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A History Podcast for Kids! Parents love us, Teachers love us, and most importantly, kids do too! History can be amazing, inspiring and relevant to anyone. We love to share the stories of Spies, funny foods, George Washington's foibles, early advancements in cartooning and ballooning and much more! A professional music score and important songs accompany nearly every themed episode. Proud Kids Listen Member @pastandcurious
Author: Mick Sullivan
Episode 87: Potatoes and Rocks It’s our annual end-of-year episode dedicated to toys and we have some fun with Mr. Potato Head and Pet Rocks. From the first toy on a commercial to the earthiest fad, you might soon find yourself out digging in the dirt in search of one natural new friend or another!
Walt Whitman was inspired after hearing Ralph Waldo Emerson speak, and self-published a book of poems he would continue updating for his entire life. When not writing poetry, he worked as a nurse during the Civil War, and published some unusual exercise advice. Dr. Mary Edwards Walker is the ONLY woman in American history to be awarded the Medal of Honor. Her efforts during the Civil War were unmatched, but recognition has been hard to come by for her story.
Cuddly as a cactus and charming as an eel, he’s your new favorite snarky talk show host. Join The Grinch (and his faithful dog Max) each week as he rants against Christmas cheer and roasts celebrity guests like chestnuts on an open fire. Starring Saturday Night Live’s James Austin Johnson as the notorious curmudgeon and broadcasting straight from Who-Ville, will The Grinch send these famous folks back down Mt. Crumpit, or will they soften his stance against Christmas and grow his heart three sizes? Grab your hot cocoa and cozy slippers and listen along to find out! Listen to ‘Tis The Grinch Holiday Talk Show: https://wondery.com/shows/the-grinch/
Stephen Bishop was an enslaved man who became one of the most famous tour guides in the world. His unusual grave stands near Mammoth Cave National Park. Josie Laures joined a team to spend months in isolation in a cave, in the name of science!
Episode 84 is more tales of walking. Meet competitive and record setting pedestrians like Robert Barclay Allardice, Ada Anderson, Edward Payson Weston, and Haitian-American walking super-star Frank Hart. Also hear about two pedestrians who built entire homes with things found on their walks. Simeon Ellerton in England, and Ferdinand Cheval in France.
Episode 83 features the stories of two unusual men who walked a lot. One was a mysterious man in Northeastern America who spoke to nearly no one for years, despite walking a monthlong circular path. He was known as The Old Leatherman. Also, hear the story of Oxekula a man who boarded a boat from Russia, bound for America despite not knowing a soul, nor a lick of English. His mysterious journey through coastal Virginia caught everyone off guard since no one could understand his unusual language. Thanks to Hello Fresh for their support. Go to HelloFresh.com/50pastandcurious and use code 50pastandcurious for 50% off plus 15% off the next 2 months
Episode 82 features the story of the Transcontinental Railroad, including the famous Golden Spike. Also in this episode is the story of Joseph Kekuku, a boy from Hawaii who changed music after being inspired by a random occurrence, possibly involving another railroad spike. If you'd like to learn more about Kekuku and the role of Hawaii in music through the steel guitar, I recommend the book Kika Kila, by John Troutman. It was very important to creating this episode.
Episode 81: The Washington Monument is just one of many Obelisks in the world. Somehow several originals from Egypt have wound up all over the globe. And they inspired a stinky imitation in Australia, known as Thornton's Scent Bottle. The Washington Monument is the tallest, but it took DECADES for it to be completed - for a bunch of reasons. Don't forget to help out with our Survey - Here's the link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/thepast. We really appreciate it! Thank you to our sponsor Kids’ Chemical Solutions and their chemistry comic book series filled with colorful characters and exciting storylines. Order now at www.kidschemicalsolutions.com Thanks HelloFresh! Go to hellofresh.com/pastandcurious50 and use code pastandcurious50 for 50% off plus free shipping!
Episode 80: Fabian Garcia, changed agriculture (and people's taste) with his ground breaking New Mexico No. 9 Chile, which is the genetic ancestor of nearly every chile grown in southwest America today. His dedication and intelligence with plants changed lives, livelihoods, and culture. Elliot Michener, on the other hand, was a career criminal whose life was changed for the better when he was put in charge of a garden on Alcatraz Island. Thank you to our sponsor Kids’ Chemical Solutions and their chemistry comic book series filled with colorful characters and exciting storylines. Order now at www.kidschemicalsolutions.com
Maria Mitchell was the first American to discover a new comet, which brought her great fame, but her career in the 1800s as a professor at Vassar College left her greatest legacy. In the next century, Ann Hodges was not looking to get involved in objects from space, but one of them crashed into her house anyway. The Past and The Curious is an Airwave Media Podcast
Melly Victor of Stoopkid Stories joins us for the story of Ella Fitzgerald's first performance at the famous Apollo Theatre. Also, we talk about the history of tuning, how the Treaty of Versailles that ended World War I also tried to standardize musical tuning, and how singers hurt their voices to keep up with instrumentalists raising the relative pitch.
The Virginia became a major attraction when it got stuck in a cornfield, which is a place a boat does not belong. Also, The Meachums escaped slavery, and educated hundreds of children in a school known as the Floating Freedom School. Their school in a steamboat was untouched by an unjust Missouri law while in the middle of the river.
The Wright Brothers became the first to fly a controlled powered aircraft with a pilot onboard, but just a few days before, Smithsonian Secretary James Langley almost beat them. His failure didn't stop the Smithsonian from claiming the first flight. But Orville and Wilber weren't the only two who fought for their place in history. Their sister Katharine did too.
Here's two more underwear stories that aren't in the the book I See Lincoln's Underpants (which is now available!) First Benedict Arnold betrays the American Army but gets caught thanks to something hiding in someone's underwear. Also When NASA planned to get someone to the moon, they needed a special Space Suit, and the only designers and makers up to the challenge had only made underwear for Playtex before the marvelous work of technology.
