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Hi Kids! Welcome to The Good Eggs podcast! The Good Eggs is a book series just for you (ages 5-10)! Follow the Eggs as they learn lessons about kindness, diversity, and service. Goodness, understanding, and helping others are important things to learn as you grow into a Good Egg! My name is Sandy Ciaramitaro and I am an author and school teacher (like Ms. Poach!) I know you will love the Eggs - be sure to visit our website, www.thegoodeggs.org, for more! There are word searches, videos, a newsletter, a parent blog, plus you can read all about our foundation, which helps kids in need. Enjoy!
Author: Sandy Ciaramitaro
Hey kids – welcome back! The Eggs are finishing up their community service with the Albumen Omelette Oasis and the seniors that live there. Remember, Reggie kept sneezing and everyone thought he was getting sick. They were concerned about the older residents catching a virus. Let’s check in and see what’s happening . . .
Hi Kids – and welcome! During the months of November and December, we will explore Chapter 2 of The Good Eggs in the Community! It’s all about helping the older folks around us, which we call our elders. An elder is someone who is older than you and is living a life filled with wisdom, however, sometimes they may need a helping hand. Let’s see how the Eggs get involved with a senior living center in Albumen!
Hi Kids and welcome back! Last month we began Season 3 - The Good Eggs in the Community. The first type of service the Eggs participated in was to help children. They learned about Operation Egg Equip and found it to be an amazing organization! After Mr. Crackle’s tour, the Eggs are ready to get to work; but I wonder why Benedict is so preoccupied with the Little Egg in the film? Let's find out . . .
Hi Kids and welcome to The Good Eggs in the Community! In previous podcasts, we were introduced to the Eggs in book 1 as they learned about virtues, then we journeyed with them around the world in book 2. Now with book 3, we will be back home with the Eggs in Albumen to see what it means to serve the community! Are you ready? The Eggs are back at school and discussing the Ambassador program from the United Nations, which will have them working in different kinds of community service – today they’ll learn about being ambassadors for children! Each service project expands over two months, so we will do these chapters in two parts; one each month. I know you'll love this last book in the series. Remember to visit www.thegoodeggs.org for more information and fun!
Hi Kids! Can you believe we have come to the end of Book 2, The Good Eggs Travel the World? This last chapter has the Eggs returning to their hometown, but first making a stop in New York City to talk with the United Nations about their year of travel. They even reunite with a special friend at the airport! The Eggs are ready to have their meeting with the United Nations to discuss their trip around the world! Listen in! Make sure to join us in September for the third and final book in this amazing series, The Good Eggs In the Community! See you then!
Hi Lassies and Lads - are you ready to explore Scotland? The Eggs are landing in Edinburgh airport, the capital city of Scotland. In this episode, they will learn about Scottish history and heritage, and even explore a real castle! And do you think they'll see Nessie, the Loch Ness monster? Ms. Poach is unsure of what a boat trip in the Loch will bring them. Are her fears realized? Listen to find out!
Hi Kids! The Eggs are landing in Oslo, the capital city of Norway! Oh the sites they'll see! Breathtaking! They will also take a cruise down a fjord (fee-ord) and end up near the Arctic Circle in the summer where the sun shines for 24 hours a day! Enjoy your adventure!
Hi Kids! Are you ready to explore Italy? It's my favorite place - I love it there! Listen as the Eggs meet Angelo and Margherita, say hello to Peggy and goodbye to Benedict. The Eggs explore this beautiful country with a visit to Pisa, Venice and more! And Benedict gets an unwanted bath! Have fun and enjoy some pizza tonight!
Hey Kids! After a short plane ride, the Eggs land in Tel Aviv, Israel! They experience a beautiful sea and a Shabbat tradition. What's that, you say? Listen to find out! You'll also visit the Old City (Jerusalem) and even discover how they float in the Dead Sea without a raft! What? Enjoy this episode!
