
KidCasts : Podcast for Kids !

Kids Myth Plus

Kids Myth Plus

Critically curated, mythology focused stories for kids and grown-ups. Combing the depths of our collective ocean of mythology, lore and legend for the lesser known gems.

Author: Aaron James

28 Episodes !

The Snow Queen - Finale! Stories 5 - 7



Today's episode is the fourth and final in our series, bringing you the romantic era classic penned by Hans Christian Andersen, The Snow Queen. 

The Snow Queen was written in 7 Stories. 

 Kids Myth Plus episode 28 includes the final 3 Stories. 

If you have not listened to the first 4 parts 

Now is your chance to catch up and listen to all seven parts! 

 In part one of our series (KMP ep 25) we presented the first two stories :

Story 1: About the Mirror and Its Pieces.

Story 2 : A Little Boy and a Little Girl.

In Part 2 (KMP ep 26 ) you’ll find:

Story 3: The Garden of the woman who knew Magic.
And in Part 3  (KMP ep. 27) you will find:

 Story 4: The Prince and Princess.

KIDS MYTH PLUS Ep 28. includes the final 3 stories:
Story 5: The Little Robber Girl
Story 6: the Lapland woman and The Finland Woman
Story 7: Of the Palace Of The Snow Queen and What Happened There At Last

Enjoy and please reach out with your comments we’d love to hear from you.

The Snow Queen Story Four - Hans Christian Andersen



Kids Myth Plus is excited to present a special 2022 rendition of Hans Christian Andersen's original fairytale first published in 1844 - The Snow Queen.

A potent romantic era struggle between good and evil, packed with vivid symbolism.

In KMP episode 27  we present story 4 of 7.

The Prince and Princess

Do you Remember your dreams? What are dreams? 

Story Four points us toward the Romantics favorite source of creativity, the window into the soul of expression - our dreams. 

In Episode 27 we challenge you to begin a Dream Journal of your own and share a picture or page from your journal.

Send a pic to @kidsmythplus on instagram!

Enjoy the episode and please reach out to share you reactions interpretations and thoughts on this intriguing masterwork of 19th century romantic literature.

Narration, adaptation, score and original sound design by Aaron James.
Thanks for listening

Thanks for listening!
@kidsmythplus on facebook/instagram/ youtube

The Snow Queen Story Three - Hans Christian Andersen



Kids Myth Plus is excited to present a special 2022 rendition of Hans Christian Andersen's original fairytale first published in 1844 - The Snow Queen.

A potent romantic era struggle between good and evil, packed with vivid symbolism.

In KMP episode 26  we present story 3 of 7.

The garden of the woman who knew magic. 

Listen for some examples of the romantic spirit in this story - and the love for the power of nature, the connection with the natural world and spirituality. Magic and things not easily explained by reason and science alone. 

Enjoy and please reach out to share you reactions interpretations and thoughts on this intriguing masterwork of 19th century romantic literature.

Narration, adaptation, score and original sound design by Aaron James.
Thanks for listening
Please reach out to us with any questions or comments,
and don't forget to leave a rating and let us know how you like the episode.
Thanks for listening!
@kidsmythplus on facebook/instagram/ youtube

The Snow Queen Story 1 & 2 - Hans Christian Andersen



Kids Myth Plus is excited to present a special 2022 rendition of Hans Christian Andersen's original fairytale first published in 1844 - The Snow Queen.

A struggle between good and evil packed with vivid symbolism HCA's The Snow Queen is a wonderful treat  packed with a powerful message.

Enjoy and please reach out to share you reactions interpretations and thoughts on this intriguing masterwork of 19th century literature.

Narration Score and original Sound Design by Aaron James.
Thanks for listening
Please reach out to us with any questions or comments,
and don't forget to leave a rating and let us know how you like the episode.
Thanks for listening!
@kidsmythplus on facebook/instagram/ youtube


Nordic Fairy Tale - The Giant Who Kept His Heart Hidden Away



A wolf who eats a horse... 6 princess and princesses turned to stone...  a salmon a raven and a giant who keeps his heart hidden away.

 In this week's episode we'll talk bit about learning to read and ponder on the concept of vulnerability.   
Our story is adapted from :
The Norwegian Fairy Book
Edited by Klara Stroebe
Published 1922

Narration Score and original Sound Design by Aaron James.
Thanks for listening
Please reach out to us with any questions or comments,
and don't forget to leave a rating and let us know how you like the episode.
Thanks for listening! 
@kidsmythplus on facebook/instagram/ youtube

Norse Mythology: How Frey Won Gerda the Giant Maiden, and How He Lost His Magic Sword



Integrity, Loyalty, Honesty, characteristics of the Norse Gods? Judge for yourself.