The last installment of The Underwear Chronicles - to celebrate the release of I See Lincoln's Underpants now available from booksellers! Al Capone grew up somewhere in the middle of a big family. Hand me downs were a way of life, so it makes sense that as an adult he was eager to have not just his own underpants, but his own fancy underpants. After arriving in Chicago from his native Brooklyn, he worked his way up to being the most powerful mob boss in town. He was famous all over the country, but he never really worried about going to jail. In the end he brought down by some salesmen, including the man who sold him underwear.
In the 2000s an anonymous American man found an egg worth millions. It was a Faberge Imperial Egg and it's story is fascinating. This episode traces the origin of the Faberge Eggs, and also the story of how it wound up in a kitchen in America’s Midwest. Also, as the Gold Rush boomed in the 1800s there were not enough actually, edible eggs to feed all the new faces in California. As a result, an Egg War developed over unusual eggs laid by murres on an island chain off the the coast of San Francisco
Episode 73: Ralph Baer fled Nazi Germany and settled in America where he eventually created the first home video game console, known as the Magnavox Odyssey. Not long after Ralph's creation, Jerry Lawson, a Black computer engineer, built on that idea and lead the team that created the first video game cartridge. Both men have very interesting lives, and are a huge part of gaming history. Things they did changed your life!
The penultimate episode of The Underwear Chronicles (soon to be the book I See Lincoln's Underpants) revisits inventor and leader Garrett Morgan. We've covered Garrett Before, but not like this! The Paris, Kentucky-born man would change the world in profound ways! He was absolutely amazing. Be sure to check thepastandthecurious.com for details about the I See Lincoln's Underwear book.
Episode 72: Edgar Allan Poe is about as famous as an author can be, but that might be owed largely to Rufus Wilmot Griswold. Rufus didn't really like Poe and wrote a scathing obituary and biography on the man, creating the dark figure many of us think Poe to be. In addition the story of Poe and Rufus, Mick does a dramatic reading of "The Raven" a poem which made Edgar Allan Poe a literary superstar.
Episode twelve of the Fourteen episode series features Buzz Aldrin. Buzz had a great nickname and pair of underwear to match it, but things didn't work out the way they were supposed to when he became the second man to walk on the moon - and the first to pee there. Please consider filling out the Kids Listen Survey to help creators who focus on the kids and family categories. Find it at KidsListen.org
Harry Houdini almost quit and sold his tricks and secrets in 1899. It was good that he didn’t because in the 1900s he became a household name as the greatest escape artist in the world. It was a chance encounter that changed it all. Likewise, Anna Mary Moses was 78 years old when her life changed and set her on a path to becoming one of the most famous painters in America. During her 80s and 90s she created art that wound up in hundreds of thousands of homes!
A scientist who lost his arm in the American Civil War wants to conquer The Grand Canyon. He needs a life-saving assist from his friends underwear. From the Upcoming Book "I See Lincoln's Underpants" due in the winter of 2022-23.
Slipping on banana peels was really a thing! Even Theodore Roosevelt got involved! Also, Black explorer Matthew Henson was quite possibly the first man to step on the North Pole. He also crossed paths with Mr. Roosevelt.
From Mick's upcoming book (end of 2022) "I See Lincoln's Underpants," this chapter focuses on Queen Victoria's life, preferred underwear, and also a pesky boy who takes to breaking and entering in Buckingham Palace.
A special mashup with our friends from Cool Facts About Animals. Mick tells the tale of the Great Serum Run of 1925 in two parts. When a Diphtheria epidemic threatens the small and far-off town of Nome Alaska, the only hope to get medicine to the sick is dogs. Many help, but two Siberian Huskies named Togo and Balto are most remembered by history. In between part one and part two of the story, the crew from Cool Facts About Animals shares ten interesting facts about sled dogs.
Who knew an ancient man frozen in his underwear could trigger international conflict? Otzi's accidental discovery was quite a find for science, and many are grateful that a glacier gobbled him up thousands of years ago!
Two kids, at two time and two places, find two remarkable things. One starts the first Gold Rush in America and the other leads to a Cold War spy ring! The stories of Conrad Reed and Jimmy Bozart - and more!
Despite being the namesake of an article of clothing that we commonly think of as underwear, Amelia Bloomer did not invent bloomers. To further the cause of Women’s Rights and to fight for the right to vote (in addition to prohibition), Amelia Bloomer ran a newspaper called The Lily. When one of her friends showed up for a visit in a new outfit one day, history was made. Tired of the restrictive and oppressive clothing women were expected to wear in the 1800s, Amelia fell head over heels for the “tunic and pantalette combo,” as it was known. When she published the instructions to make them in The Lily, her subscriptions went through the roof. Soon, the knee-length skirt and leg coverings underneath allowed for a new range of motion and freedom for women all over. One of the most remarkable things this allowed women to do was ride bicycles, which Susan B Anthony herself said, did “more to emancipate women than any one thing in the world.” Bloomers didn’t lead directly to the 19th Amendment, but the underwear played a strong supporting role.
Annette Kellerman was a swimmer from Australia who rose to stardom for her speed and grace, but also changed the world of swimsuits. She once performed in front of England's Royal family, thanks to some clever underwear re-engineering.
Violet Jessop survived not one, not two, but three shipwrecks involving White Star Line's incredible Olympic-class ships, including the Titanic. The Effie Afton was not so lucky. This steamboat was part of the struggle between railroads and riverboats, and she crashed into the only bridge on the Mississippi River, two weeks after it opened.
Charles Lee was George Washington's "Frenemy," and his duplicitous behavior got him caught with his pants down.