Hi Kids - the Eggs made it to Egypt! What will they discover here? So much to explore - and how does Benedict become a hero? Does Ms. Poach get slimed by a camel? Listen and put yourself in Egypt with the Eggs - imagine the pyramids and beautiful scenery. You'll even learn how to write a secret language!
Hi Kids! The Eggs are landing in New Delhi, the capital city of India! They will be introduced to Shelly's friend, Rashi, who will be their host during their time in India. They will attend a real Indian wedding, complete with dancing music and amazing food! They also attend a cricket match (what's cricket, you say?) and visit a tiger reserve - take a listen! So much to learn!
Hi Kids! Well, the Eggs left Australia and headed for the Land of the Rising Sun - Japan! When they landed in Tokyo, they were greeted with a surprise show of fireworks in the sky - but why? They also took a speedy ride on the Bullet Train with their new friend, Takumi. They flew kites, had a tea ceremony and played a baseball game! You will also learn some Japanese words - do you know how to say hello and goodbye in Japanese? Enjoy this episode!
Hi Kids! Well, the Eggs landed safely in Australia and met a new friend, Lishy. She took them on a glass-bottom boat over the Great Barrier Reef! Wow - it was an amazing sight to see with all the vibrant colors of coral and sea life. And a surprise guest arrived, too! I wonder who it is? And - more adventure awaits . . .
Hi Kids! Welcome to Zambia, Africa! This is such an exciting place to be - the Eggs will experience the Victoria Falls, eat some yummy food, attend a drum beat dance party, and even go on a safari! Which animals do you think they will see? And which animal did Reggie want to see the most? : )
Hi Kids! Are you ready to get started traveling the world? I know the Eggs are ready! Enjoy learning about the country of Chile! The sights are incredible and they meet a new friend, too!
Hi Kids! We are back from summer break and ready to begin a new school year full of surprises for the Eggs! Book 2 in The Good Eggs series, The Good Eggs Travel the World, is full of travel, learning, and adventure. You will learn about people all around the globe. Their customs, culture, and language will give you a glimpse into the amazing diversity that fills out world. This first chapter focuses on how the Eggs learned about their study-abroad program. So get ready and fasten your seat belt - our plane is about to take off!
Hi Kids! It's August in Albumen and the Eggs are getting ready for their annual camping trip. Benedict is so excited he forgets his manners and causes some trouble along the way, but as usual, the Eggs teach Benedict how to be considerate of others. This is the last episode in this series, but the Good Eggs will be back in September with book 2, The Good Eggs Travel the World. I can't wait for you to experience the world with the Eggs and learn about diversity - adventure awaits! Have a fantastic rest of your summer!
Hi Kids! It's July in Albumen and the Eggs are enjoying some fireworks. They decide to enter a Fun Run contest to help raise money for the kids at the Albumen Children's Hospital. Let's see how they find their confidence . . .
Hi Kids! Summer has arrived in Albumen! The Eggs are ending school and looking forward to summer activities. Benedict opens up a lemonade stand and a bike repair shop, but gets a difficult lesson in honesty. Will Seggourney and Greggory be ok after Benedict's bad decisions?
Hi Kids! Here we go - Chapter 9 and the Eggs are getting ready for their baseball championship! See how Benedict learns about being responsible, but not before he gets distracted and loses his focus. Does he fix the situation or give up?
Hi Kids! In Chapter 8, it's April in Albumen! The Eggs are going to learn about the environment and how to keep it clean, but, as you can guess, Benedict is not on board with this idea. He gets a tough lesson in respecting the Earth when something awful happens to his dog, Scrambler!
Spring is arriving in Albumen and baseball season is about to start! The Eggs are eager to begin practice, but first Benedict needs to learn a lesson in Acceptance. Peggy returns and has also learned how to accept something. . .
Hi Kids! It's February in Albumen and the Eggs are learning about love! They finished performing their play from last month, and are working on an idea for Ms. Poach's Valentine's Day Gift. But - before that happens, an important lesson is learned by Benedict and Peggy.