 In this week's episode: How Frey Won Gerda , the Giant Maiden, and How He Lost His Magic Sword, Frey longs for his sister Freya, sits  in a throne that is not his own and makes a fateful bargain.

We also learn about Skadi the daughter of Thiazi the giant and how she comes to mary a Vanir.
This week's story comes from Padraic Colum's classic:
The Children of Odin: The Book of Northern Myths
Published 1920

Narration and original sound design by Aaron James.
Thanks for listening
Please reach out to us with any questions or comments.

@kidsmythplus on facebook/instagram/ youtube

Finnish Fairy Tale - Mighty Mikko: The Story of a Poor Woodsman and a Grateful Fox



Remember to Dream Big ! 

Episode 22 is is a Finnish Tale -

It’s called :MIghty Mikko, The Story of a Poor Woodsman and a Grateful Fox.

Through the use of his cunning and witt - a little bit of digging up of some villagers gold and one roasted dragon but still, through largely non violent means the silver tongued fox creates a life the poor woodsman would never have allowed himself to even dream of.

Episode 22 is adapted from the book first published in 1922 called 

Mighty Mikko : a Book of Finnish Fairy Tales and folktales

By Parker Fillmore

Narration and original sound design by Aaron James.

Please reach out to us with any questions or comments.

@kidsmythplus on facebook/instagram/ youtube

Grimm's Fairy Tale - The Raven



This week's episode is from perhaps the most famous of all the european fairy tale collections; The Grimm's, originally known as the Children's and Household Tales.

Our Version is taken from the translations by Edgar Taylor and Marian Edwardes  

The Raven  -

A baby, (a princess baby) that could not be quieted is transformed. A person passing by  has the chance to rescue her. Off course it won't be easy.  He will be tested and fail but will he still be successful ? 
How will he do it?
Will the princess and her saviour live happily ever after?
Have a listen and find out...

Narration and original sound design by Aaron James.

Please reach out to us with any questions or comments.

@kidsmythplus on facebook/instagram/ youtube

Punjabi Fairytale - The Faithful Prince



This week's story comes to us from the 1894 book;

 Tales from the Punjab.

It’s is a book of folk tales collected from the people of the Punjab region of India  translated and written down for publication by the English Author Flora Annie Steel. Flora Annie Steel  lived from April 1847 –  April 1929. She spent 22 years living in Punjab region of India.

The prince starts his adventure by taking hold of a magical golden deer. The deer strikes a bargain with the prince to take him on a ride he will never forget. 

Narration and original sound design by Aaron James.

Please reach out to us with any questions or comments.

@kidsmythplus on facebook/instagram/ youtube

Slavic Fairy Tale - The Twelve Months



This week we bring you a chilly little tale called  The Twelve Months. This story is popular in eastern and southern europe where hundreds of different variations have been told. Ours is based on the telling from the book :

Fairy Tales of the Slav peasants and Herdsmen
From the French of Alex. Chodsko Translated and Illustrated by Emily J. Harding

As we record this episode it is the hottest of hot summer days here in our corner of the world and a chilly winter tale seems just right. Our heroine will bravely trek into the frozen mountain forest and do what she has to without question. She’ll make her own way in the world despite …. Yes a nasty stepmother and stepsister problem. 

This is a tale of a good and kind heroine who accepts her fate without question and pushes forward against the odds, against her certain demise and impossible task. Yet, in the end, she is successful and her tormentors are … well frozen in ice and snow?   

Narration and original sound design by Aaron James.

Please reach out to us with any questions or comments or just to send some emojis!

@kidsmythplus on facebook/instagram/ youtube


Romanian Fairy Tale - Youth Without Age and Life Without Death



Episode 18 -

Playing with the concept of time and the desire to escape it's clutches, this weeks story is adapted from the 1885 collection of Romanian fairy tales :

Roumanian Fairy Tales
Collected by MITE KREMNITZ
Adapted and Arranged by J.M. Percival

Narration and original sound design by Aaron James.

