
KidCasts : Podcast for Kids !

Annie's MiniBFF Podcast

Annie's MiniBFF Podcast

In March 2020 when the world started closing doors, Annie F. Downs opened one for her youngest group of friends. She started reading a picture book each week on her Instagram account, and SO MANY friends tuned in. To continue with her love for reading to her miniBFFs, Annie is now sharing stories from her favorite book ever – The Bible. The miniBFF podcast will allow kids (and their grownups) a chance to grow in their faith as she brings the stories of the Bible to life.

Author: That Sounds Fun Network

94 Episodes !

Episode 45: The First Christmas



Have you ever thought about what happened at the very first Christmas? Well in this episode we get to learn all about it from the story, The First Christmas, in The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible on page 119. 

This season we have teamed up with Zonderkidz to learn all about the Gospels by reading stories from these three storybook Bibles: The Jesus Storybook Bible, The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and I Wonder. Head over to faithgateway.com and use the code AD20 for 20% off these three books. 

Grab the Journey Through The Gospels Guidebook at shopanniefdowns.com to join in on all fun for this season! This week we are drawing a picture of Baby Jesus in the manger. 

Watch Annie’s miniBFF Podcast. 
Subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.

New Year, New Episodes!



We have a fun announcement just for you, miniBFFs! Annie’s miniBFF Podcast will be back with brand new episodes in 2024! Starting on Monday, January 8th we’ll be reading MORE stories from Annie’s favorite book, the Bible. But in this season, ALL of the stories are from the gospels as shared in some of our favorite storybook Bibles from our friends at Zonderkidz.  We can’t wait to learn more about Jesus with all our miniBFFs (and their grownups too) in the new year!

Here are the children’s Bibles we’ll be reading from:

Remember to use the code AD20 for 20% off at faithgateway.com!

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Annie’s Kids Books
What Sounds Fun To You?
So Happy To Know You!

Annie F. Downs is a New York Times bestselling author, podcaster, and loud laugher.

So Happy to Know You! Behind the Scenes of Launching a Children's Book!



I am so excited to be with you all for a little bit today to share with you a very fun episode about my newest kids book So Happy To Know You! And guess what miniBFFs? So Happy To Know You! is in stores NOW!

Alright so we are doing this podcast a little differently today. Instead of a story, I want to invite you all to a conversation with some extra special guests like Jennie Poh (the illustrator of So Happy to Know You!, Taylor Ann and Katy. Does that sound fun? I think so too, miniBFFS!

I am so thankful that I get to write books like So Happy To Know You for my crew of miniBFFs. I can’t wait to hear about your favorite part of the book or what adjective best describes you.

Grown ups, be sure to grab a copy of So Happy To Know You! And check out Katy's newest book You Can Trust for preteen boys, and You Can Rest for preteen girls.

New Kids Book Alert!



miniBFFs, I have been keeping a BIG secret and it's time to share this fun surprise with YOU! Listen in to find out about something special I've been working on with YOU in mind!

Grown ups, be sure to visit sohappytoknowyou.com for more details and some fun goodies you can get when you preorder So Happy To Know You!

Advent Series: LOVE



miniBFFs, we are so excited to bring to you all a very special series where we get to spend some time together talking about one of my favorite seasons in the church calendar, Advent. Join us as we spend the next four weeks learning about each of the candles on the Advent wreath - Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. 

This week’s episode focuses on the candle of LOVE.

I'm so glad that this week we get to talk about one of the best gifts we've been given: the gift of love. Not only that, it is the gift of God’s love. A gift too special and big to ever fit under your tree. Jesus talked a lot about love in the Bible and I share a lot about it in today’s episode. 

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:13

We always love to have you draw something for Annie’s miniBFF Podcast. But for this special series we have created a coloring page that has an ornament for each week of advent. For this week we would love to see your drawing of the LOVE ornament. Just head to anniefdowns.com/advent to grab your own copy. Then share it with us by tagging @minibffbookclub!

Annie F. Downs is a NYTimes bestselling author, podcaster, and loud laugher!

#anniesminibffpodcast #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast

Advent Series: JOY



miniBFFs, we are so excited to bring to you all a very special series where we get to spend some time together talking about one of my favorite seasons in the church calendar, Advent. Join us as we spend the next four weeks learning about each of the candles on the Advent wreath - Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. 

This week’s episode focuses on the candle of JOY! 

I'm so excited that we get a chance to talk about the candle of JOY! Y’all know how I feel about being joyful and knowing that we are getting closer to celebrating Jesus’s birthday brings me so much joy. It is also very fun to know that the reason we can feel such excitement and joy in our hearts is because of Jesus. 

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 9:24

We always love to have you draw something for Annie’s miniBFF Podcast. But for this special series we have created a coloring page that has an ornament for each week of advent. For this week we would love to see your drawing of the JOY ornament. Just head to anniefdowns.com/advent to grab your own copy. Then share it with us by tagging @minibffbookclub!

Annie F. Downs is a NYTimes bestselling author, podcaster, and loud laugher!

#anniesminibffpodcast #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast

Advent Series: PEACE



miniBFFs, we are so excited to bring to you all a very special series where we get to spend some time together talking about one of my favorite seasons in the church calendar, Advent. Join us as we spend the next four weeks learning about each of the candles on the Advent wreath - Hope, Peace, Love and Joy. 

This week’s episode focuses on the candle of PEACE. Sometimes the Christmas season can feel so busy that you might just need some peace and quiet! Well, at least maybe your grownups do. But did you know that you actually already have peace in your heart. So even through all the hustle, fun, and busyness of the season you can still feel a since of peace. Because this kind of peace comes from Jesus. And we get to talk about that A LOT on this episode. 

Scripture: John 14:27

We always love to have you draw something for Annie’s miniBFF Podcast. But for this special series we have created a coloring page that has an ornament for each week of advent. For this week we would love to see your drawing of the PEACE ornament. Just head to anniefdowns.com/advent to grab your own copy. Then share it with us by tagging @minibffbookclub!

Annie F. Downs is a NYTimes bestselling author, podcaster, and loud laugher! 

#anniesminibffpodcast #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast

Advent Series: HOPE



miniBFFs, we are so excited to bring to you all a very special series where we get to spend some time together talking about one of my favorite seasons in the church calendar, Advent. Join us as we spend the next four weeks learning about each of the candles on the Advent wreath - Hope, Peace, Love and Joy. 

This week’s episode focuses on the candle of HOPE. We are all familiar with the feeling of hope. Like I bet some of you might be hoping for a certain present to be under your tree very soon. And, while that hope is fine to have, it isn’t the hope we are talking about in this episode. This kind of hope can only be found in Jesus. I can’t wait for you to listen and learn more about it. 

Scripture: Romans 5:3-6 

We always love to have you draw something for Annie’s miniBFF Podcast. But for this special series we have created a coloring page that has an ornament for each week of advent. For this week we would love to see your drawing of the HOPE ornament. Just head to anniefdowns.com/advent to grab your own copy. Then share it with us by tagging @minibffbookclub!

Annie F. Downs is a NYTimes bestselling author, podcaster, and loud laugher! 

 #anniesminibffpodcast #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast

Episode 44: Lost and Found



miniBFFs, have you ever lost something before? I mean, I have! And let me tell you that the second I find what I am looking for I am jumping up and down screaming “I found it! I found it!” This episode focuses on a very important story from the bible about something being lost and then found. It is the story from Luke about the lost son and how he found his way back home.