Hi Kids! Listen to this episode of The Good Eggs to see how they learned a lesson in Cooperation. How did they work together? And what could possibly go wrong? You'll also meet Peggy - Reggie's cousin who came to visit!
The snow is falling in Albumen - it's December and the Eggs are learning about generosity. What kind of project does Ms. Poach assign? And why is Benedict having a hard time with it?
Hi Kids - in this episode of The Good Eggs, Benedict finds out what it truly means to be grateful. And Greggory also learns a new way to be grateful after he has a bike accident. Listen to learn more!
Hi Kids! We saw in Chapter 1 the Eggs using Understanding to help Benedict. Let's see what happens in Chapter 2 when Benedict needs to ask for Forgiveness. He's learning . . .
Hi Kids! Welcome to your very own podcast of The Good Eggs! In Chapter 1, we will look at the virtue of Understanding. What does Understanding mean to you? In this episode, the Eggs try to help Benedict with a problem by using their Understanding. Let's see how they do that!
Hi Kids! Welcome to Chapter 3 of The Good Eggs in the Community! The next two months the Eggs will be serving at their local animal shelter, The Albumen Animal Rescue, or better known as the AAR. I wonder what they will learn and discover about our furry friends! Let’s check in and find out!
Hi Kids – I hope you are doing well and have been giving your pets some extra love this month! Remember, we left off with not knowing about Snowball and Daisy, and whether or not they would be adopted by Megg and Coach Flo. And the pet supplies drive was in full swing. Let’s check in and get an update . . .
Hi Kids! Welcome to Chapter 4 of The Good Eggs in the Community! For the next two months, the Eggs have a very special assignment. They will be serving at a food bank. What’s that, you ask? Well, let’s listen in on the Eggs and find out!
Hi Kids! Welcome back – the Eggs are just finishing up packing food boxes for the Albumen Breakfast Stop. Let’s see how many they packed . . . and listen to what else might happen!
Hi Kids! This month the Eggs will be Ambassadors for Health! They will organize the Albumen Games (like the Olympic Games!), learn about the Food Pyramid and also help people in the hospital with physical therapy, including Ms. Poach (oh no - what happened to her?)
Welcome Back! As the Eggs finish up their work as Ambassadors for Health, Benedict remembers something about Sonny . . . hmmm, what could it be? And how did the Albumen Games go? After a near miss from an arrow shot by Benedict, things turned out ok!
Wow - can you believe it? We have come to the last chapter of The Good Eggs in the Community! These last two episodes will focus on the importance of nature. Listen as the Eggs go to Camp Sunnyside Up and learn about insects, trees, and the environment surrounding them. But what happened to Snowball? Oh my!
Hey Kids - here we are at the very last episode of The Good Eggs in the Community! The Eggs finish up their work at Camp Sunnyside Up. Ms. Sullivan returns and even gives them medals for their work in the Ambassador Program. They were very grateful for all they learned about nature. But what happened to Snowball? Was she ok? Listen to this final episode and find out - and be sure to replay any of the episodes any time - you can even listen with your friends - have a Good Eggs party! Thank you for all of your support - and be sure to visit www.thegoodeggs.org to learn about the book series and more!
Hey Kids - our Spotify Video Podcast is beginning! In Episode 1, Ms. Poach talks with Seggourney about Understanding, and how they helped Benedict when he was new in town. Understanding is an important part of helping others. Enjoy and watch for more episodes coming soon!
Benedict is our guest Egg today! He talks with Ms. Poach about the importance of not jumping to conclusions. See what he has to say and how forgiveness taught him a valuable lesson!
#kids #kidsvideo #kidslearning #kidsvideos #socialemotionaldevelopment #socialemotionallearning #youtubekids #YouTube #children #child #childrens #childhood #kidschannelnetwork #kidslife #kidslifelessons #forgiveness
Ms. Poach gives an assignment about looking for things that make the Eggs feel grateful. Benedict struggles with this and says he is not grateful for anything. However, after Greggory has an accident, the Eggs launch a plan to give Benedict a new perspective.