Please reach out to us with any questions or comments

@kidsmythplus on facebook/instagram/ youtube

Norse Mythology - Sif's Golden Hair: How Loki Wrought Mischief in Asgard



Today's story, Sif's Golden Hair: How Loki Wrought Mischief in Asgard

Loki of course gets himself into some trouble and must use his cunning to redeem himself.
After which he finds himself making another dangerous wager, a bet with a dwarf, that will risk the head on his shoulders 

Loki will transform himself into a gadfly and do his best to tip the scales in his own favor. 

The Warrior Goddess Sif will have a seriously bad hair day

the dwellers in asgard will gain some valuable objects and either Loki the trickster or Brock the Dwarve may lose a head.  

Drawn from the Book:

The Children of Odin :

The Book of Northern Myths

By Podraic Colum

With Illustrations By Willy Pogany


Narration and original sound design by Aaron James.

Please reach out to us with any questions or comments or just to send some emojis!

@kidsmythplus on facebook/instagram/ youtube

Russian Fairy Tale - Vasilissa the Fair



Episode 16 Vasilissa the Fair
In this week's episode we’ll find out why it was so important to always keep a flame a light in your home. And what one brave girl will go through in order to obtain light for her dark world. 

She will face great hardship after losing her mother, travel through a dark dangerous forest, enter the house of a Baba Yaga, live with her and pass her tests all with the help of a special gift given to her by her mother as she lie on her deathbed. 

This weeks Tale : Vassilissa the fair is adapted from the version found in the book :

Russian Fairy Tales a Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-Lore
By W.R.S. Ralston, M.A.,

For you grown ups out there check out the book Women who run with wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes

She tells a hauntingly beautiful version of this story and has some fabulous interpretation.  

Also for the younger and the older out there check out a  really great Young adult book:

The House with Chicken Legs, By Sophie Anderson

My daughter and I have been reading it and it’s great .

Thanks for listening.

Narration and sound design by Aaron James

Please contact us with any questions or comments

@kidsmythplus on facebook / instagram/YouTube


Slavic Folklore - The Death of Koschei the Deathless



This weeks Episode comes from the world of Slavic Lore.

The Death of Koschei the Deathless

as told by Andrew Lang in his 1890 collection of fairy tales:

The Red Fairy Book

Narration and original sound design by Aaron James.

Please reach out to us with any questions or comments or just to send some emojis!

@kidsmythplus on facebook/instagram/ youtube

Japanese Fairy Tale - The Star Lovers (The story of July 7 Tanabata Festival)



This week's story is a special July 7th edition. A Japanese fairy tale depicting the myth and the story behind the Tanabata (star festival)

More about Tanabata and some activity Ideas:
Find The Stars Vega and Altair

Story from the Book:
Japanese Fairy Tales by Grace James
with Illustrations by Warwick Goble

Narration and original sound design by Aaron James.

Please reach out to us with any questions or comments or just to send some emojis!

@kidsmythplus on facebook/instagram/ youtube

Cherokee Myth - ÛÑTSAIYĬ′ The Gambler



Today's story, ÛÑTSAIYĬ′ The Gambler is a Cherokee myth taken from the Book:
Myths of the Cherokee

By James Mooney


A boy has a scary rash all over his body and his mother sends him on a mission to find his father, Thunder.
Thunder is a powerful healer. Along the way he meets  ÛÑTSAIYĬ′ the gambler. He is challenged by his two brothers to a game of stick ball and with help from his father, two brothers and a beatle, captures and defeats the gambler.

Learn more about the games mentioned in the story by following the links below to get you started.



The Cherokee Nation is a living Nation and you can learn more about the nation and its culture here:

Narration and original sound design by Aaron James.

Please reach out to us with any questions or comments or just to send some emojis!

@kidsmythplus on facebook/instagram/ youtube

Norse Mythology: How Odin Lost His Eye



Today's story, How Odin Lost His Eye - is adapted from the telling found in the book:

Myths That Every Child Should Know
"A Collection of the Classic Myths of All Time for Young People"
Edited by Hamilton Wright Mabie

What will you sacrifice for Wisdom? Is it worth it?

Narration and original sound design by Aaron James.

Please reach out to us with any questions or comments or just to send some emojis!

@kidsmythplus on facebook/instagram/ youtube

Scottish Ballad -Tamlane: A Story from an Old Scotch Ballad



This week's episode - Tamlane, is a tale from the Scottish Borders. A rural region of Scotland that runs along the border of Scotland and england.

Our version is adapted from the book:
Wonder Tales from Many Lands
Written and illustrated by Katherine Pyle - First published August 1920

The fair maiden Janet hears the call from a fairy horn that no one else has heard. It is the call of Tamlane who has been imprisoned by fairies.