Tetsuya "Ted" Fujita played an important role in understanding the impact of the atomic bombs of WWII. He brought that knowledge to America and applied it to understanding, and protecting people from, tornados. Also, Charles Hatfield was a "Rainmaker" whose stinky mix of chemicals may or may not have brought more rain to San Diego than ever before. Things did not go as planned.
Abraham Lincoln wore some pretty plain underwear. We know because they made a few "surprise appearances." NEWSFLASH: The Underwear Chronicles are gonna be a book nd our Kickstarter is open through March of 2022. Jump on it, if you like the Underwear Chronicles!
The year 1913 saw the births of two incredible Black Americans. One was Samuel Wilbert Tucker, a Civil Rights pioneer and all-around incredible person. The other was James Cleveland Owens, who came to be known as Jesse. A few years before Samuel arranged for one of the first Civil Rights sit-ins in history, Jesse broke five atheletic World Records, just days after badly injuring his back in a fall down the stairs.
Satchel Paige went from burlap hand-me-downs to silk patterned boxers. Along the way we came one of the most dynamic baseball players in history.
Eugene Schieffelin filled American skies with Starlings, who replaced the Passenger Pigeons that once (literally) darkened the skies. John James Audubon's obsession helped him create a very expensive book. This episode is about birds, and a whole lot more. Featuring Greg and Abigail Maupin, Mick Sullivan and that's about it.
Buster Keaton could take a fall like no one else, and that skill carried him from the Vaudeville stages to the movie screen. He made people laugh, dazzled them with stunts, and fought a fire in his undies.
Chance has given us some great toys. Explore the accident that led to Silly Putty, the chance repurposing that led to Silly Putty, a few men who stumbled upon them, and two women who figured out what the substances should really be used for. This episode sponsored by RUBBER!
The famed Queen of France had several run-ins with underwear. She also had run-ins with smallpox, ladies-in-waiting, an awkward young prince, catty couriers, and ultimately, the guillotine. If nothing else, this episode will help you appreciate your privacy.
Train stations are busy places and two notable men had very remarkable (and dramatic)encounters in stations during the 1860s. Thomas Edison met a mentor, and Robert Lincoln met a Shakespearean actor named Booth. Also features a You Have 30 Seconds segment on the Beale Papers and more!
Jean-Pierre Blanchard (1753-1809) and John Jeffries (1744-1819) Aeronauts, International Record Setters, Nearly Naked Travelers In the first release from our monthly true tale of underwear history, we meet two early aeronauts who became the first to fly internationally. And the first to fly internationally in their underwear.
Marina Raskova set world flying records, survived an epic plane crash, and was a trailblazer for generations of female pilots in Russia. With her help, The Night Witches became the most feared fliers of World War 2. Adelaide Herrmann was The Queen of Magic. Both with her husband Alexander and on her own, she amazed audiences with a special kind of magic. Featuring the voices of Greg and Abigail Maupin. All music, writing, production by Mick Sullivan,
Professor TSC Lowe (who was not a professor at all) had visions for a transatlantic balloon flight. He never succeeded in that but he did wind up as the Chief Aeronaut of the Balloon Corps during the American Civil War. His vision laid the ground work for Ferdinand Von Zeppelin’s later accomplishments. John Cleves Symmes Jr. popularized a theory known as the Hollow Earth Theory. He believed that the earth was hollow and contained other habitable worlds. Was he right? He was worse than right. He was wrong. All music, as usual, by Mick Sullivan. The writing and voices too.
The 1939 World's Fair brought a special visitor from England: an original copy of Magna Carta, but with World War II in full swing, America couldn't send it back. So the had to babysit the priceless document, which got more complicated than they expected. ALSO Marie Curie's books will not be safe to touch for another 1500 years, so librarians in Paris have to keep people safe from the documents. Learn about Marie, her discoveries, and plenty more in this episode!
Origin stories, comic mis-starts, and medal-winning moments are highlighted in this episode featuring two unlikely international star athletes. Canada's Bobbie Rosenfeld overcame, among other things, small pox and very large pants to run her way into history - not just as an athlete, but a wonderful teammate. Muhammad Ali drank garlic water and chased the bus in his own pursuit of greatness. Spoiler alert: it worked.
Henry Knox is a name not many people know, but he was a pretty amazing bookseller turned soldier during the Revolutionary War. Released in honor of July 4th - but you can listen anywhere and anytime - still a good story about in interesting moment!
This episode tells the stories of Sibyl Ludington and Charley Willis. Sybil's well-known story is amazing, yet it lacks a lot of primary sources, and we use that as a way to introduce thinking about the past with a critical eye. No matter what Sibyl's story has inspired millions. Charley Willis was a cowboy, once enslaved in Texas, and who was impacted by the events of June 19th, or Juneteenth. After a lifetime on the trail, he left the world with one of the most well-known cowboy songs of all.
Django Reinhardt was a Romani musician who, despite losing the use of two of his fingers was one of the most important musicians of his time. His contemporary and fellow Parisian was a man named Eugene Bullard. This American-born man would lead an unbelievable life as a boxer, musician, early black fighter pilot, and more.
Edwin Hubble changed our view of the Solar System, but he was also a collegiate National Champion basketball player and high school coach. He also dealt with the struggles of freezing his face to a telescope. Anything for Science! George Ellery Hale had the idea for the largest telescope in history, and the American Public made it a reality during the Great Depression. It was actually made from something you might use in the kitchen.
Levi Strauss left his native Germany to escape discrimination, and then left New York for the opportunities of the American West. He lost some gold, but changed the world with his pants partnership. Ferminia Sarras was a miner from Nicaragua who didn't wear jeans, but rather a black taffeta dress (in the desert sun). Her successes were many, and they even named a town after her.