#gratitude #kids #kidsvideo #kidslearning #kidsvideos #socialemotionaldevelopment #socialemotionallearning #youtubekids #YouTube #children #child #childrens #childhood #kidschannelnetwork #kidslife #kidslifelessons
Hi Kids! The VINTAGE series of The Good Eggs are the original episodes with Ms. Sandy's voice as all the characters!
In Chapter 1, we will look at the virtue of Understanding. What does Understanding mean to you? In this episode, the Eggs try to help Benedict with a problem by using their Understanding. He's the new Egg in town and is having trouble getting adjusted. Let's see how the Eggs handle this!
Hi Kids! The VINTAGE series of The Good Eggs are the original episodes with Ms. Sandy's voice as all the characters!
In this last episode of Book 1, Benedict is invited to the annual Albumen camping trip at Camp Sunnyside Up. He is so excited that he forgets to use any form of manners and creates chaos for everyone. He finally realizes the importance of manners through other little eggs. #kids #kidsvideo #kidslearning #kidsvideosforkidscartoons #socialemotionaldevelopment #socialemotional #charactereducation #socialemotionallearning #youtubekids #YouTube #children #child #childrens #childhood #kidschannelnetwork #kidslife #kidslifelessons #manners #mannersmatter #manners #kidsmanners #videosforkids #childhood #kidsvideosforkids #kidsvideochannel #videosforkidstowatch
Hi Kids! The VINTAGE series of The Good Eggs are the original episodes with Ms. Sandy's voice as all the characters!
The Eggs enter a Fun Run and Benedict needs to find his confidence to finish the race. He gets it in an unexpected way! Peggy also needs to find her confidence in more ways than one! #kids #kidsvideo #kidslearning #kidsvideosforkidscartoons #socialemotionaldevelopment #socialemotional #charactereducation #socialemotionallearning #youtubekids #YouTube #children #child #childrens #childhood #kidschannelnetwork #kidslife #kidslifelessons #confidence #confidenceboost #confident #confidencebuilding #confidencebuilder #videosforkids #childhood #kidsvideosforkids #kidsvideochannel
Hi Kids! The VINTAGE series of The Good Eggs are the original episodes with Ms. Sandy's voice as all the characters!
Benedict makes some dishonest business decisions and nearly causes serious accidents for both Seggourney and Reggie! He felt terrible for hurting his friends and learned a valuable lesson in the importance of being honest. #kids #kidsvideo #kidslearning #kidsvideos #socialemotionaldevelopment #socialemotional #charactereducation #socialemotionallearning #youtubekids #YouTube #children #child #childrens #childhood #kidschannelnetwork #kidslife #kidslifelessons #beinghonest #honesty #honesty_is_the_best_policy
Hi Kids! The VINTAGE series of The Good Eggs are the original episodes with Ms. Sandy's voice as all the characters!
Benedict gets a lesson in responsibility as he agrees to take on a project from Ms. Poach. He wants to be more responsible and focused as the big game approaches, but it nearly backfires on him! #kids #kidsvideo #kidslearning #kidsvideos #socialemotionaldevelopment #socialemotional #charactereducation #socialemotionallearning #youtubekids #YouTube #children #child #childrens #childhood #kidschannelnetwork #kidslife #kidslifelessons #respect #responsibility #responsibilitymatters
Hi Kids! The VINTAGE series of The Good Eggs are the original episodes with Ms. Sandy's voice as all the characters!
