Records. He sees a possibility to play the most number of holes of golf in 24 hours. Listen in to see if he sets the record!
This episode has Grandpa Hill singing the songs that are almost guaranteed to put you to sleep. Do NOT listen to these if you are the driver of a car.
We begin Season 2 with an episode about New Years' Eve in Ecuador. In 2002 Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill, Grandma Juanita Ray Hill, and five children (Abby, Hannah, Emily, Amanda, and Seth) were working in orphanages in Cuenca. In keeping with Ecuadorian customs we made an effigy out of straw and old clothes. We had a lot of excitement at New Years as we kicked and kissed and burned our effigy. We learned that whether the old year was happy or sad was unimportant. The new year was full of possibilities.
In this episode Grandma describes her love of paper dolls and a valuable lesson that she learned one afternoon.
In this episode Grandpa tells about how he loved to sing as a child. And then someone made an unkind comment about his singing and so he stopped singing. Then how he started to sing a lot when Sarah was born. He then sings some fun songs.
In this episode Great-Grandpa Ray remembers his childhood growing up in Arizona without air conditioning, without fans, without even electricity. It was hotter than blazes. This is a transcript of what he recorded when Grandpa took him to San Francisco on a business trip and they became friends.
In this episode Grandpa prays to have a better relationship with Great-Grandpa Ray. Grandpa follows an impression to take Great-Grandpa Ray on a business trip to San Francisco. Great-Grandpa Ray records his life history. They become close friends.
In this episode Grandpa meets his future father-in-law, Irving J. Ray, for the first time. Their relationship gets off to a rocky start when Grandpa is asked to disc a field and has an interesting experience on a tractor!
In this episode Grandpa and Grandma celebrate their 16th wedding anniversary on a cruise in Maine. They ride E-bikes through the carriage roads of beautiful Acadia National Park and love the red and yellow and orange leaves. Unexpectedly they have an exciting adventure which requires Big Foot to intervene.
In this slightly tall tale, Grandpa tells about going with Aunt Sarah, Nathan, and Booker to a Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine. There they have some scary adventures with Pi'e Grande and Big Foot. Enjoy!
This morning I am without a new episode for Grandpa and Grandma Bedtime Stories. And so I am reposting our most popular episode so far: "How a Squirt Gun Brought Juanita and Grandpa Together." It has 95 downloads so far. Next week we will have a new Bigfoot story podcast entitled: "What in the Heck is a Cryptozoology Museum?" Stay tuned and sweet dreams.
In this episode Grandpa tells the story of his great-great grandpa, George Washington Hill, and how he found his wife in the woods, found the gospel, and moved West with the pioneers.
In this episode, Grandma shares how she made a poor choice and stole some lip gloss. Fortunately, she shares how she learned a lesson and became a better person because of it.
This is the final episode in Grandpa Hill's triple jump saga. Listen to find out what happened at the 1971 4A High School track meet at the University of Washington. And a particular shoe that didn't cooperate very well!
In this episode Grandpa Hill works hard to complete a goal in the triple jump, but learns that it might be better to compete with yourself than with others.
In this episode Grandpa Hill learns the importance of becoming a person of integrity as he strives to reach his goals in the triple jump.
In this episode Grandpa has success with the triple jump, but unfortunately his pride comes before the fall.
Grandpa has absolutely loved his job at BYU. He always told people he would work there until he was 85. This is the surprising story of how he decided to retire at age 70.
In this episode Grandpa competes against some good athletes in the triple jump, and actually starts to have success.
In this episode Grandpa Hill tell how he became acquainted with the triple jump, and learned to do it without falling over!
In this episode Grandpa Hill tells an imaginative story of how he met Bigfoot for the first time and how they became friends. Many of the details actually happened, but some of the story is imaginative :)
Grandpa tells about his very first job to earn money outside of the home. He was a paperboy for the San Francisco "News-Call Bulletin." He shares some of his exploits on this job.
In this episode Grandpa tells about how his Dad, Great-Grandpa Edward Eyring Hill, taught him some valuable lessons. Perhaps the most important lesson was that if you want something you should work for it. You should not expect people to just give you everything you want.
In this episode Grandpa shares how he met Juanita Ray, who later became his wife and the mother of nine Hill children. Interestingly enough a squirt gun played a major role in this event.
In this story Grandpa and Grandma Hill decide to keep their promise to stay out of debt, but are still able to get the car of their dreams - a shiny red Lexus!
In this episode Grandpa shares a story that he wrote for a magazine about the importance of spending quality time with people you love, especially your children.