Scripture: Luke 15:11-31

We’d love to have you draw a picture of a water bottle! We can’t wait to see what you create. You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub!

Annie F. Downs is a NYTimes bestselling author, podcaster, and loud laugher!

#anniesminibffpodcast #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast

Episode 43: Zacchaeus



Have you ever climbed a tree? Well, did you know that there is a story in the bible about someone climbing a tree. There is, miniBFFs. His name was Zacchaeus. And it was a good thing he did too, because it helped him get a better look at Jesus. Even though Jesus already knew he was up in the tree. This episode tells the story of Zacchaeus and how climbing the tree made a big change in his heart and the hearts of those around him.

Scripture: Luke 19:1-10

We’d love to have you draw a picture of a tree! We can’t wait to see what you create. You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub!

Annie F. Downs is a NYTimes bestselling author, podcaster, and loud laugher!

#anniesminibffpodcast #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast

Episode 42: Ultimate Healer



Getting hurt is zero fun. Am I right, miniBFFS? And the hard part about getting hurt is waiting for the boo boo to heal! But usually, it always does. This episode focuses on a story in the bible where Jesus healed a blind man named Bartimaeus. But the reason Bartimaeus was able to be healed was because he had faith in Jesus.

Scripture: Mark 10:46-52

We’d love to have you draw a picture of Jesus healing Bartiameus! We can’t wait to see what you create. You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub!

Annie F. Downs is a NYTimes bestselling author, podcaster, and loud laugher!

#anniesminibffpodcast #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast

Episode 41: Love Your Neighbor



We have heard before the story about Jesus telling us to love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind and to love your neighbor as yourself. But this episode talks about what Jesus meant when He said “love your neighbor”. And miniBFFs, it is a good one!

Scripture: Luke 10:25-37

We’d love to have you draw a picture of your neighbor! We can’t wait to see what you create. You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub!

Annie F. Downs is a NYTimes bestselling author, podcaster, and loud laugher!

#anniesminibffpodcast #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast

Episode 40: The Gardener



Have you ever had a garden before? If you have, you know how much work it takes to keep it alive and growing. Well Jesus tells us a story, or a parable, about a garden that lives in our hearts. I am serious, miniBFFs! There is a story in the bible about Jesus being the vine and we are the branches. Do you know who the gardener is? God! That’s right! This episode dives more into the topic of tending to the garden that lives inside of us and why it is important to take care of it.

Scripture: John 15:1-8

We’d love to have you draw a picture of a flower or something you have grown in your garden or want to grow! We can’t wait to see what you create. You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub!

Annie F. Downs is a NYTimes bestselling author, podcaster, and loud laugher!

#anniesminibffpodcast #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast

Episode 39: Moses



Moses is a big part of the old testament in the bible and there are a lot of stories about him. But for this episode I wanted to tell you about Moses from the very beginning and how God had a big plan for him. This episode I tell you about how Moses floating down a river as a baby made a big impact on the future of Egypt.

Scripture: Exodus chapters 1 & 2

We’d love to have you draw a picture of baby Moses floating on the river! We can’t wait to see what you create. You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub!

Annie F. Downs is a NYTimes bestselling author, podcaster, and loud laugher!

#anniesminibffpodcast #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast

Episode 38: Running the Race



Do you like to run? Well, miniBFFs, I don’t really love running. I kind of only like to run if I am in a race with someone or playing my favorite sport, soccer. Would you be shocked to know that running is talked about in the bible?! Believe it or not, it is! But it is talked about in a way where you are running towards God. Listen to this episode to find out more.

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 9:24

We’d love to have you draw a picture of a medal! Like one you would win in the olympics. We can’t wait to see what you create. You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub!

Annie F. Downs is a NYTimes bestselling author, podcaster, and loud laugher!

#anniesminibffpodcast #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast

Episode 37: Three Brave Men



Y’all know I love talking about being brave. I mean, we spent an entire two weeks on this podcast focusing just on that topic alone. So of course I love the story from the bible about three very brave men named - Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendnego. These three men stood up to King Nebuchadnezzer and said they were not going to worship the statue like he had commanded. They told him they would only worship God. Find out what happened when they disobeyed and what God did to help by listening to this episode.

Scripture: Daniel Chapter 3

We’d love to have you draw a picture of a campfire! We can’t wait to see what you create. You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub!

Annie F. Downs is a NYTimes bestselling author, podcaster, and loud laugher!

#anniesminibffpodcast #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast

Episode 36: Fairness



Have you ever had a moment where you wanted to scream “Hey! That's not fair!”? Well, I for sure have! And guess what? There were people in the Bible who felt that way too. In fact, Jesus tells us a whole story on fairness and how we don’t need to put too much focus onto it. Especially when it comes to God. Find out more about this story from the Bible in this episode.

Scripture: Matthew 20:1-16

We’d love to have you draw a picture of your room! We can’t wait to see what you create. You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub!

Annie F. Downs is a NYTimes bestselling author, podcaster, and loud laugher!

#anniesminibffpodcast #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast

Episode 35: Practicing Patience



Being patient… I know! It can be so hard! And I am sure there has been a time when you have had to wait patiently for something to happen. Well you are not alone. Today, our story from the Bible is about Sarah and Abraham and how they had to practice a lot of patience in waiting for God to bring them a baby.

Scripture: Genesis 17:16, 18:1-5, and 21:1-7

We’d love to have you draw a picture of something you are waiting for! We can’t wait to see what you create. You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub!

Annie F. Downs is a NYTimes bestselling author, podcaster, and loud laugher!

#anniesminibffpodcast #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast

Episode 34: I am God's Child



And we’re back! Season 3 has officially started for Annie’s miniBFF Podcast! Are you excited? Because we are so excited. Annie’s miniBFF Podcast is a place where I get to take a little time to tell you a story from one of my favorite books, the Bible!

In this episode we focus on the story of Jesus when He asked for the children to come to Him. Even though back when Jesus walked the earth it wasn’t normal for kids to get to hear about teachings from God. And the disciples thought this too! Can you believe it? But Jesus said to bring the children to Him anyways! 

Scripture:  Matthew 19:13-15

We’d love to have you draw a picture of YOU for our drawing today! We can’t wait to see what you create. You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub!

Annie F. Downs is a NYTimes bestselling author, podcaster, and loud laugher!

For all things miniBFF be sure to click HERE

#anniesminibffpodcast #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast

100 Days to Brave for Kids: Day 10 - Your Feet



Welcome to a special series of Annie’s miniBFF Podcast where we get to share with you the first 10 days of her first devotional for kids - 100 Days to Brave for Kids! We are so excited to start this journey to being brave with you.

This is DAY TEN of the first 10 days of 100 Days to Brave for Kids. Today’s episode is all about how your feet can help you lead in more way than you know.

Our bible verse for the day is from 1 John 2:6 - Whoever says he abides in [Jesus] ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.

And our question for today is: Everyone leads someone. Can you make a list of people who may look up to you as a leader? How can you lead them toward God?

Don’t forget to share your picture or letter to Annie on instagram by tagging @minibffbookclub and using #100daystobraveforkids. Then send us your creation to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212.

You can grab your copy of 100 Days to Brave for Kids wherever books are sold. And if you are loving having Annie read the devotional each day, be sure to check out the audiobook for 100 Days to Brave for Kids!