Earth Day is approaching at school and the Eggs are excited for Ms. Poach's project, however, Benedict does not show proper respect for the Earth and almost loses his dog, Scrambler! Oh no! #kids #kidsvideo #kidslearning #kidsvideos #socialemotionaldevelopment #socialemotionallearning #youtubekids #YouTube #children #child #childrens #childhood #kidschannelnetwork #kidslife #kidslifelessons #respect #earthday #environment #environmental #earthcare #earthday #earthdaycelebration
Hi Kids! The VINTAGE series of The Good Eggs are the original episodes with Ms. Sandy's voice as all the characters!
Baseball season is gearing up and the Eggs are excited to begin practice. However, Benedict learns that Megg and Seggourney are on the team, along with Coach Flo, a woman coach. He refuses to play on a team with girls but soon gets a humble lesson in acceptance and comes to realize how flawed his views were. #kids #kidsvideo #kidslearning #kidsvideos #socialemotionaldevelopment #socialemotionallearning #youtubekids #YouTube #children #child #childrens #childhood #kidschannelnetwork #kidslife #kidslifelessons #acceptance
Hi Kids! The VINTAGE series of The Good Eggs are the original episodes with Ms. Sandy's voice as all the characters!
Ms. Poach gives the Eggs a crystal heart to show her love for them. Peggy loses hers as she is preoccupied with troubles at home. Benedict finds it but refuses to give it back until the Eggs talk to him about what it means to love! #love #kids #kidsvideo #kidslearning #kidsvideos #socialemotionaldevelopment #socialemotionallearning #youtubekids #YouTube #children #child #childrens #childhood #kidschannelnetwork #kidslife #kidslifelessons #charactereducation
Hi Kids! The VINTAGE series of The Good Eggs are the original episodes with Ms. Sandy's voice as all the characters!
cousin, Peggy, comes to town and is dealing with a family matter that is making her sad. Reggie and his friends help Peggy learn the importance of cooperation, but not before she nearly causes Benedict a serious injury! #cooperation #kids #kidsvideo #kidslearning #kidsvideos #socialemotionaldevelopment #socialemotionallearning #youtubekids #YouTube #children #child #childrens #childhood #kidschannelnetwork #kidslife #kidslifelessons #charactereducation
Hi Kids! The VINTAGE series of The Good Eggs are the original episodes with Ms. Sandy's voice as all the characters!
Ms. Poach gives an assignment in generosity that Benedict resists. With the help of the Eggs, he finds his generous side and learns how to give! #generosity #kids #kidsvideo #kidslearning #kidsvideos #socialemotionaldevelopment #socialemotionallearning #youtubekids #YouTube #children #child #childrens #childhood #kidschannelnetwork #kidslife #kidslifelessons #charactereducation
Hi Kids! The VINTAGE series of The Good Eggs are the original episodes with Ms. Sandy's voice as all the characters!
In this episode of The Good Eggs, Benedict finds out what it truly means to be grateful. And Greggory also learns a new way to be grateful after he has a bike accident. Oh no! Listen to learn more!
#gratitude #kids #kidsvideo #kidslearning #kidsvideos #socialemotionaldevelopment #socialemotionallearning #youtubekids #YouTube #children #child #childrens #childhood #kidschannelnetwork #kidslife #kidslifelessons
Hi Kids! The VINTAGE series of The Good Eggs are the original episodes with Ms. Sandy's voice as all the characters!
We saw in Chapter 1 the Eggs using Understanding to help Benedict. Let's see what happens in Chapter 2 when Benedict needs to ask for Forgiveness. Is he REALLY going to ruin their Halloween party?
#kids #kidsvideo #kidslearning #kidsvideos #socialemotionaldevelopment #socialemotionallearning #youtubekids #YouTube #children #child #childrens #childhood #kidschannelnetwork #kidslife #kidslifelessons #forgiveness
Hi Kids! The VINTAGE series of The Good Eggs are the original episodes with Ms. Sandy's voice as all the characters!
you ready to get started traveling the world? I know the Eggs are ready! Enjoy learning about the country of Chile! The sights are incredible and they meet a new friend, too!