No one could have predicted that Sophie Blanchard would become France's leading aeronaut, but she flew higher than any woman before her. Willa Brown was the first Black woman to earn a pilot's license in America, but her accomplishments didn't end there. In many ways, she deserves credit for the famed Tuskegee Airmen. Also features Red Moon Road's song Sophie Blanchard 1778 (Official Aeronaut of the Empire and Restoration)
The Oyster Pirates of the Chesapeake Bay contend with the Toe Nail Governor and his mission to protect the oysters from extinction. A few years later, a new Food Fight erupts in middle America. This one is about Limburger Cheese and the Postal System. It ends with a stinky sniffing duel. Music, writing, and production by Mick Sullivan "Sweet Dreams" by Squeeze-bot
John Joseph Merlin created automata, musical instruments, clocks, and one of the first pairs of roller skates. His roller skate debut was pretty tragic (and hilarious). A.C. Gilbert was a magician turned toymaker who created some important and lasting toys, and also some incredibly dangerous ones.
Maria Tallchief was a member of the Osage nation who happened to become the first major American ballet dancer. Her story is read by Ashley Thursby, a dancer with The Louisville Ballet. The Dancing Plague of 1518 began when Frau Troffea stepped out of her home and started dancing. For months, hundred of people danced along with her - for no discernible reason. All this and more when you join host Mick Sullivan for the fun.
This episode is about places that used to be and which are now covered up by something new. Yarrow Mamout was an unusual man in early America, but the black business leader's story was literally buried by buildings near Washington DC. In the 2000s, his story came to light. Also, the Los Angeles communities of La Loma, Palo Verde, and Bishop were often grouped together under the name Chavez Ravine. The people of these communities were uprooted, and now Dodger stadium stands where they once lived.
The Transatlantic Cable connected North America and Europe, allowing for communication like never before (at least for a few weeks). It sure wasn't easy - told by Greg and Abigail Maupin. Likewise, Alexander Graham Bell's invention changed the world of communication. He also had a pretty interesting life. Sometimes things just work out. All this and more!
Leonardo da Vinci had some wins and some losses, but his impact was enormous. He kinda sorta finished a painting of a lady named Lisa that wound up in the King of France's bathroom. Centuries later a man named Vincenzo Peruggia stole it and hid it next to his underwear. This episode also features the triumphant return of Dr. Awkward
Mary Fields was known as Stagecoach Mary, and her story is one of the great tales of the West. Likewise, Owney the dog, always captures the imagination. Michael Fleming, reads the story of Owney, and Melly Victor of Stoopkids Stories joins us as Stagecoach Mary. Stories written by Mick Sullivan
Parents can be pretty amazing sometimes - these two stories feature parents who went above and beyond for their kids and their community. Ada Blackjack was an Inupiat woman who was the only survivor of an extreme Arctic expedition, and she did it all for her son. The McCoy Family of Michigan had escaped enslavement in the South, but as their daughter Anna would find out, that wasn't the end of their story. This episode features the esteemed voice talents of Greg and Abigail Maupin.
Elizabeth Cotten became a music star pretty late in her life. In fact, she was a grandmother. But when she was 11 she wrote a song that made it's way across the ocean and was learned by a band called The Quarrymen, who later became The Beatles. Enjoy the story of both, along with Mick's performance of "Freight Train" and more!
A Special Episode for April of 2020. Join us as we meet Ignaz Semmelweis, Florence Nightingale, John Snow, and also a woman named Mary Mallon, who - for better or for worse - is now remembered as "Typhoid Mary."
Join Mick Sullivan for a story about the first bear in Theodore Roosevelt's life, a bear named Jonathan Edwards, and then the second bear in his life - one which gave rise to a cuddly creature in your bedroom. Then Hugh McNeal, a man joining Lewis and Clark gets treed by an angry bear and plays a boring game of chicken. All this, and Dr. Rush's Thunderclapper Pills
Amelia Bloomer helped change the world with a pair of underpants (which she didn't even invent). Among other things, it helped women ride bikes, and this led to a new independence in the late 1800's. Many women (even Susan B. Anthony) said the bike had more to to with women's independence than nearly anything else. So Melinda Beck is going to tell you her original telling of Tillie Anderson, a true life, turn-of-the-century bicycle racer ("scorchers" in the day) who might have been the fastest woman in America! Be sure to check out our Kids Listen Friends, including Timestorm and Girl Tales, for their Women's History episodes this month!
The Harlem Globetrotters were more than a show. They were an incredible barnstorming team who helped integrate the NBA. Told by Mick Sullivan with help from Dustin Baron Robert Smalls was responsible for one of the most daring escapes during the Civil War, helped convince Lincoln that African Americans should be allowed to serve as Union soldiers, and ultimately was an important politician. Told by Jermaine Fowler of the Humanity Archive (www.thehumanityarchive.com) All this and more!
Eadweard Muybridge made history with his photos, including one of a running horse. It's more interesting than it sounds. Tycho Brahe lost his nose, but made some wild discoveries about our solar system - before he could even get a telescope. Mick performs his version of Tico Tico, which he calls "Tycho Tycho." All this and more in this funny episode of The Past and The Curious!
L. Frank Baum, an author of a classic book (which became a classic movie) was also partially responsible for our love of fancy holiday shop windows. Also, Meriwether Lewis gives his pal William Clark a re-gift he probably could've done without.
John Wesley Powell is the first American of European descent to conquer the Grand Canyon, and he did it with one arm! Also, Paris was a pretty stinky place until they upgraded the sewers. Learn about poop, nightmen, and a couple of clever civil engineers who eventually got people to dress their best as they toured the stinky sewers in boats. All this and more!
Mary Shelley didn't just create one of the most memorable characters and important books in history, she also pretty-much invented science fiction. Heather Gotlib tells her original story on the author of Frankenstein. Have you ever heard about the chess playing robot that beat Napoleon in chess? The automaton shocked the world in many ways! written and told by Mick Sullivan All this and more!