In this episode Grandpa tells of the miracle by which Grandma became aware of him. Interesting enough, the venue for this meeting was a bubble bath with a handful of chocolate chips reading a church magazine! Strange but true! And yes, it was a miracle!
In this episode Grandpa tells about when he got engaged to Juanita Ray in 1976 and how this led to a tradition of Romantic Elevators!
This story tells how Juanita Ray's father, Great-Grandpa Irving J. Ray, gave Grandpa a wad of crinkled $20 bills to help by a computer. It taught Grandpa a lesson in generosity and love.
In this episode Grandpa learns the hard way the importance of obeying his mom, and of not eating catfood.
In this episode Grandpa shares about his ancestors, his parents, his first days, and his first memory.
During this episode Grandma, as a 10-year old girl, learns an important lesson about honesty when she is caught not telling the truth to her mom.
Grandpa and Grandma love you! In this episode we introduce you to our podcast which will feature bedtime stories. Then Grandpa tells a story about when he learned to be nice to everyone and to control himself. We hope you like it.
Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill continues his incredible adventures playing on the Tacoma Seventh Ward church basketball team. This was in the epoch when The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had an ALL-CHURCH basketball tournament. Grandpa Hill will share the value of friendship, and how important it is to be a GOOD friend. A good friend will be with you when you are happy, when you are sad, and even when you are mad. A good friend will have your back in hard times.
Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill relates his incredible adventures playing on the Tacoma Seventh Ward church basketball team as they played in the stake, regional, and divisional tournaments of the ALL-CHURCH basketball tournament sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Grandpa Hill will share the value of friendship, and how important it is to be a GOOD friend. A good friend will be with you when you are happy, when you are sad, and even when you are mad. A good friend will have your back in hard times.
In this episode, Uncle Aaron Thomas Hill tells an entertaining story about two backpacking trips into the beautiful Wind Rivers mountain range in Wyoming. In the first story there are adventures with a group of young men from Church. In the second story we meet Grandma Tamara Snell Mulford Hill before she married Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill. What brings the stories together is a can chili. Uncle Aaron is a master story teller.
In this episode, Aunt Abigail LaDean Hill Boone shares delightful memories of when the Jeff and Juanita Hill family lived in Logan, Utah in the 1990s. Among these stories is the tale of a hilarious pigsty dinner when Grandma Juanita Ray Hill revealed her sometimes hidden sense of humor!
In this podcast Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill shares important lessons that he learned on Valentines Day when he was in third grade in Santa Cruz, California. It has something to do with "No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed!"
Grandpa tells about his very first job to earn money outside of the home. He was a paperboy for the San Francisco "News-Call Bulletin." The route skirted West Cliff Drive overlooking the beach in Santa Cruz, California. Though he didn't know why he enjoyed it, he liked to pause on the route to look at the girls on the beach. On this job he learned that if he stopped for a root beer float every day on the way home, his earnings decreased dramatically. He shares some of his exploits on this job.
In this episode Bishop Edward Jeffrey Hill has an unusual encounter with a garage door of one of his ward members. He learns what "When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade" means.
For tonight’s bedtime story we will be listening to Aunt Hannah Ray Hill Kuhn’s memories of how her Mom, Grandma Juanita Ray Hill, and Dad, Edward Jeffrey Hill, helped their children learn the joy of service. In other words, "Service Rocks!"
Being of service is an important purpose of life. As the Book of Mormon states in Mosiah 2:17, “If you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in the service of your God!” When we serve others, it makes THEM happy, AND it makes US happy. When we are of service, we are following the example of Jesus Christ and that’s what life is all about.
Usually our Grandma and Grandpa Bedtime Stories are told to you by Grandma Tamara Snell Mulford Hill or by me, Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill. Tonight, our bedtime story is a little different. It is told to you by Aunt Amanda Ray Hill Merrill. And it isn’t just a random story. It is a story ABOUT our grandchildren told TO our grandchildren. Tonight, Aunt Amanda Ray Hill Merrill will tell a little bit about several of the grandchildren. Listen carefully. It is VERY interesting. You might not be able to fall asleep right away!
In honor of St. Patrick's Day the bedtime story tells of when Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill and Grandma Tamara Snell Mulford Hill visited Ireland. Their attempt to kiss the Blarney Stone in order to receive the gift of eloquence is interrupted by the Rotund Bald Man with the Ugly Mustache. After several adventures with the Pirate Pilot things look bleak. Will Bigfoot be able to save them? You'll have to listen to find out.