For all things miniBFF be sure to visit www.anniefdowns.com/annies-mini-bff-book-club or check us out on instagram @minibffbookclub


Annie F. Downs is a NYTimes bestselling author, podcaster, and loud laugher

100 Days to Brave for Kids: Day 9 - Your Heart



Welcome to a special series of Annie’s miniBFF Podcast where we get to share with you the first 10 days of her first devotional for kids - 100 Days to Brave for Kids! We are so excited to start this journey to being brave with you.

This is DAY NINE of the first 10 days of 100 Days to Brave for Kids. Today’s episode is all about allowing God into your heart.

Our bible verse for the day is from Psalm 86:15 - But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.

And our question for today is: Part of letting God love you is letting Him know you. Talk honestly with Him about your hurts, fears, dreams, and desires.

Don’t forget to share your picture or letter to Annie on instagram by tagging @minibffbookclub and using #100daystobraveforkids. Then send us your creation to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212.

You can grab your copy of 100 Days to Brave for Kids wherever books are sold. And if you are loving having Annie read the devotional each day, be sure to check out the audiobook for 100 Days to Brave for Kids!

For all things miniBFF be sure to visit www.anniefdowns.com/annies-mini-bff-book-club or check us out on instagram @minibffbookclub


Annie F. Downs is a NYTimes bestselling author, podcaster, and loud laugher

100 Days to Brave for Kids: Day 8 - You Are Not A Mistake



Welcome to a special series of Annie’s miniBFF Podcast where we get to share with you the first 10 days of her first devotional for kids - 100 Days to Brave for Kids! We are so excited to start this journey to being brave with you.

This is DAY EIGHT of the first 10 days of 100 Days to Brave for Kids. Today’s episode is all about believing that God made you exactly the way you should be.

Our bible verse for the day is from Psalm 139:14 - I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.

And our question for today is: Describe the you that God made. What are three of your best qualities? What is your favorite talent or ability?

Don’t forget to share your picture or letter to Annie on instagram by tagging @minibffbookclub and using #100daystobraveforkids. Then send us your creation to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212.

You can grab your copy of 100 Days to Brave for Kids wherever books are sold. And if you are loving having Annie read the devotional each day, be sure to check out the audiobook for 100 Days to Brave for Kids!

For all things miniBFF be sure to visit www.anniefdowns.com/annies-mini-bff-book-club or check us out on instagram @minibffbookclub


Annie F. Downs is a NYTimes bestselling author, podcaster, and loud laugher

100 Days to Brave for Kids: Day 7 - The Truth Sets You Free



Welcome to a special series of Annie’s miniBFF Podcast where we get to share with you the first 10 days of her first devotional for kids - 100 Days to Brave for Kids! We are so excited to start this journey to being brave with you.

This is DAY SEVEN of the first 10 days of 100 Days to Brave for Kids. Today’s episode is all about when you know the truth about yourself that it will set you free!

Our bible verse for the day is from Matthew 4:4 - Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

And our question for today is: Is there a name someone has called you that isn’t true? Is there a way someone else’s words are keeping you from being brave?

Don’t forget to share your picture or letter to Annie on instagram by tagging @minibffbookclub and using #100daystobraveforkids. Then send us your creation to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212.

You can grab your copy of 100 Days to Brave for Kids wherever books are sold. And if you are loving having Annie read the devotional each day, be sure to check out the audiobook for 100 Days to Brave for Kids!

For all things miniBFF be sure to visit www.anniefdowns.com/annies-mini-bff-book-club or check us out on instagram @minibffbookclub


Annie F. Downs is a NYTimes bestselling author, podcaster, and loud laugher

100 Days to Brave for Kids: Day 6 - The Lies You Believe



Welcome to a special series of Annie’s miniBFF Podcast where we get to share with you the first 10 days of her first devotional for kids - 100 Days to Brave for Kids! We are so excited to start this journey to being brave with you.

This is DAY SIX of the first 10 days of 100 Days to Brave for Kids. Today’s episode is all about learning to ignore those thoughts that are not true about you!

Our bible verse for the day is from Genesis 3:2-4 - “And the women said to the serpent, ‘We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden, but God said, ‘You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.’ But the serpent said to the women ‘You will not surely die.’”

And our question for today is: Chosen, Forgiven, Loved, Saved are all labels that God has already given you. Can you find another label God has given you? What do these labels mean to you?

Don’t forget to share your picture or letter to Annie on instagram by tagging @minibffbookclub and using #100daystobraveforkids. Then send us your creation to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212.

You can grab your copy of 100 Days to Brave for Kids wherever books are sold. And if you are loving having Annie read the devotional each day, be sure to check out the audiobook for 100 Days to Brave for Kids!

For all things miniBFF be sure to visit www.anniefdowns.com/annies-mini-bff-book-club or check us out on instagram @minibffbookclub


Annie F. Downs is a NYTimes bestselling author, podcaster, and loud laugher

100 Days to Brave for Kids: Day 5 - Just Start



Welcome to a special series of Annie’s miniBFF Podcast where we get to share with you the first 10 days of her first devotional for kids - 100 Days to Brave for Kids! We are so excited to start this journey to being brave with you.

This is DAY FIVE of the first 10 days of 100 Days to Brave for Kids. Today’s episode is all about deciding to start being brave.

Our bible verse for the day is from 1 Samuel 17:37 - “Go, and the Lord be with you.”

And our question for today is: What brave thing are you journeying toward? Maybe it’s something you long to create, write, say or do.

Don’t forget to share your picture or letter to Annie on instagram by tagging @minibffbookclub and using #100daystobraveforkids. Then send us your creation to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212.

You can grab your copy of 100 Days to Brave for Kids wherever books are sold. And if you are loving having Annie read the devotional each day, be sure to check out the audiobook for 100 Days to Brave for Kids!

For all things miniBFF be sure to visit www.anniefdowns.com/annies-mini-bff-book-club or check us out on instagram @minibffbookclub


Annie F. Downs is a NYTimes bestselling author, podcaster, and loud laugher

100 Days to Brave for Kids: Day 4 - Look For Brave



Welcome to a special series of Annie’s miniBFF Podcast where we get to share with you the first 10 days of her first devotional for kids - 100 Days to Brave for Kids! We are so excited to start this journey to being brave with you.

This is DAY FOUR of the first 10 days of 100 Days to Brave for Kids. Today’s episode is all about seeing people being brave around you!

Our bible verse for the day is from Acts 4:13 - “The officials were amazed to see how brave Peter and John were, and they knew that these two apostles were only ordinary men and not well educated. The officials were certain that these men had been with Jesus.”

And our question for today is: Do you see a friend or a family member being brave today?

Don’t forget to share your picture or letter to Annie on instagram by tagging @minibffbookclub and using #100daystobraveforkids. Then send us your creation to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212.

You can grab your copy of 100 Days to Brave for Kids wherever books are sold. And if you are loving having Annie read the devotional each day, be sure to check out the audiobook for 100 Days to Brave for Kids!

For all things miniBFF be sure to visit www.anniefdowns.com/annies-mini-bff-book-club or check us out on instagram @minibffbookclub


Annie F. Downs is a NYTimes bestselling author, podcaster, and loud laugher

100 Days to Brave for Kids: Day 3 - You Are Braver Than You Know



Welcome to a special series of Annie’s miniBFF Podcast where we get to share with you the first 10 days of her first devotional for kids - 100 Days to Brave for Kids! We are so excited to start this journey to being brave with you.

This is DAY THREE of the first 10 days of 100 Days to Brave for Kids. Today’s episode is all about realizing that you are braver than you might think!