A polymath is a person of wide ranging knowledge or ability, and in this episode we're telling the stories of two unsung polymaths. Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de St. Georges, was a world class fencer, composer, conductor and musician who spent time in the royal courts of France and tutored Marie Antoinette. He was also the son of an enslaved woman. Ziryab is a mysterious man from medieval Spain, when Muslim culture dominated the area. He was a musician, scholar, and pioneer of food and fashion. Pretty much a rock star before rock stars were a thing. You'll hear Ms. Lynn from The Good Words Podcast and music from Mick Sullivan and Todd Armstrong. Episode written and produced by Mick Sullivan. Somebody give us a book deal already.
We’re sharing this special episode with our friends from Tumble, A Science Podcast for Kids. First you’ll hear Mick’s telling of the discovery and disagreement about Otzi the Iceman. Then we turn it over to Lindsay and Marshall from Tumble for a story they produced called Underground Astronauts. Enjoy!
Isabella Stewart Gardner was a very unusual lady who created an incredible museum in Boston. Unfortunately some of her paintings have gone missing. Charles Wilson Peale painted people, but he also created America's first museum - right upstairs from where they signed the Declaration of Independence. Also features Quiztime, You Have 30 Seconds, "All of Me" and more. Written and produced by Mick Sullivan. Isabella's story read by Jason Lawrence.
Mick Sullivan tells a story of the Prairie Dog who wound up on the Lewis and Clark Journey and had one of the most eventful lives imaginable. Heather Funk tells her story about the popular cartoon "Bremenskie Muzykanty" which infuriated the government of the Soviet Union, but captured the imagination of its people and introduced many of them to Rock and Roll. Also features the gang from our podcast pals "Cool Facts about Animals," and music from Da Da Da and the Dinos!
The long awaited episode to coincide with the release of our book "The Meatshower!" Mr. Eric from What If World tells he's tory of Boston's Great Molasses Disaster and Mick Sullivan tells the story of the Kentucky Meatshower of 1876. To purchase the book visit www.earlyworkspress.com/shop
It's Kids Listen Sweeps Month and we're joining the April Fool's fun (though pretty late). This episode features Heather Gotlib's original story of the real-life, classic prank called the Berner's Street Hoax, in which an unsuspecting family's home becomes the most popular destination in London. Also featured is Mick Sullivan's telling of Count Fortsas Book Hoax, which began with rare book collectors receiving notice of an incredible auction. Spoiler Alert: not what they think. Also "Deed I Do," Quiztime, and "You Have 30 Seconds!" Want more April Fool's fun? Check out our Kids Listen pals Composer Dad and What If World!
Celebrate the big 3-0 with us as we head underwater. Brian West tells the story of Garrett Morgan, an inventor and brave man who created some really important things which are still around today. Mick Sullivan tells the story of Ezra Lee and the the long lost 18th Century submarine known as the Turtle. Also features a visit from Dr. Awkward, the Palindrome professor, quiz time and more info about our new book, The Meatshower.
Patty Hill (with the help of her sister Margaret) did much more than just write Happy Birthday, but that'd be achievement enough. Story by Heather Gotlib Their Friend Enid Yandell happened to be a world-class Sculptor. and in our telling of the tales, we'll weave in the Mars Rover, Athena's birth, and the coolest Bon Voyage Party ever! Incredible song courtesy of Dan Saks, from one of our favorite podcasts, Noodleloaf!
In this episode, Mr. Eric of What If World joins us to share the story of early moving pictures, including an often told (but probably untrue) story of the first train on film. The Lumiere Brothers revolutionized our world, find out why! Also, funny man Buster Keaton did some amazing things in his life, but nothing quite like a spectacular train crash that was the most expensive scene of the Silent Film Era. We debut our new "You Have 30 Seconds" segment with the help of our young friend Lucy, and Mick sings "Bringing in The Georgia Mail." And Quiz Time!
We're digging through the inductees of the Toy Hall of Fame to find great stories that span Abraham Lincoln to Frank Lloyd Wright and beyond. Learn the stories of Milton Bradley's Game of Life (with a bit of Lincoln's beard, the Wright family of architects' creation, Lincoln Logs and so much more. Featuring the many talents of Brigid Kaelin! www.brigidkaelin.com
The people of the late 1930's saw some fun music made by some remarkable women. Lily May Ledford and her band from Pinchem Tight Holler, KY (YEOW!!) play for President Roosevelt, First Lady Eleanor and the King and Queen of England. She almost hugs the queen. Clara Rockmore almost gives up music entirely until she meets Leon Theremin and literally writes the book on a new instrument. Featuring the voices of Julia Purcell, Mick Sullivan and sounds by Todd Hildreth.
Some people just can't be honest, and some try to pass off something phony as something real. This episode is about a would-be Shakespeare named William Henry Ireland, and a gang of body snatchers who try to pilfer a president's dead body - gross! Featuring Rhea Pechter, Jonathan Messinger, and more. Written and produced by Mick Sullivan.
Join host Mick Sullivan and friend Hanna Zimmerman of Locust Grove as we share the stories of Marquis de Lafayette's steamboat shipwreck, and Rhode Island lifesaver Ida Lewis. Also features a performance of the song "Sail Away Ladies," Quiztime and more!
From the electric bathers of Coney Island to the King of England, no food has been as satisfying as a hot dog. You won't believe it as we weave a tale of dead whales, muckrakers, publicity stunts, and President Roosevelt. Who knew the hot dog was so interesting? With music by Big Momma Thorazine and featuring the voices of Mr. Eric from What If World, along with AJ Cornell.