Tamlane explains his predicament to Janet and she agrees to help him and becomes the heroine of the story.

She holds on tight to Tamlane as he shape shifts from man to raging  wolf, to blazing fire and eventually to a wild flapping swan. 

Janet is determined and brave and does not let go until he is freed.

Hold on tight to what you know is right and don't always trust your eyes over your heart!

Thanks for listening, and please leave us a rating and review on apple podcast. It really does help to bring these carefully curated stories to more kids and grownups out there.

Narration and sound design by Aaron James

Please contact us with any questions or comments

@kidsmythplus on facebook / instagram/YouTube

Himalayan Folktale - The Snake's Bride



This week's episode is a Himalayan folktale: The Snake's Bride.
It's taken from the book:
Simla Village Tales or, Folktales from the Himalayas
By Alice Elizabeth  Dracott
The Book was published in 1906

As with many of the authors of this period A.E. Dracott was concerned about the impending loss of these tales to the modern era.

She writes in the preface:

From their cradle under the shade of ancient deodars, beside the rocks, forests and streams of the mighty Himalayan mountains, have I sought these tales to place them upon the great Bookshelf of the World.

We are delighted to be doing our part in keeping these stories alive in the modern world and placing them on the ... or in the great podcast feed of the modern world.
Narration and original sound design by Aaron James.

Please reach out to us with any questions or comments or just to send some emojis!

@kidsmythplus on facebook/instagram/ youtube

Norse Mythology: Iduna and Her Apples: How Loki Put the Gods in Danger Part 2



Today's episode is taken from the world of Norse mythology as interpreted by the master storyteller Podraic Colum in the book: The Children of Odin.

 Iduna and Her Apples: How Loki Put the Gods in Danger

This is the conclusion of a two part story.

Sometimes it's best to just let go. In this episode the trickster God Loki teaches by example how holding on too tight and not seeing the inevitable can lead to trouble.

In the end we learn that even after making some mistakes or a poor choice in life, we still have the chance for redemption.

Loki eventually does the right thing and with the help of the other Gods restores Iduna to her place in the garden.

This is the conclusion of a two part story.

Narration and original sound design by Aaron James.

Please reach out to us with any questions or comments or just to send some emojis!

@kidsmythplus on facebook/instagram/ youtube

Norse Mythology: Iduna and Her Apples: How Loki Put the Gods in Danger Part 1



Today's episode is taken from the world of Norse mythology as interpreted by the master storyteller Podraic Colum in the book: The Children of Odin.

 Iduna and Her Apples: How Loki Put the Gods in Danger

Sometimes it's best to just let go. In this episode the trickster God Loki teaches by example how holding on too tight and not seeing the inevitable can lead to trouble.

This is the first part of a two part story.

Narration and original sound design by Aaron James.

Please reach out to us with any questions or comments or just to send some emojis!

@kidsmythplus on facebook/instagram/ youtube

Russian Fairy Tale - Ivan Learns The Language of the Birds



Episode Seven is a classic Russian Tale : Ivan Learns the Language of The Birds.

Birds carry so much meaning in our collective culture; from the messenger to the collaborator to omen.

This weeks stories is taken from the book:

 Folk Tales From The Russian
By Xenopho Verra Xenophotovna Kalamatiano de Blumental

Thanks for listening.

Narration and sound design by Aaron James

Please contact us with any questions or comments

@kidsmythplus on facebook / instagram/YouTube

Czech Fairy Tale - The Wood Maiden



This week's episode is a Czech Fairy Tale taken from the book Czechoslovak Fairy - Tales stories gathered together by Parker Fillmore

Published 1919

A happy little girl who loves to sing and dance; cares for her goats and spins wool and flax faithfully. Until the day she meets the Wood Maiden, a mysterious forest fairy who dances by at noon and midnight to the music of treetop players. 

"with a song on the lips, work falls from the hand more easily"

Thanks for listening.

Narration and sound design by Aaron James

Please contact us with any questions or comments

@kidsmythplus on facebook / instagram/YouTube

Japanese Fairy Tale - The Fisherman and the Moon-Maiden



Episode 5 is adapted from the book:

Japanese Fairy World : Stories From The Wonder-Lore Of Japan
By William Elliot Griffis

This weeks story is a dreamy Japanese fairy tale.  The tale is set in a place of contrast; the base of the tallest mountain in Japan, Mt. Fuji and where the waters of the Pacific Ocean meet the forest.