Our bible verse for the day is Isaiah 30:21 - “Whether you turn to the right or the left, your ears will hear and voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it.’”

And our question for today is: What have you done before that made you feel brave?

Don’t forget to share your picture or letter to Annie on instagram by tagging @minibffbookclub and using #100daystobraveforkids. Then send us your creation to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212.

You can grab your copy of 100 Days to Brave for Kids wherever books are sold. And if you are loving having Annie read the devotional each day, be sure to check out the audiobook for 100 Days to Brave for Kids!

For all things miniBFF be sure to visit www.anniefdowns.com/annies-mini-bff-book-club or check us out on instagram @minibffbookclub


Annie F. Downs is a NYTimes bestselling author, podcaster, and loud laugher

100 Days to Brave for Kids: Day 2 - Why Be Brave?



Welcome to a special series of Annie’s miniBFF Podcast where we get to share with you the first 10 days of her first devotional for kids - 100 Days to Brave for Kids! We are so excited to start this journey to being brave with you.

This is DAY TWO of the first 10 days of 100 Days to Brave for Kids. Today’s episode is answering the question of why we should be brave.

Our bible verse for the day is 2 Timothy 1:8-9 “We can only keep on going, after all, by the power of God, who first saved us and then called us to this holy work. We had nothing to do with it. It was all his idea, a gift prepared for us in Jesus long before we knew anything about it. But we know it now.”

And our question for today is: What is your God story? How has God changed you and the things that have happened in your life and made them better?

Don’t forget to share your picture or letter to Annie on instagram by tagging @minibffbookclub and using #100daystobraveforkids. Then send us your creation to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212.

You can grab your copy of 100 Days to Brave for Kids wherever books are sold. And if you are loving having Annie read the devotional each day, be sure to check out the audiobook for 100 Days to Brave for Kids!

For all things miniBFF be sure to visit www.anniefdowns.com/annies-mini-bff-book-club or check us out on instagram @minibffbookclub


Annie F. Downs is a NYTimes bestselling author, podcaster, and loud laugher

100 Days to Brave for Kids: Day 1 - What is Brave?



Welcome to a special series of Annie’s miniBFF Podcast where we get to share with you the first 10 days of her first devotional for kids - 100 Days to Brave for Kids! 

This is DAY ONE of the first 10 DAYS of 100 Days to Brave for Kids. We are so excited to start this journey to being brave with you.

Today’s episode is defining what the word brave means and how we can be brave even when we are scared!

Our bible verse for the day is Isaiah 41:31 - “For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.”

And our question for today is: Why do you want to be brave?

Don’t forget to share your picture or letter to Annie on instagram by tagging @minibffbookclub and using #100daystobraveforkids. Then send us your creation to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212.

You can grab your copy of 100 Days to Brave for Kids wherever books are sold. And if you are loving having Annie read the devotional each day, be sure to check out the audiobook for 100 Days to Brave for Kids wherever you like to listen! 

For all things miniBFF visit www.anniefdowns.com/annies-mini-bff-book-club or check us out on instagram @minibffbookclub

Annie F. Downs is a NYTimes bestselling author, podcaster, and loud laugher

Episode 33: Road Map



Have you ever been on a road trip? One thing we know you need on a road trip is a map telling you where to go. Did you know there is also kind of a road map in the bible? One that helps guide you to Jesus. We talk more about it in today's episode.

Scripture: Psalm 119:105 

We'd love to see you draw a picture of a bible! We can't wait to see what you create 

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub 

#minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast #anniesminibffpodcast


Thank you to our sponsor KiwiCo! Redefine learning with play and get 30% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code MINIBFF at kiwico.com.


To sign up to have your child's name in Annie's newest children's book click here

Episode 32: Your Name



Do you remember the first time you learned your name? Well, I don't. But you know who did know my name before anyone else? God did. Yep! He knew exactly what your name would be before you were even born. And names are super important to us but also in the Bible. On this episode we dive into the genealogy of Jesus Christ from Matthew 1. 

Scripture: Matthew 1 

We'd love to see you draw a picture of your name! We can't wait to see what you create. 

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub 

 #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast #anniesminibffpodcast


Thank you to our sponsor KiwiCo! Redefine learning with play and get 30% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code MINIBFF at kiwico.com.

Episode 31: A Firm Foundation



Have you ever built a sandcastle before? If you have, you know that the foundation of a house made of sand isn't very strong. Jesus actually talked about building your home on a firm foundation in the Bible. But He wasn't actually talking about our physical home, He was talking about our faith.

Scripture: Matthew 7:24-27 & Luke 6:46-49

We'd love to see you draw a picture of a sandcastle! We can't wait to see what you create. 

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826, Nashville, TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub

Submit a miniBFF's name to be included in Annie's next kids book by clicking HERE!

 #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast #anniesminibffpodcast


Thank you to our sponsor KiwiCo! Redefine learning with play and get 30% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code MINIBFF at kiwico.com.

Episode 30: He Is Risen!



We are back after a week of honoring Holy Week and are excited to share the story of Easter with all of you. In this episode we talk about why we celebrate Easter and what makes it so important. 

Scripture: Luke Chapter 20-24 and John 20

We'd love to see you draw a picture of an Easter egg! We can't wait to see what you create

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub

#minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast #anniesminibffpodcast


Thank you to our sponsor KiwiCo! Redefine learning with play and get 30% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code MINIBFF at kiwico.com.

Episode 29: Hosanna



We love a good parade here at Annie's miniBFF podcast! Did you know there was kind of a parade in the Bible? In this episode we talk about Palm Sunday and Jesus riding through town on a donkey. 

Scripture: Matthew 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:28-44 and John 12:12-19

We'd love to see you draw a picture of a palm leaf! We can't wait to see what you create

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub

#minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast #anniesminibffpodcast


Thank you to our sponsor KiwiCo! Redefine learning with play and get 30% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code MINIBFF at kiwico.com.

Episode 28: Shine Your Light



When it is time for bed the room can feel really dark and it can feel a little scary. But what we want you to know, miniBFFs, is that even in the dark you are not alone. Jesus is always with you. Find out how you carry the light of Jesus in this episode.

Scripture: Matthew 5:13-26 John 8:12

We'd love to see you draw a picture of a nightlight! We can't wait to see what you create 

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub 

#minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast #anniesminibffpodcast


Thank you to our sponsor KiwiCo! Redefine learning with play and get 30% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code MINIBFF at kiwico.com.

Episode 27: Jesus Wept



Having friends can be a lot of fun! Right?! It is fun to play games with your friends, or laugh with them, or even play a sport. Being a friend also means being there for you friends when they are happy or sad. Jesus had a lot of friends too. In this episode we learn about the story of Jesus and His friend Lazarus.

Scripture: John 11 

We'd love to see you draw a picture of you and your friends. We can't wait to see what you create

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub

#minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast #anniesminibffpodcast


Thank you to our sponsor KiwiCo! Redefine learning with play and get 30% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code MINIBFF at kiwico.com.

Episode 26: The Most Important Thing



We all have a list of things we want to do each day. And while that list is important there is one thing that is the most important and that is taking time each day to talk to Jesus. We know this because of the story of Mary and Martha. Learn all about it on today's episode 

Scripture: Luke 10:38-42

We'd love to see you draw a picture of a flower. We can't wait to see what you create 

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub 

#minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast #annieminibffpodcast


Thank you to our sponsor KiwiCo! Redefine learning with play and get 30% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code MINIBFF at kiwico.com.