We honor St. Patrick's Day with a special two-part bedtime story set in Ireland. In this story Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill and Grandma Tamara Snell Mulford Hill take a cruise to the British Isles. This episode gives background to an exciting Bigfoot story about kissing the Blarney Stone and receiving the gift of eloquence (aka, the gift of gab).
In tonight's story Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill relates how he created a truly epic valentine to say "Good-Bye" romantically to his friend Juanita Ray. A miraculous turn of events begins. This is Part 1 of a two part story.
In tonight's bedtime story Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill finishes his story about what happened when he gave Juanita Ray a truly epic valentine. He intended the Valentine to say "Good-bye" to romance with Juanita, but something else happened. This miracle changed his life and Juanita's life forever. The is Part 2 of a two-part story.
In this episode Grandma Tamara Snell Mulford Hill recounts how she met and fell in love with Mark Mulford. He was known as a flirt and winked at her in ward council. She told him she wouldn't kiss him until the 10th date, but she begged from him to kiss her on the second. This is a fun bedtime story!
In this episode Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill recounts a miracle which occurred when he was visiting Sarah Ray Hill Allred in Philadelphia. This miracle helped Grandpa and Grandma get together, and eventually get married.
In this bedtime story Grandma Tamara Snell Mulford Hill tells her side of the story about how Grandma and Grandpa Hill met. It may be just a little different than how Grandpa remembers it!
This concludes the bedtime story where Grandma Tamara Snell Mulford Hill tells her side of the story about how Grandma and Grandpa Hill met. It may be just a little different than how Grandpa remembers it!
During the previous two episodes, you heard Grandma Tamara Snell Mulford Hill tell about how she met Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill. Tonight Grandpa Hill will tell his side of the story. See if you notice any differences.
In this slightly embellished story, Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill recounts sharing the great American eclipse with the Amanda and Nathaniel Merrill family at the Columbus, Ohio Zoo on April 8, 2024. Share the excitement as the animals don't quite know what to do when the sun disappears in the early afternoon. This story includes a kidnapping by an errant kangaroo and unacceptable behaviors by gorillas. There is danger and excitement, and it could be that Bigfoot will save the day! Listen!
Magic! Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill reads and comments about his journal entries from a MAGICAL day with Juanita Ray (March 22, 1976). This is a day full of surprises, fun, excitement and romance. And this story is NOT embellished. It's take from journal entries that were written the very same day that this all happened. Enjoy!
This is the conclusion of the story about March 22, 1975. Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill reads and comments about his journal entries from this MAGICAL day with Juanita Ray. This is a day full of surprises, fun, excitement and romance. And this story is NOT embellished. It's take from journal entries that were written the very same day that this all happened. Enjoy!
In this episode Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill wants desperately to set a record in the Guinness Book of World Records. He sees a possibility to play the most number of holes of golf in 24 hours. Listen in to see if he sets the record!
In this episode Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill wants desperately to set a record in the Guinness Book of World Records. He sees a possibility to play the most number of holes of golf in 24 hours. Listen in to see if he sets the record!
In this episode Grandma Tamara Snell Mulford Hill recounts an incident that contributed to her romantic feelings toward Mark Mulford. Grandma was in charge of a big ward activity and afterwards found herself doing mounds of dishes. Enter Mark! See what he did to help out and to win Tammy's heart!
We meet Ug, an imaginary grandchild who is in great need of learning the important lessons of life. In this episode Ug, who is prone to get very upset when he doesn't get what he wants, learns an important lesson: You get what you get, and you DON'T throw a fit! Enjoy
in this episode Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill learns that when you are in too much of a hurry, bad things can happen! Please plan on being five minutes early and you will rarely be late!
in this episode Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill learns that when you are in too much of a hurry, bad things can happen! Fortunately he survived! Please plan on being five minutes early and you will rarely be late!
In honor of another grandkids hike into the chalet I am re-posting one of our favorite podcasts. In this episode Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill tells an imaginative story of how he met Bigfoot for the first time in the Enchanted Valley on the Olympic Peninsula in Olympic National Park in Washington State. By listening to this story you will learn how Bigfoot and Grandpa became best friends, and why Grandpa loves to hike to the chalet!
Summertime is a great time to make new friends. In this episode Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill prays to have a better relationship with Great-Grandpa Irving J Ray. Grandpa follows an impression to take Great-Grandpa Ray on a business trip to San Francisco. Great-Grandpa Ray records his life history. They become close friends. Grandpa learns it's OK to be friends with people who are different from you. In fact, that difference is good.