You don't have to like baseball to like this episode! First, Kelly Moore shares the story of Jackie Mitchell, a young woman who struck out both Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig. Next, Bailey Mazik of the Louisville Slugger Museum and Factory sheds some light on the baseball playing spy, Moe Berg. Amber Estes Thieneman and Mick Sullivan perform "Summertime," plus a summery quiz-time! Episode written and produced by Mick Sullivan
The history podcast for kids and adults joins the Kids Listen Sweeps party and tells two stories about two great adventures. Melinda Beck tells the tale of Horatio Jackson and the first drive across the country (and his dog Bud), while Will Oldham/Bonnie Prince Billy shares the story of John Ledyard - who would've made it around the globe if it wasn't for that touchy queen, Catherine the Great. Also features quiz time and a performance of "Long Journey Home" by Mick Sullivan. Stories written by Mick Sullivan. Someone hire him to write stuff, please.
Join us for two tales connected by bridges. First, Emily Roebling winds up as a lead engineer in the building of the Brooklyn Bridge, the first American woman to find herself in such a position. Second, Sonny Rollins, one fo the greatest saxophonists in history isn't happy with his playing, despite the fame he receives. His days on a bridge change his life. Also quiz time, and a new segment with Dr. Awkward, the Palindrome Professor. Featuring Mick Sullivan, Meg Samples, Graeme Gardiner, and Lani Powers.
The Statue of Liberty could have wound up in Egypt, Philadelphia, or the bottom of the ocean. Once she wound up in New York she had to wait for America to raise a lot of money - which they did in many different ways. Four quick, funny, and poignant stories will fill you on on the history of the most American of Symbols. Featuring Melinda Beck and Mr. Eric (What If World - Podcast) "New Colossus" poem read by the Kids Listen Players: Andrew and Polly (Ear Snacks) Joey Mascio (ImagiNate) Rebecca Weaver (Cozy Corner) Chaska, Mirabel, Leilani and Brennan (Book Power for Kids) Also includes "Lady Be Good" performed by Mick Sullivan. Episode written by Mick Sullivan
Episode 18 of the most engaging history podcast for kids! Did the invention of the record player make an opera singer named Enrique Caruso the first superstar of music? It might just have. What did Marian Anderson do when she was denied the stage at a theatre because of the color of her skin? She found a bigger audience and a bigger stage. Featuring the voices of Jason Lawrence, Meg Samples, and Chaska, Mirabel, and Leilani from Book Power for Kids Podcast.
Kate Warne saved Abraham Lincoln's life on the way to his inauguration. John Honeyman may (or may not)have been a double agent who helped George Washington's famous Crossing of the Delaware. We'll hear these stories and much more! You'll hear hear Amber Estes-Theineman sing the classic "I'm Confessin'" while you're here, too!
Christmastime means two things to us: mummies and bladders. Join us as we meet a young William Clark, an accidental and enterprising watch salesman named Sears, and the hottest gift of the 1971 holiday season. Featuring "Kashmir of the Bells" by Squeeze-bot
Have you ever heard about the time Amelia Earhart and Eleanor Roosevelt ducked out of a dinner to take a flight over Washington DC? Or about how Bessie Coleman had to go all the way to France to learn how to fly an airplane because no one would teach her in America? This episode also features the Fred Fischer and Alfred Bryan song from 1910, "Come Josephine In My Flying Machine," which is performed by Mick Sullivan and Suki Anderson. "Bessie Coleman" read by Kelly Moore (featuring the voice of AJ Cornell) "Amelia and Eleanor" read by Amber Estes-Thieneman Production, music and stories by Mick Sullivan Also featuring incidental music from Squeeze-bot
There are a lot of really great names in the past - like, just really cool sounding names. So we're picking a few of our favorites and telling a story or two about them. This episode features American Revolution figure Button Gwinnet and Harlem Renaissance artist Zora Neale Hurston.But there's a lot more ground we cover than just those two!
Everyone loves cartoons! So we’re taking an unusual look at two big moments in cartoon history – when a vaudeville performer and comic-strip writer made animation history on a cold Chicago night, and also the time a cheeky political cartoonist brought down one of the most crooked politicians in history. Gertie the Dinosaur and Winsor McCay read by Amber Estes-Thieneman Thomas Nast and Boss Tweed read by Jason Lawrence On the Sunny Side of the Street performed by Mick Sullivan The Past and the Curious is a history podcast for kids, families and adults created by a professional museum educator with the help of brilliant friends. We are a proud Kids Listen member and dedicated to nurturing curiosity of the past in everyone. Written and produced by Mick Sullivan. Don’t steal things you didn’t create.
Have you heard of the Mary Celeste? If you've heard of a ghost ship, this is probably the one. In 1872 it was found under sail in the Atlantic Ocean but with absolutely no one on board. What gives? And was this completely unique? It wasn't, but it is certainly the most famous case and we wanted to know more! Also featuring and original performance of one of our favorite songs "Devil and the Deep Blue Sea," written by Harold Arlen and Ted Koehler in 1932. Mick Sullivan plays mandolin, guitar, banjo, washboard, bass harmonica and probably some other stuff too.
Women of Science! Join us for some 19th Century STEM stories. Heather Funk tells you about Mary Anning and the origins of "She Sells Sea Shells." Mick Sullivan shares the story of Mary Somerville and the origin of the the word "scientist." Both ladies did remarkable things in the science world at a time when it was pretty uncommon. In addition, Squeeze-bot plays "She Blinded Me with Science," quiz time and more. From Kids Listen member, a History and Music Podcast for young and old alike!
Your favorite history show for the whole family is back and we're bringing the cheese! First, Graham Shelby reads "Andrew Jackson's Big Cheese," while Mick Sullivan shares some fun stories of hardtack, followed by the Civil War parody song "Hard Tack Come Again No More." There's Quiztime, Music and more!