Episode 25: He Chose You Too



Today's episode we get to hear the story about Jesus calling on the first disciples. And did you know that you have something in common with the disciples ? That Jesus chose you too!

Scripture: Matthew 4:18-22; Luke 5:1-11 & 6:12-16

We'd love to see you draw a picture of a flower. We can't wait to see what you create! 

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub 

#minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast #annieminibffpodcast


Thank you to our sponsor KiwiCo! Redefine learning with play and get 30% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code MINIBFF at kiwico.com.

Episode 24: Team Jesus!



Have you ever played a sport where you got to be on a team? Isn't it so much fun! On today's episode we are talking about a very important person from the Bible named John the Baptist. If Jesus had a team, John was for sure on it. 

Scripture: Matthew 3; Mark 1:4-11; Luke 1, 3:1-22; John 1:1-34 

We'd love to see you draw a picture of John baptizing Jesus. We can't wait to see what you create 

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub

#minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast #annieminibffpodcast


Thank you to our sponsor KiwiCo! Redefine learning with play and get 50% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code MINIBFF at kiwico.com.

Episode 23: Hey Jonah!



You know who is always calling out to you? God. And there is a friend in the Bible God was calling out to named Jonah. Find out what happens to Jonah when he tries to run away from what God was wanting him to do.

Scripture: Jonah 1-3 

We'd love to see you draw a picture of what you think Jonah looked like inside the whale! We can't wait to see what you create

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub 

#minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast #annieminibffpodcast


Thank you to our sponsor KiwiCo! Redefine learning with play and get 50% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code MINIBFF at kiwico.com.

Episode 22: The Greatest Is Love



Happy Valentine's Day miniBFFs! Valentine's day is known for all the cards, getting candy, and celebrating LOVE. And the topic of LOVE is something that is mentioned a lot in the Bible. For today's story we are sharing about how important the topic of love is to Jesus.

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13

We'd love to see you draw a picture of a heart! It can be one big heart or a bunch of little hearts! We can't wait to see what you create.

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub

#minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast #annieminibffpodcast


Thank you to our sponsor KiwiCo! Redefine learning with play and get 50% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code MINIBFF at kiwico.com.

Episode 21: Bravery with Faith



We are all about being BRAVE on Annie's miniBFF podcast with the release of her newest kids book 100 Days to Brave for Kids releasing on Feb 8th! 

Today's story of bravery is all about using your faith. There was a woman who was hurt for a long time. She went to a lot of doctors and nothing seemed to help heal her. But one day she was very brave and reached out to Jesus for healing. 

Scripture: Matthew 9:18-22, Mark 5:21-34 and Luke 8:40-48

We'd love to see you draw a picture of what you had to have a bandaid? Or maybe even just design a picture of a bandaid? We can't wait to see what you create!

 You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast #annieminibffpodcast


Thank you to our sponsor KiwiCo! Redefine learning with play and get 50% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code MINIBFF at kiwico.com.

Episode 20: Bravery with Others



We are all about being BRAVE on Annie's miniBFF podcast with the release of her newest kids book 100 Days to Brave for Kids releasing on Feb 8th!

Today's story of bravery is all about Esther. Esther had to be very brave in standing up for the safety of her people which also meant standing up for herself. 

Scripture: Esther Chapter 2-8

We'd love to see you draw a picture of what you think Esther looks like as the queen! We can't wait to see what you create! 

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast #anniesminibffpodcast


Thank you to our sponsor KiwiCo! Redefine learning with play and get 50% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code MINIBFF at kiwico.com.

Episode 19: Bravery with Giants



We are all about being BRAVE on Annie's miniBFF podcast with the release of her newest kids book 100 Days to Brave for Kids releasing on Feb 8th!

Today's story of bravery is all about David. David was the smallest of his brothers but was chosen as the one who fought the biggest giant named Goliath. 

Scripture: 1 Samuel chapter 17

We'd love to see you draw a picture of David and Goliath! We can't wait to see what you create.

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast #anniesminibffpodcast


Thank you to our sponsor KiwiCo! Redefine learning with play and get 50% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code MINIBFF at kiwico.com.

Episode 18: Bravery with Lions



We are all about being BRAVE on Annie's miniBFF podcast with the release of her newest kids book 100 Days to Brave for Kids releasing on Feb 8th!

Today's story of bravery is all about Daniel. Daniel had to be brave a lot while he worked for several different kings. But he is best known for his bravery in the Lion's den. Find out how God helped Daniel be brave!

Scripture: Daniel chapters 4-6

We'd love to see you draw a picture of Daniel in the lions den. We can't wait to see what you create. 

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast #anniesminibffpodcast


Thank you to our sponsor KiwiCo! Redefine learning with play and get 50% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code MINIBFF at kiwico.com.

Episode 17: The Forgiving Brother



Sometimes it is just as hard to say "I forgive you" as it is to say "I'm sorry". Last week we learned about Joseph being sent to Egypt by his brothers. This week we learn what happens when Joseph sees his brothers again. 

Scripture: Genesis Chapter 42-45

We'd love to see you draw a picture of Joseph and his twelve brothers! We can't wait to see what you create. 

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to Instagram and tag @minibffbookclub
#minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast #anniesminibffpodcast


Thank you to our sponsor KiwiCo! Redefine learning with play and get 50% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code MINIBFF at kiwico.com.

Episode 16: The Colorful Coat



Kicking off Season 2 of Annie's MiniBFF Podcast with a story all about one of the more well known characters from the old testament - Joseph. 

Joseph had a gift for being able to figure out dreams. He was also thought to be the favorite of Jacob's twelve sons. He was given a coat of many colors by his Dad and it made all his other brothers jealous. So jealous that they sent him off to Egypt! After a series of events Joseph finds himself solving dreams for the Pharaoh. Join Annie as she teaches us about how Joseph's ability to figure out the meaning behind dreams helps him save Egypt.

Scripture: Genesis chapter 37 and 39-41

We'd love to see you draw a picture Joseph and his coat of many colors! We can't wait to see what you create. 

You can send your pictures to: PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to Instagram and tag @minibffbookclub
#minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast #anniesminibffpodcast


Thank you to our sponsor KiwiCo! Redefine learning with play and get 50% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code MINIBFF at kiwico.com.

Episode 15: Happy Birthday, Jesus!



Birthdays are so much fun right! And there is one birthday in particular that we all love to celebrate. In this episode Annie tells us the story of Jesus’ birth and why celebrating Him is the most important birthday of all!

Scripture: Matthew 1:18-25, Luke 1:26-38 and Luke 2:1-20

We’d love to see you draw a picture of Jesus in the manger. We can’t wait to see what you create.

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub

In addition to the miniBFF podcast, Annie reads a book to all her miniBFFs over on @anniefdowns at 6pmCT live every Monday night.

#minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast


Thank you to our partner for this episode!

Zonderkidz: Grab a copy of Jesus Storybook Bible today for the kids in your life as a way for them to grow, learn, and connect with Jesus. You can purchase Zonderkidz Jesus Storybook Bible from your favorite place to buy books or online from Amazon or Christianbook.com.

Episode 14: In Search of the Sheep



Have you ever lost something? Maybe a bracelet or your baseball glove. You searched everywhere to find it. And when you did, you probably jumped for joy that the item you lost was now found. In this episode Annie tells us the story of Jesus explaining why God is always seeking you.