In honor of summer heat we are reposting this episode in which Great-Grandpa Irving J Ray remembers his childhood growing up in Arizona without air conditioning, without fans, without even electricity. It was hotter than blazes! This is a transcript of what he recorded when Grandpa Hill took Great-Grandpa Ray to San Francisco on a business trip and they became friends.
In this episode, Aunt Abigail LaDean Hill Boone shares delightful memories of when the Jeff and Juanita Hill family lived in Logan, Utah in the 1990s. Among these stories is the tale of a hilarious pigsty dinner when Grandma Juanita Ray Hill revealed her sometimes hidden sense of humor!
In this episode, Uncle Aaron Thomas Hill tells an entertaining story about two backpacking trips into the beautiful Wind Rivers mountain range in Wyoming. In the first story there are adventures with a group of young men from Church. In the second story we meet Grandma Tamara Snell Mulford Hill before she married Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill. What brings the stories together is a can of beef stew. Uncle Aaron is a master story teller.
For tonight’s bedtime story we will be listening to Aunt Hannah Ray Hill Kuhn’s memories of how her Mom, Grandma Juanita Ray Hill, and Dad, Edward Jeffrey Hill, helped their children learn the joy of service. In other words, "Service Rocks!"
Being of service is an important purpose of life. As the Book of Mormon states in Mosiah 2:17, “If you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in the service of your God!” When we serve others, it makes THEM happy, AND it makes US happy. When we are of service, we are following the example of Jesus Christ and that’s what life is all about.
Tonight, Aunt Amanda Ray Hill Merrill will tell a little bit about several of the grandchildren. Listen carefully. It is VERY interesting. You might not be able to fall asleep right away!
In this episode Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill tells an imaginative story of how he met Bigfoot for the first time in the Enchanted Valley of Olympic National Park in 1971 and how they became fast friends. Many of the details of this story actually happened, but some of the story is fictional :)
In tonight's Bigfoot Story we honor Booker (whose birthday was last week)! In this slightly tall tale, Grandpa tells about going with Aunt Sarah, Cousin Nathan, and Cousin Booker to a Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine while they were on a Fall cruise in New England. There they have some scary adventures with Jello, Pi'e Grande and Big Foot. Enjoy!
In this episode Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill meets up with Grandma Juanita Ray Hill in Switzerland. They go sightseeing in the Alps and interact with a Rotund Man with and Ugly Mustache. Grandpa learns how important it is to "Be Aware and Beware."
In this episode Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill has adventures in the Swiss Alps with Grandma Juanita Ray Hill. They encounter the Rotund Man with the Ugly Mustache who vows revenge. They learn to "Be aware and beware!" Will Bigfoot save the day?
In this episode Grandma Edward Jeffrey Hill and Grandma Tamara Snell Mulford Hill take an exciting cruise to the British Isles. This episode gives background to the exciting Bigfoot story about kissing the Blarney Stone and receiving the gift of eloquence (aka, the gift of gab).
In this episode Grandma Edward Jeffrey Hill and Grandma Tamara Snell Mulford Hill take an exciting cruise to the British Isles. Their attempt to kiss the Blarney Stone in order to receive the gift of eloquence is interrupted by the Rotund Bald Man with the Ugly Mustache. After several adventures with the Pirate Pilot things look bleak. Will Bigfoot be able to save them? You'll have to listen to find out.
In this episode Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill tells a silly story about a cousin's party to remember. This cousin's party was held in San Antonio, Tennessee and included 7 cousins: Mary, Naomi, Booker, Jared, Tyler, William and Little Foot. See if you can catch all of the silly things in this story.
How can you tell if you are in love? In this episode, Grandma Tamara Snell Mulford Hill shares how she knew she was in love with Grandpa Gary Mark Mulford. This story takes place in 1983 at Utah State University. It is an exciting tale of romance and true love!
Did you know that Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill and Grandma Tamara Snell Mulford Hill do not agree on lots of things? This does NOT usually cause a problem, but in the case of whether or not to sell their home and move when they retired, they had to agree. If they decided to move, they also had to agree on whether to buy a house or build a house, and where to live. This was a recipe for some spirited disagreement. Listen to see just what happened.
In Part 2 of this story, Grandma Tamara Snell Mulford Hill and Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill have some serious disagreements about where they should live after retirement. Grandma becomes frustrated with Grandpa and makes some snarky remarks to him. Grandpa gets thinking and praying. Listen to see what happens.
In this concluding episode of a three-part story, Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill and Grandma Tamara Snell Hill miraculously find a fairy-tale white cottage in the woods and come to joyful harmony on where they should live in retirement. God helped them resolve this difficult disagreement. Listen to see how this happened!