When Washington first became president, no one knew what to call him, and he certainly didn't want to shake EVERYONE'S hand. There were some growing pains in Presidential cordiality. Later, Lincoln wishes Jefferson never started the whole "handshake thing." Also, Quiztime and the old song "Lulu's Back in Town" Stories written and music performed by Mick Sullivan. Also featuring the voices of Chaska and Mirabel Power (from Book Power for Kids Podcast)
It's time for the July Kids Listen Sweep! This episode features the story of Annie Edson Taylor, who was the first person to successfully survive Niagara Falls in a barrel. Also, how'd they even start building the first suspension bridge over Niagara? You might be surprised. And if Cole Porter's song "Don't Fence Me In" doesn't make you feel like "Hittin' The Road," what will? Voices: Victoria Reibel and Mick Sullivan. All Music and Instruments: Mick Sullivan. Bad Ideas: Mick Sullivan Good Ideas: also, Mick Sullivan
George Washington's frenemy Charles Lee, who you might remember from Hamilton, gets caught in his skivvies, the guy who built the Brooklyn Bridge remembers seeing Abraham Lincoln's undies, Mick sings a song about long underwear and more. Produced by Mick Sullivan, read by Victoria Reibel and Jason Lawrence. "Long Handle Time" song by Homer and Jethro performed by Mick Sullivan.
Nelly Bly decides to travel around the world in less than 80 days, much like Phileas Fogg, the fictional character from Jules Verne's "Around the Wolrd in 80 Days" Also Henry Brown escapes enslavement in a dramatic way, earning the nickname "Box" Brown, and he later finds a career on the stage. Also, musician Chris Rodahaffer (Will Oldham/Bonnie Prince Billy) joins us for the song "I've Been All Around This World." Created by Mick Sullivan. Readings by Victoria Reibel and Jason Lawrence. Oh Yeah, and Quiz Time!
Family Trees sure seem daunting, don't they? Once you get past your grandparents or great-grandparents it can quickly get confusing. Rae Anne Sauer from the Sons of the American Revolution National Headquarters in Louisville, KY has seen tons of people work to discover their family trees. According to her it's easier than you think - and you might discover some interesting things. If nothing else, you'll surely realize how connected we all are, so be nice to your brothers and your sisters! Enjoy our special episode, and while you're at it you can check out the list of Kids Listen Family Tree participants at the KidsListen.org Blog. Many Podcasts, One Theme! Check out our friends!
Join host Mick Sullivan for some true tales of magic, or at least what appeared to be magic. Learn Franz Mesmer's gift to your vocabulary, hear about some young sisters who fooled America, and discover how a French Magician stopped a rebellion with his magic tricks. Along with Quiz Time you'll hear Tory Fisher, Brandon Johnson and Mick Sullivan perform "I'll See You In My Dreams." Mesmer and Fox sisters story written and read by Heather Funk; Houdin story written by Mick Sullivan and read by Victoria Reibel.
This episode is fast paced and broken into small bites! We’ve squeezed in THREE great stories along with a song and quiz time! Really packed it in there - like sausage in a casing! Victoria Reibel wonders, did George Crumb invent potato chips? Jason Lawrence imagines a delicious new way to eat ice cream at the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis. Food Network Star, Chef Damaris Phillips joins us for a fun story about everyone’s favorite red vegetable - or is it a fruit? Chris Rodahaffer and Rob Collier join host and creator Mick Sullivan for a fun old song about chicken pie. WARNING: You might get hungry listening to this episode.
Episode 6 is all about Heights! Victoria Reibel reads a story about the time The Chicago World's Fair had to build something to top the Eiffel Tower. Jason Lawrence tells the tale of the the world's leading antebellum funambulist. The Tamerlane Trio performs "East of the Sun and West of the Moon" Episode written by Mick Sullivan. Steal it and you are lame.
In honor of National Bird Day, this episode features some great bird stories from history. Victoria Reibel reads the story of Charles Morton, a man who tried to explain the mystery of bird migration with an otherworldly hypothesis. Jason Lawrence reads the tale of Cher Ami, one of the bravest little birds the world has ever known. Mick Sullivan performs the traditional folk song Cluck Old Hen. All this and more!
In this quick Holiday Short, we explore a few of the stories people offer as explanations for the unusual Christmas Pickle Tradition. We also found a Christmas Pickle recipe you probably won't want to try, and you'll love our 2016 Holiday gift pick. And if that isn't enough, we also have an unusual interpretation of a holiday classic song by Squeeze-bot (probably the best Accordion, Banjo Tuba and Tiny Drum band in the world).
The Pony Express lives in legend, but didn't last long. Find out what it took to be join the team. (read by Victoria Reibel) Alfred Ely Beach kept a secret from New York City and built a Pneumatic Subway underneath it in the 1800's! (read by Jason Lawrence) This episode also features an original performance of "I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter." All of the instruments were played and overdubbed by Mick Sullivan.
The origin of Port and Starboard Victoria Reibel reads stories about Anne Bonny, and Stephen Long's unusual dragon-like steamboat, the Western Engineer. Tamerlane Trio performs original song "Big Ol' Boat" (song recorded by Rob Collier) Quiz time and more! **Correction: in Anne Bonny, in regards to her death, we say 1881, but we mean 1781, as you'd probably guess from our framing it around the American Revolution - sorry!**
Victoria Reibel tells the story of P.T. Barnum and an Egress. Also featured is the tale of John Banvard and his Mississippi Panorama, which was the longest painting in the world. The Tamerlane Trio performs their version of "It's Only a Paper Moon" (song recorded by Rob Collier) Quiztime and more! Written by Mick Sullivan - 2016
Teachers, parents, adults who love good stories: check us out. This is just so you know what we're about, who we are and what we're planning to bring you. The real good stuff will follow, but you might appreciate knowing what we do and why we do it. We'll make it brief - we promise.