Scripture: Luke 15:3-7

We’d love to see you draw a picture of sheep and maybe a shepherd finding a lost sheep. We can’t wait to see what you create.

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub

In addition to the miniBFF podcast, Annie reads a book to all her miniBFFs over on @anniefdowns at 6pmCT live every Monday night. #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast


Thank you to our partners at ZonderKidz! The Jesus Storybook Bible has been a bestselling storybook Bible for over a decade, introducing children to God’s wonderful story and the Savior at the center of that story. Get your copy in time to go through for Advent on Amazon or ChristanBook.com.

Episode 13: Jesus Walks On Water



Who loves being in the water? Me! When you are in the water you can swim, float, even ride on it. But what if you could walk on water? Well Jesus could and He did so when He went out to join His disciples in the boat. Join Annie as she dives into the story of Jesus walking on water. 

Scripture: Matthew 14:22-33 

We’d love to see you draw a picture of Jesus walking on the water towards the disciples in the boat. We can’t wait to see what you create.

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub

In addition to the miniBFF podcast, Annie reads a book to all her miniBFFs over on @anniefdowns at 6pmCT live every Monday night. #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast


Thank you to our partners at ZonderKidz! The Jesus Storybook Bible has been a bestselling storybook Bible for over a decade, introducing children to God’s wonderful story and the Savior at the center of that story. Get your copy in time to go through for Advent on Amazon or ChristanBook.com.

Episode 12: Jesus Feeds His People



Have you ever had a big dinner where you got to feed a lot of people?! Well so did Jesus. Expect Jesus only had two fish and five loaves of bread to feed 5,000 people! Join Annie as she tells the story of Jesus performing the miracle of serving His people.

Scripture: Matthew 14:13-21

We’d love to see you draw a picture of your favorite food. We can’t wait to see what you create.

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub

In addition to the miniBFF podcast, Annie reads a book to all her miniBFFs over on @anniefdowns at 6pmCT live every Monday night.
#minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast


Thank you to our partners at ZonderKidz! The Jesus Storybook Bible has been a bestselling storybook Bible for over a decade, introducing children to God’s wonderful story and the Savior at the center of that story. Get your copy in time to go through for Advent on Amazon or ChristanBook.com.

Episode 11: Wash Your Hands



We have had to wash our hands a lot lately! Right miniBFFs?! Well Jesus had to wash His hands too. But for a much different reason. This episode Annie dives into what makes a person clean on the outside and inside!

Scripture: Mark 7:1-20

We’d love to see you draw a picture of you and Jesus washing your hands together! We can’t wait to see what you create.

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub

In addition to the miniBFF podcast, Annie reads a book to all her miniBFFs over on @anniefdowns at 6pmCT live every Monday night. #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast


Thank you to our partners at ZonderKidz! The Jesus Storybook Bible has been a bestselling storybook Bible for over a decade, introducing children to God’s wonderful story and the Savior at the center of that story. Get your copy in time to go through for Advent on Amazon or ChristanBook.com.

Episode 10: The Most Important Rules



We all have rules we have to follow. Right?! Well when Jesus was walking the earth there were rules that had to be followed too. And one time someone asked Jesus what the most important rule was that they needed to follow. So what rule did Jesus tell him? Well it was actually two rules that were the most important. To find out - join Annie as she tells us the story of the most important rules.

Scripture: Matthew 22:34-40

We’d love to see you draw a picture of something kind to do for someone. Maybe helping a friend, or grownup, or a teacher!  We can’t wait to see what you create.

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub

In addition to the miniBFF podcast, Annie reads a book to all her miniBFFs over on @anniefdowns at 6pmCT live every Monday night. #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast


Thank you to our partners at KiwiCo!  Build a foundation for early learning this Holiday season with Panda Crate from KiwiCo! Get 50% off your first month on ANY crate line with code MINIBFF at kiwico.com.

Episode 9: Learning To Talk With God



Guess who spent A LOT of time talking with God? Jesus! He also spent a lot of time teaching us how we can also talk to God. Join Annie as she tells us about the lessons Jesus taught us on how to pray.

Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

We’d love to see you draw a picture of something you prayed for, or want to pray for, or even a picture of you saying your prayers. We can’t wait to see what you create. 

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub

In addition to the miniBFF podcast, Annie reads a book to all her miniBFFs over on @anniefdowns at 6pmCT live every Monday night. #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast


Thank you to our partners at KiwiCo!  Build a foundation for early learning this Holiday season with Panda Crate from KiwiCo! Get 50% off your first month on ANY crate line with code MINIBFF at kiwico.com.

Episode 8: One in the Same



Washing your feet was something that had to be done often back when Jesus walked the earth. It wasn’t a job anyone wanted to do! But Jesus washed his friends' feet and Annie reads to us why in this episode.

Scripture: John 13:1-17

We’d love to see you draw a picture of Jesus washing the disciples feet. What do you think that looked like? We can’t wait to see what you create. 

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub 

In addition to the miniBFF podcast, Annie reads a book to all her miniBFFs over on @anniefdowns at 6pmCT live every Monday night. #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast


Thank you to our partners at KiwiCo!  Build a foundation for early learning this Holiday season with Panda Crate from KiwiCo! Get 50% off your first month on ANY crate line with code MINIBFF at kiwico.com.

Episode 7: Jesus and the Temple



Jesus wanted to learn about God His father so much that one time He didn't leave the temple when it was time to go home! Annie tells us the story of why He wanted to stay in the temple and how we can grow in our relationship with God in this episode.

Scripture: Luke 2:39-52

We’d love to see you draw a picture of Jesus at the temple as a KID. We can’t wait to see what you create. 

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub

In addition to the miniBFF podcast, Annie reads a book to all her miniBFFs over on @anniefdowns at 6pmCT live every Monday night. #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast


Thank you to our partners at KiwiCo!  Scare up some fun this Halloween with KiwiCo! Redefine learning with play -- explore hands-on projects that build confidence, creativity, and critical thinking skills. Get 50% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code MINIBFF at kiwico.com




My very first children's picture book releases this week! So today we have a bonus episode to share with lots of my miniBFFs, lots of my own thoughts about what today means to me, a few tears, and a lot more laughs and smiles.

Order YOUR copy, or a few copies :), today! 

If you've already got your copy, please review the book wherever you got to purchase it! And tell your friends! Let's put this fun book in the hands of as many kids as possible this week!

Thank you to our partners!

BetterHelp: This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp and That Sounds Fun listeners get 10% off their first month at BetterHelp.com/thatsoundsfun.

Thrive: Join Thrive Market today to get $20 off your first order and am exclusive free gift. Go to https://ThriveMarket.com/THATSOUNDSFUN.

Indeed: Get started RIGHT NOW with a SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLAR SPONSORED JOB CREDIT to upgrade your job post at Indeed.com/SOUNDSFUN.

MilkBar: Right now, Milk Bar has a special, limited time offer. Get $10 off any order of $50 or more when you go to MilkBarStore.com/thatsoundsfun.

Episode 6: Calming The Storm



Scared of storms? Guess what! So were Jesus’s friends the disciples. Annie tells us the story how Jesus helped them learn they didn't need to be afraid and how He is always the one in control of the storm.

Scripture: Matthew 8:23-27

We’d love to see you draw a picture of Jesus calming the storm with all the disciples in the boat. We can’t wait to see what you create. 