A moon maiden is intrigued by the natural beauty of the bay and steals away for a visit, where she removes her winged robe and hangs it on a branch near the edge of the sea.

A fisherman finds the magical winged cloak and longs to hold it and the moon maiden herself.

Thanks for listening.

Narration and sound design by Aaron James

Please contact us with any questions or comments

@kidsmythplus on facebook / instagram/YouTube

Slavic Folklore - Vasilisa The Wise



Episode 4 is adapted from the book : Savitri and Other Women by Marjorie Strachey first published in 1920.

Vasilisa is a recurring heroine of many Slavic tales and in this version she uses her cunning and intellect to rescue her husband Stavros from the dungeon of the tsar of Kief (present day Kiev capital of Ukraine)

Thanks for listening.

Narration and sound design by Aaron James

Please contact us with any questions or comments

@kidsmythplus on facebook / instagram/YouTube

Irish Folklore: The Corpse Watchers



Episode 3 was adapted from the wonderful old book : The Irish Fairy Book. 

The Irish Fairy Book was Edited by Alfred Perceval Graves and beautifully illustrated  by George Denham. Published in 1909. 

The Corpse Watchers is an oft told Irish fairytale full of symbolism, mystery and heroism.
A female protagonist embarks on an otherworldly out of body journey to rescue her sisters and a corpse cursed by a witch. 

The custom of the wake or the watching of the corpse can be found among many cultures.  Our story centers around a soul trapped between this world and another waiting to be rescued by a wise and courageous girl.

Our heroine conquers many obstacles as she sets out to due what she must. Through the gateway of green hills over a bog and into a burning wood. Next she travels through the cave of horrors. Outside the cave a glass mountain a mile high. Finally diving into a deep sea only to end up below it and looking up to it above her. 

She overcomes these archetypal obstacles with some super natural help brought about by the kindness she offers a strange woman along the road to her destiny.  

As always it is our hope that the stories we share on Kids Myth Plus will inspire curiosity and lead to  further exploration of the diverse cultures that bring such richness to our world.

Thanks for Listening. 

Narration and sound design by Aaron James

Please contact us with any questions or comments

@kidsmythplus on facebook / instagram/YouTube

Why The Eagle Defends Americans



Today's episode is taken from the book "Stories The Iroquois Tell Their Children" by Mabel Powers. The book was published in 1917 and is in the public domain.

The name Iroquois is an English corruption of a French corruption of an Algonquian word meaning "real snakes." This may have been an insulting nickname (the Algonquian and Iroquois Indians were traditional enemies,) or it could have just come from a place name which meant "Snake River."   

Today they call themselves the Haudenosaunee or Six Nations, though many people still use the word Iroquois. The six nations are: the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, and Tuscarora nations. 

The Haudenosaunee  people have inhabited the areas of Ontario and upstate New York for well over 4,000 years. The culture is rich and complex. Please take some time to learn more about the six nations of the Haudenosaunee  - follow the links below.

Mabel Powers, the author of this book, was devoted to helping to preserve the cultures of the Native Peoples of the America's. She was beloved by the Nations and spent much time living among them and learning their stories and culture.

In 1910 she was invited to participate in the Green Corn Ceremony on the Tonawanda Seneca Reservation. She so impressed the elders of the council that they paid her the highest possible tribute of adoption into the tribe.
She describes the event :
 After holding a long council, the members of the Seneca Nation agreed that I should                       be called ‘Yesennohwehs’ (the One Who Carries and Tells the Stories.

Powers traveled throughout the country, giving lectures on Native American culture, advocating for women’s rights, and promoting world peace.

It's our hope that the stories we share on Kids Myth Plus will inspire curiosity and lead to  further exploration of the diverse cultures that bring such richness to our world.

Thanks for Listening. 

Haudenosaunee Fact Sheet for Kids
Haudenosaunee or Iroquois? (Video)

Episode 2 Video Version

Narration and sound design by Aaron James

Please contact us with any questions or comments

@kidsmythplus on facebook / instagram/YouTube

Norse Mythology: Far Away and Long Ago / The Building of the Wall



Episode one! Today's episode is taken from the world of Norse mythology as interpreted by the master storyteller Podraic Colum in the book: The Children of Odin. 

The book is in the public domain

Narration and sound design by Aaron James.

Please reach out to us with any questions or comments or just to send some emojis!

@kidsmythplus on facebook/instagram/ youtube

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