#SEL #diversity #travel #traveltheworld #customs #culture #learning #journey #aroundtheworld #Chile #valparaiso #penguins #patagonia
Hi Kids! The VINTAGE series of The Good Eggs are the original episodes with Ms. Sandy's voice as all the characters!
Can you believe we have come to the end of Book 2, The Good Eggs Travel the World? This last chapter has the Eggs returning to their hometown, but first making a stop in New York City to talk with the United Nations about their year of travel. They even reunite with a special friend at the airport! The Eggs are ready to have their meeting with the United Nations to discuss their trip around the world! Listen in! Make sure to join us in September for the third and final book in this amazing series, The Good Eggs In the Community! See you then!
#SEL #diversity #travel #traveltheworld #customs #culture #learning #journey #aroundtheworld
Hi Kids! The VINTAGE series of The Good Eggs are the original episodes with Ms. Sandy's voice as all the characters!
Lassies and Lads - are you ready to explore Scotland? The Eggs are landing in Edinburgh airport, the capital city of Scotland. In this episode, they will learn about Scottish history and heritage, and even explore a real castle! And do you think they'll see Nessie, the Loch Ness monster? Ms. Poach is unsure of what a boat trip in the Loch will bring them. Are her fears realized? Listen to find out!
#SEL #diversity #travel #traveltheworld #customs #culture #learning #journey #aroundtheworld #scotland #bagpipes #nessie #tartan
Hi Kids! The VINTAGE series of The Good Eggs are the original episodes with Ms. Sandy's voice as all the characters!
Eggs are landing in Oslo, the capital city of Norway! Oh the sites they'll see! Breathtaking! They will also take a cruise down a fjord (fee-ord) and end up near the Arctic Circle in the summer where the sun shines for 24 hours a day! Enjoy your adventure!
#SEL #diversity #travel #traveltheworld #customs #culture #learning #journey #aroundtheworld #norway #picnic #mountains #seafood
Hi Kids! The VINTAGE series of The Good Eggs are the original episodes with Ms. Sandy's voice as all the characters!
Are you ready to explore Italy? It's my favorite place - I love it there! Listen as the Eggs meet Angelo and Margherita, say hello to Peggy and goodbye to Benedict. The Eggs explore this beautiful country with a visit to Pisa, Venice and more! And Benedict gets an unwanted bath! Have fun and enjoy some pizza tonight!
#SEL #diversity #travel #traveltheworld #customs #culture #learning #journey #aroundtheworld #italy #coliseum #trevifountain #rome #pasta #pizza #leaningtowerofpisa
Hi Kids! The VINTAGE series of The Good Eggs are the original episodes with Ms. Sandy's voice as all the characters!
Hey Kids! After a short plane ride, the Eggs land in Tel Aviv, Israel! They experience a beautiful sea and a Shabbat tradition. What's that, you say? Listen to find out! You'll also visit the Old City (Jerusalem) and even discover how they float in the Dead Sea without a raft! What? Enjoy this episode!
#SEL #diversity #travel #traveltheworld #customs #culture #learning #journey #aroundtheworld #Israel #shabbat #marketplace #oldcity
Hi Kids! The VINTAGE series of The Good Eggs are the original episodes with Ms. Sandy's voice as all the characters!
The Eggs are landing in New Delhi, the capital city of India! They will be introduced to Shelly's friend, Rashi, who will be their host during their time in India. They will attend a real Indian wedding, complete with dancing music and amazing food! They also attend a cricket match (what's cricket, you say?) and visit a tiger reserve - take a listen! So much to learn!
#SEL #diversity #travel #traveltheworld #customs #culture #learning #journey #aroundtheworld #india #tajmahal #henna
Hi Kids! The VINTAGE series of The Good Eggs are the original episodes with Ms. Sandy's voice as all the characters!
The Eggs made it to Egypt! What will they discover here? So much to explore - and how does Benedict become a hero? Does Ms. Poach get slimed by a camel? Listen and imagine yourself in Egypt with the Eggs - picture the pyramids and beautiful scenery. You'll even learn how to write a secret language!