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub

In addition to the miniBFF podcast, Annie reads a book to all her miniBFFs over on @anniefdowns at 6pmCT live every Monday night. #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast


Thank you to our partners at KiwiCo!  Scare up some fun this Halloween with KiwiCo! Redefine learning with play -- explore hands-on projects that build confidence, creativity, and critical thinking skills. Get 50% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code MINIBFF at kiwico.com

Episode 5: The Talkative Tower



Have you ever realized all the different languages there are in the world? Well it wasn't always that way! In this episode Annie tells us the story of Babel and why God mixed up all the languages.

Scripture: Genesis 11:1-9

We’d love to see you draw a picture of everyone trying to talk to each other at the city of Babel! We can’t wait to see what you create.

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub

In addition to the miniBFF podcast, Annie reads a book to all her miniBFFs over on @anniefdowns at 6pmCT live every Monday night.
#minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast


Thank you to our partners at KiwiCo!  Scare up some fun this Halloween with KiwiCo! Redefine learning with play -- explore hands-on projects that build confidence, creativity, and critical thinking skills. Get 50% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code MINIBFF at kiwico.com

Episode 4: Noah Built The Ark



Who built the ark? Noah! Noah! Annie tells us all about Noah, his relationship with God and what happened when he was asked to build an ark.

Scripture: Genesis 6:9 - 9:17

We’d love to see you draw a picture of the ark! We can’t wait to see what you create.

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub

In addition to the miniBFF podcast, Annie reads a book to all her miniBFFs over on @anniefdowns at 6pmCT live every Monday night.
#minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast


Thank you to our partners at KiwiCo!

Scare up some fun this Halloween with KiwiCo! Redefine learning with play -- explore hands-on projects that build confidence, creativity, and critical thinking skills. Get 50% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code MINIBFF at kiwico.com

Episode 3: Adam and Eve - Part Two



Wait! There is an Adam and Eve Part One. If you haven’t heard it yet, give it a listen. (link to episode 2) Adam and Eve were created to walk the earth together and live in the Garden of Eden. But they didn't get to stay in the garden for very long. Find out what happened as Annie reads us Part Two of the story of Adam and Eve.

Scripture: Genesis 3

We’d love to see you draw a picture of Adam and Eve! We can’t wait to see what you create.

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub

In addition to the miniBFF podcast, Annie reads a book to all her miniBFFs over on @anniefdowns at 6pmCT live every Monday night. #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast


Thank you to our partners at KiwiCo!  Scare up some fun this Halloween with KiwiCo! Redefine learning with play -- explore hands-on projects that build confidence, creativity, and critical thinking skills. Get 50% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code MINIBFF at kiwico.com

Episode 2: Adam & Eve - Part One



We learned how God created the world (link to episode one) and designed it for us. In this episode Annie tells us the story of God creating Adam and how God welcomed Adam into the Garden of Eden. God never wanted us to be alone. 

Scripture: Genesis 2:4-25 

We’d love to see you draw a picture of the Garden of Eden! We can’t wait to see what you create. 

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub 

In addition to the miniBFF podcast, Annie reads a book to all her miniBFFs over on @anniefdowns at 6pmCT live every Monday night. #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast


Thank you to our partners at KiwiCo!

KiwiCo is redefining learning, with hands-on projects that build confidence, creativity, and  critical thinking skills. There’s something for every kid (or kid-at-heart) at KiwiCo.  Get 50% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code MINIBFF at kiwico.com.

Episode 1: God Created The World



Let’s start from the beginning! Join Annie as she walks us through the first seven days of the earth and all the work God did each day to create it just for us.

Scripture: Genesis 1, 2:1-3

We'd love to see you draw a picture of the world! We can't wait to see what you create.

You can send your pictures to PO Box 121826 Nashville TN 37212 OR you can post it to instagram and tag @minibffbookclub

In addition to the miniBFF podcast, Annie reads a book to all her miniBFFs over on @anniefdowns at 6pmCT live every Monday night. #minibffbookclub #minibffpodcast


Thank you to our partners at KiwiCo!

KiwiCo is redefining learning, with hands-on projects that build confidence, creativity, and  critical thinking skills. There’s something for every kid (or kid-at-heart) at KiwiCo.  Get 50% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code MINIBFF at kiwico.com.

Episode 46: John the Baptist



This episode today is all about John the Baptist. It is so important that we take time to learn about him because he is a very good example of wanting to tell everyone about Jesus. Even before John the Baptist had even met Jesus face to face, he knew that Jesus was someone that everyone needed to know about. 

This story, John the Baptist, comes from the I Wonder book and can be found on page 114. 

We have teamed up with Zonder Kids this season to learn all about the gospels by reading stories from these three storybook bibles: Jesus Storybook Bible, The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and I Wonder. Head over to faithgateway.com and use the code AD20 for 20% off these three books. 

Grab the Journey Through The Gospels activity book at shopanniefdowns.com to join in on all fun for this season! This week we are drawing a picture of the white dove in the story. 

Click HERE to watch Annie’s miniBFF Podcast on YouTube.

Click HERE to subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast. 

Episode 47: Let's Go



So we know Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist from our episode last week. But what happened after that? Well, Jesus spent a lot of time in the desert of all places! That’s probably not where I would go right after being baptized, but it is where Jesus went and for a good reason. We also learn about Jesus calling his disciples and how important it was for Jesus to have close friends too. 

This story, Let’s Go, comes from the Jesus Storybook Bible and can be found on page 208. You can also read more about this story from Matthew 4, Mark 1, and Luke 4-6 in the Bible. 

We have teamed up with Zonderkidz this season to learn all about the Gospels by reading stories from these three storybook Bibles: Jesus Storybook Bible, The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and I Wonder. Head over to faithgateway.com and use the code AD20 for 20% off these three books. 

Grab the Journey Through The Gospels Guidebook at shopanniefdowns.com to join in on all the fun for this season! This week we are drawing a picture of Jesus and his disciples. 

Click HERE to watch Annie’s miniBFF Podcast on YouTube.
Click HERE to subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.

Episode 48: The Woman at the Well



Did you know that Jesus cares for you so much that no matter what, He will never stop loving you? It’s true, miniBFFs! And that is a topic we are learning about in this episode with the story of the woman at the well. This woman felt a lot of shame and sadness about the things she had done and thought no one loved her. But Jesus was about to tell her how much He loved her and how He had come to save her. 

This story, The Woman at the Well, comes from the I Wonder Bible and can be found on page 132. You can also read more about this story from John 4:1-2 in the Bible. 

We have teamed up with Zonderkidz this season to learn all about the Gospels by reading stories from these three storybook Bibles: Jesus Storybook Bible, The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and I Wonder. Head over to faithgateway.com and use the code AD20 for 20% off these three books. 

Grab the Journey Through The Gospels Guidebook at shopanniefdowns.com to join in on all fun for this season! This week we are drawing a picture of the well in the story. 

Click HERE to watch Annie’s miniBFF Podcast on YouTube.
Click HERE to subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.

Episode 49: A Little Girl and a Poor, Frail Lady



miniBFFs, we really love the story for this episode because we get to witness Jesus perform not one, but two, miracles. This is the story about a father who wanted his little girl to get better and about a woman who had been sick for a very long time and also wanted to get better. Spoiler alert - Jesus heals them both! But the way that these miracles happened is very different.

This story, A Little Girl and a Poor Frail Lady, comes from the Jesus Storybook Bible and can be found on page 214. You can also read more about this story from Luke 8 in the Bible. 