Episode 88 features two incredible Black Americans who were friends born in the 18th Century. James Forten (1766-1842) was a Revolutionary War Veteran who owned one of America's most successful sail-making companies. He was also influential abolitionist and early Civil Rights leader. His friend Francis "Frank" Johnson (1792-1844) was an equally influential musician. When he published his original piece of music "Bingham's Cotillion" he became the first published Black musician in American History. The European and American tours his band made also made history. Hear recent recordings of his music on the Museum of the American Revolution's website: https://www.amrevmuseum.org/the-music-of-francis-johnson-a-soundtrack-to-antebellum-black-philadelphia Thanks to Sponsor Green Chef. Go to greenchef.com/60CURIOUS and use code 60CURIOUS to 60% off, plus 20% off your next two months.
Episode 89 looks into the origin of time zones in America and Daylight Saving across the globe. There's bugs, sunburns, train crashes, dropping timeballs, and smashed pocket watches.
In The Meatshower Part 2 (Electric Burgoo) the saga continues. Originally we aired a segment in 2019 to coincide with Mick's book "The Meatshower: The Mostly True Tale of an Odd and (Somewhat) Edible Occurrence," and since then, new information has come to light. A man named Frank Reiser has come into possession of a new specimen from the unusual 1876 phenomenon. We have an exclusive interview with Frank, and share the story of how he found it, what it means, and what we can learn from it. Also included in this episode is The Meatshower Part 1 - in case you missed it, or if you would like to listen again!
Episode 91 is about Anne Carrol Moore and The Western Library! Anne Carroll Moore is one of history's most important children's librarians, but not everyone is in love with her legacy. She still changed the world, and mostly for the better. And Louisville, Kentucky's Western Library is the first library in America built for, and staffed by African-Americans and it became a training ground for many librarians around the country.
Did Captain Hanson Gregory invent the donut? Did the Lord Mayor of Nottingham get trucked by a truckle of cheese during the Nottingham Cheese Riots of 1766? Find out in this very special episode.
Episode 93: Milk has been a lot of things through the years, but it was often poisonous, spoiled or both. Learn about how far we've come in making milk safe, and who may or may not have helped us get to the root cause of what was making milk dangerous. From Dr. Anna Bixby and the mystery of Milk Sickness to Gail Borden who invented condensed milk, it's been a long road to your grocery store.
Minerva Hoyt was a wealthy socialite who loved to escape to the desert of California and sleep in the sand. Her hard work and dedication in convincing people about the value of the desert led to preservation of today's Joshua Tree National Park. Col. Charles Young was born before the end of the Civil War and he would go on to be the third Black graduate from West Point Military Academy. When the Buffalo Soldiers under his command were put in charge of Sequoia National Park he became the first Black superintendent of a National Park.
Episode 95 covers two great stories of international competition. First, The Field of Cloth and Gold was a historic summit that brought together Henry VIII and Francis I with the hopes of peace, competition, and maybe a bit of wrestling. Second, the 1904 Olympics put a Cuban runner named Felix Carvajal on the map. He didn't win the Olympic marathon, but his spirit made him the winner among the crowds who saw him.
Episode 96 is all about Ice - in preparation for our following episode about Ice Cream. Boston's Frederic Tudor became the "Ice King" by taking ice to places in the world where it had never been before. But it wasn't easy Dr. John Gorrie was looking for ways to care for the sick and became one of the first humans to make ice himself. It sparked a cool revolution.
Episode 97 is all about ice cream. Eat it anytime of year - it's a treat that we might take for granted today. It used to be expensive, impossible, or potentially dangerous. From George Washington to Edmund Albius to Nancy Johnson to the Hokey Pokey Man, the stories around ice cream are richer than double chocolate chunk.
Episode 98 goes to the Netherlands. There is something remarkable about the Dutch when it comes to glass lenses and scientific tools. Maybe Hans Lippershay invented the telescope. Maybe it was some kids in his town. Or maybe it was one of two other guys who seem to have come up with the idea at the same time and place. And as far as microscopes go, a dutch man named Antonio van Leeuwenhoek got obsessed with microscopes. He is remembered as the father of microbiology.
The Resolute Desk is a fixture in the Oval Office. American Presidents have used it during some of the country's most pivotal moments. But what does the Resolute Desk have to do with England's dangerous expeditions into the Arctic in the 1800s? Find out on this episode - and learn about ghost ships, the search for the Northwest Passage, and a gift in honor of international friendship and diplomacy. This episode is sponsored by/brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/PCPOD and get on your way to being your best self.
Our 99th Episode! This episode features the narration talents of musician Will Oldham, also known as Bonnie Prince Billy. Will tells the story of Rhyolite, a town once founded in Death Valley after the discovery of gold by Frank "Shorty" Harris. Today it is a ghost town. But first, Mick tells the story of the Bone Wars, when Othniel Charles Marsh and Edward Drinker Cope should have gotten along, but didn't. Still, they made some major paleontology and dinosaur discoveries. Stories written by Mick Sullivan, with editorial help from Will Oldham. Music arranged and performed by Mick Sullivan.
Episode 100, y'all! Beautiful Jim Key was born sickly and weak, but became world famous and is remembered as the smartest horse in the world. His training and care came from a former enslaved man named Doctor William Key, and together, they made a profound impact on the world. Likewise, Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer was a museum curator in South Africa who discovered a fish believed to be extinct in 1938. The discovery made a tremendous impact on science and natural understanding. Plus, she was very cool.
Episode 101 tells the story of Tori Murden-McClure's solo row across the Atlantic Ocean. In addition to her story, hear her speak with Mick on the 25th anniversary of her successful solo crossing. Learn more about Tori in her book, "A Pearl in the Storm," or from the Audible recording of Dawn Landes's musical, Row: https://www.amazon.com/Row/dp/B091QB7SMS Or hear Dawn's album of the same name, based on Tori's story here: https://dawnlandesofficial.bandcamp.com/album/row
Two guys who grew up on farms. Both were tinkerers. Benjamin Banneker, a free Black American created the first striking clock built in America. Richard Pearse, from New Zealand, was a pioneer in flight. Was he a first? we don't know for sure. But he was pretty interesting!