In this episode, Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill recalls when he was 9 years old and was an avid San Francisco Giants baseball fan. It recounts the season and the Giants' remarkable comeback to win the 1962 National League Pennant. He tells how when you excitedly look forward to things, it helps you be happy and sometimes it can help make you very creative.
In this episode Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill relates his experience with the 1962 World Series in which his San Francisco Giants faced off against the New York Yankees. He shares how he managed to watch Game 7, even though he was supposed to be in school, without compromising his integrity. When you excitedly look forward to things, it helps you be happy and sometimes it can help make you very creative.
In this episode, Grandpa Hill shares about his first friends who were girls. In this bedtime story he learns to be careful about who he kisses at Church during Sacrament meeting!
In this episode Grandpa Hill talks about his first friends who were girls. One of them was the daughter of an NFL Hall of Famer, Leo Nomellini.
In this episode Grandma learns an important lesson about honesty when her plan to "borrow" her sister's necklace goes awry.
In this imaginative story, Grandpa, Malone, and Quincy embark on an African safari. They learn about how we should follow reasonable rules to stay safe. Malone gets into quite a fix when he doesn't follow the rules.
In this imaginative story, Grandpa, Malone, and Quincy embark on an African safari. They learn about how we should follow reasonable rules to stay safe. Malone gets into quite a fix when he doesn't follow the rules. Will Big Foot save the day?
Merry Christmas! In this episode Grandpa shares how Aunt Abigail LaDean Hill developed her gift of music. He relates the part a mysterious Christmas violin played in that process. Remember, we claim joy when we use the talents our Heavenly Parents have given us to bless ourselves, our families, and others.
When we follow the promptings of our inner voice we feel warmth, peace, comfort, and clarity of mind. When we don't we feel conflict, discomfort, and even a stupor of thought.
In this episode Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill relates an incident when he didn't follow a prompting and was very remorseful. He also relates an incident when he did follow a prompting, and how good he felt afterwards.
I hope you will always follow the promptings of the Spirit.
We begin Season 4 with an episode from our podcast vault about New Years' Eve in Ecuador. In 2002 Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill, Grandma Juanita Ray Hill, and five children (Abby, Hannah, Emily, Amanda, and Seth) were working in orphanages in Cuenca. In keeping with Ecuadorian customs we made an effigy out of straw and old clothes. We had a lot of excitement on New Years as we kicked and kissed and burned our effigy. We learned that whether the old year was happy or sad was unimportant. The new year is full of possibilities!! Happy New Year! May 2025 be your best year ever!
In this episode Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill recounts Christmas 1970 when he received his favorite Christmas gift of his boyhood. What was that present and what happened after he received it? You will have to listen to this episode to find out!
In this episode Grandma Tamara Snell Mulford Hill tells about when she first learned about Bigfoot (or "Sasquatch" as he is also called). She was a true believer and went to great lengths to find Bigfoot in the woods with her brother Matt. Did she find Bigfoot? You will have to listen to find out!
It's basketball season and Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill relates his incredible adventures playing on the Tacoma Seventh Ward church basketball team. This was in the epoch when The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had an ALL-CHURCH basketball tournament. Grandpa Hill will share the value of friendship, and how important it is to be a GOOD friend. A good friend will be with you when you are happy, when you are sad, and even when you are mad. A good friend will have your back in hard times.
Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill continues his incredible adventures playing on the Tacoma Seventh Ward church basketball team. This was in the epoch when The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had an ALL-CHURCH basketball tournament. Grandpa Hill will share the value of friendship, and how important it is to be a GOOD friend. A good friend will be with you when you are happy, when you are sad, and even when you are mad. A good friend will have your back in hard times.
Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill concludes his incredible adventures playing on the Tacoma Seventh Ward church basketball team as they played in the stake, regional, and divisional tournaments of the ALL-CHURCH basketball tournament sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Grandpa Hill will share the value of friendship, and how important it is to be a GOOD friend. A good friend will be with you when you are happy, when you are sad, and even when you are mad. A good friend will have your back in hard times. And he will relate if his team actually made it to the ALL-CHURCH basketball tournament.
In this episode Grandma Tamara Snell Mulford Hill remembers a Valentines Day when she was eight years old and almost got married. How could that be? You'll have to listen to find out!
In tonight's story Grandpa Edward Jeffrey Hill relates how he created a truly epic valentine to say "Good-Bye" romantically to his friend Juanita Ray. A miraculous turn of events begins. This is Part 1 of a two part story.