#SEL #diversity #travel #traveltheworld #customs #culture #learning #journey #aroundtheworld #egypt #pyramids #hieroglyphics
Hi Kids! The VINTAGE series of The Good Eggs are the original episodes with Ms. Sandy's voice as all the characters!
Well, the Eggs left Australia and headed for the Land of the Rising Sun - Japan! When they landed in Tokyo, they were greeted with a surprise show of fireworks in the sky - but why? They also took a speedy ride on the Bullet Train with their new friend, Takumi. They flew kites, had a tea ceremony and played a baseball game! You will also learn some Japanese words - do you know how to say hello and goodbye in Japanese? Enjoy this episode!
#SEL #diversity #travel #traveltheworld #customs #culture #learning #journey #aroundtheworld #Japan #shogatsu #kiteflying #teaceremony #baseball
Hi Kids! The VINTAGE series of The Good Eggs are the original episodes with Ms. Sandy's voice as all the characters!
Kids! Well, the Eggs landed safely in Australia and met a new friend, Lishy. She took them on a glass-bottom boat over the Great Barrier Reef! Wow - it was an amazing sight to see with all the vibrant colors of coral and sea life. And a surprise guest arrived, too! I wonder who it is? And - more adventure awaits . . .
#SEL #diversity #travel #traveltheworld #customs #culture #learning #journey #aroundtheworld #Australia #greatbarrierreef #uluru #ayersrock #aussiebarbie
Hi Kids! The VINTAGE series of The Good Eggs are the original episodes with Ms. Sandy's voice as all the characters!
to Zambia, Africa! This is such an exciting place to be - the Eggs will experience the Victoria Falls, eat some yummy food, attend a drum beat dance party, and even go on a safari! Which animals do you think they will see? And which animal did Reggie want to see the most? : )
#SEL #diversity #travel #traveltheworld #customs #culture #learning #journey #aroundtheworld #Zambia #drums #victoriafalls
Hi Kids! The VINTAGE series of The Good Eggs are the original episodes with Ms. Sandy's voice as all the characters!
We are back from summer break and ready to begin a new school year full of surprises for the Eggs! Book 2 in The Good Eggs series, The Good Eggs Travel the World, is full of travel, learning, and adventure. You will learn about people all around the globe. Their customs, culture, and language will give you a glimpse into the amazing diversity that fills out world. This first chapter focuses on how the Eggs learned about their study-abroad program. So get ready and fasten your seat belt - our plane is about to take off!
#SEL #diversity #travel #traveltheworld #customs #culture #learning #journey #aroundtheworld
Ms. Poach gives an assignment in generosity that Benedict resists. With the help of the Eggs, he finds his generous side and learns how to give! #generosity #kids #kidsvideo #kidslearning #kidsvideos #socialemotionaldevelopment #socialemotionallearning #youtubekids #YouTube #children #child #childrens #childhood #kidschannelnetwork #kidslife #kidslifelessons #charactereducation
Reggie's cousin, Peggy, comes to town and is dealing with a family matter that is making her sad. Reggie and his friends help Peggy learn the importance of cooperation, but not before she nearly causes Benedict a serious injury! #cooperation #kids #kidsvideo #kidslearning #kidsvideos #socialemotionaldevelopment #socialemotionallearning #youtubekids #YouTube #children #child #childrens #childhood #kidschannelnetwork #kidslife #kidslifelessons #charactereducation
Ms. Poach gives the Eggs a crystal heart to show her love for them. Peggy loses hers as she is preoccupied with troubles at home. Benedict finds it but refuses to give it back until the Eggs talk to him about what it means to love! #love #kids #kidsvideo #kidslearning #kidsvideos #socialemotionaldevelopment #socialemotionallearning #youtubekids #YouTube #children #child #childrens #childhood #kidschannelnetwork #kidslife #kidslifelessons #charactereducation