We have teamed up with Zonderkidz this season to learn all about the Gospels by reading stories from these three storybook Bibles: Jesus Storybook Bible, The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and I Wonder. Head over to faithgateway.com and use the code AD20 for 20% off these three books. 

Grab the Journey Through The Gospels Guidebook at shopanniefdowns.com to join in on all fun for this season! This week we are drawing a picture of the little girl AWAKE in her bed!  

Click HERE to watch Annie’s miniBFF Podcast on YouTube.

Click HERE to subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.

Episode 50: Jesus Helps and Heals



There is nothing I love more than reading about Jesus healing those who need healing! Right, miniBFFS??  In our story today, Jesus shows us that He loves everyone by taking care of the people who were not welcomed by others. He helps someone who is blind, someone who couldn’t walk, and someone who had horrible sickness that no one wanted to be around. Jesus not only wanted to be around them, He wanted to heal them. 

This story, Jesus Helps and Heals, comes from The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and can be found on page 152. You can also read more about this story from Matthew 9, Mark 2, and Luke 5 in the Bible. 

We have teamed up with Zonderkidz this season to learn all about the Gospels by reading stories from these three storybook Bibles: Jesus Storybook Bible, The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and I Wonder. Head over to faithgateway.com and use the code AD20 for 20% off these three books. 

Grab the Journey Through The Gospels Guidebook at shopanniefdowns.com to join in on all fun for this season! This week we are drawing a picture of a bandaid! I know it’s silly but once you listen to the story I think you will understand why we picked that!   

Click HERE to watch Annie’s miniBFF Podcast on YouTube.
Click HERE to subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.

Episode 51: What Jesus Said



What Jesus Said

miniBFFs, have you ever heard about the Sermon on the Mount? I know, it’s kind of a funny name right? But the Sermon on the Mount is a very important message that Jesus gave to a crowd of people about being a follower of God. Today’s story is an example of one of the many reasons why I am so thankful to have the Bible because it tells us about all the very important things that Jesus taught while He was on earth. 

This story, What Jesus Said, comes from the book I Wonder and can be found on page 126. You can also read more about this story from Matthew 5:14-6:34 in the Bible. 

We have teamed up with Zonderkidz this season to learn all about the Gospels by reading stories from these three storybook Bibles: Jesus Storybook Bible, The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and I Wonder. Head over to faithgateway.com and use the code AD20 for 20% off these three books. 

Grab the Journey Through The Gospels Guidebook at shopanniefdowns.com to join in on all fun for this season! This week we are drawing a picture of a candle! Or it could be a flashlight! Whatever kind of light you want just as long as it serves as a reminder that we are a light in the darkness because of the way we love Jesus.  

Click HERE to watch Annie’s miniBFF Podcast on YouTube.

Click HERE to subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.

Episode 52: The Farmer



One way Jesus liked to tell about God is through stories called parables. We get to hear about one today in our story about The Farmer and where he plants his seeds. Jesus uses this parable to teach us not only about planting your seeds in the right soil, but also having your heart in the right place. That's the thing about parables, there is always a connection at the end of the story to the real message Jesus is trying to teach us.  This story, The Farmer, comes from the book I Wonder and can be found on page 156. You can also read more about this story from Matthew 13:1-23 in the Bible.  We have teamed up with Zonderkidz this season to learn all about the Gospels by reading stories from these three storybook Bibles: Jesus Storybook Bible, The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and I Wonder. Head over to faithgateway.com and use the code AD20 for 20% off these three books.  Grab the Journey Through The Gospels Guidebook at shopanniefdowns.com to join in on all fun for this season! This week we are drawing a picture of a candle! Or it could be a flashlight! Whatever kind of light you want just as long as it serves as a reminder that we are a light in the darkness because of the way we love Jesus.   Click HERE to watch Annie’s miniBFF Podcast on YouTube. Click HERE to subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.

Episode 53: Jesus Calms The Storm



Did you know that one time there was this really big storm? It was so big that it even scared the disciples!! And you know who was with them when they were afraid. Jesus. Yes! Jesus was with them and he was even asleep the whole time this big storm was brewing! But when the disciples woke him up, Jesus wasn’t at all worried. I can’t wait for you to listen to today's episode to find out why this storm didn’t bother Jesus one bit!   This story, Jesus Calms the Storm, comes from The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and can be found on page 144. You can also read more about this story from Matthew 8, Luke 8, and Mark 4 in the Bible.  We have teamed up with Zonderkidz this season to learn all about the Gospels by reading stories from these three storybook Bibles: Jesus Storybook Bible, The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and I Wonder. Head over to faithgateway.com and use the code AD20 for 20% off these three books.  Grab the Journey Through The Gospels Guidebook at shopanniefdowns.com to join in on all fun for this season! This week we are drawing a picture of the boat Jesus and his disciples were in during the storm!  Click HERE to watch Annie’s miniBFF Podcast on YouTube. Click HERE to subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.

Episode 54: The Hungry Crowd



In our story today we learn about a time when Jesus spent the whole day teaching a whole lot of people. A group of 5,000 people to be exact. And they had loved hearing him teach so much that they forgot about dinner! Suddenly there were a lot of hungry people that Jesus needed to feed. Guess what miniBFFs. Jesus did feed 5000 people. And I can’t wait for you to hear how he did it!  This story, The Hungry Crowd, comes from the I Wonder book and can be found on page 162. You can also read more about this story from John 6:1-13 in the Bible.  We have teamed up with Zonderkidz this season to learn all about the Gospels by reading stories from these three storybook Bibles: Jesus Storybook Bible, The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and I Wonder. Head over to faithgateway.com and use the code AD20 for 20% off these three books.  Grab the Journey Through The Gospels Guidebook at shopanniefdowns.com to join in on all fun for this season! This week we are drawing a picture of the basket with 5 loaves of bread and two fish!  Click HERE to watch Annie’s miniBFF Podcast on YouTube. Click HERE to subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.

Episode 55: Jesus Walking on Water



So miniBFFs, let me ask you a question. Do you know how to walk on water? Because I sure don’t! But in today’s story we are going to read about one person who had no problem walking on water, Jesus. Not only did he walk on water he walked on water in the middle of a huge storm! I mean trying to balance on water has to be hard enough already, add crazy waves all around you and it just seems even more impossible! But one thing we are for sure learning around here is that nothing is impossible with God.  This story, Jesus Walking on Water, comes from the I Wonder book and can be found on page 168. You can also read more about this story from Matthew 14:22-32 in the Bible.  We have teamed up with Zonderkidz this season to learn all about the Gospels by reading stories from these three storybook Bibles: Jesus Storybook Bible, The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and I Wonder. Head over to faithgateway.com and use the code AD20 for 20% off these three books.  Grab the Journey Through The Gospels Guidebook at shopanniefdowns.com to join in on all fun for this season! This week we are drawing a picture of Jesus walking on water! Click HERE to watch Annie’s miniBFF Podcast on YouTube. Click HERE to subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.

Episode 56: The Friend to Little Children



Do you know who is always going to be your friend? Jesus! Yes miniBFFs! Jesus wants to be our friend and he wants to spend all the time he can with you. In fact, there is a whole story in the bible about kids like you miniBFFs and how much Jesus wanted them to come see him.  This story, The Friend to Little Children, comes from The Jesus Storybook Bible and can be found on page 168. You can also read more about this story from Matthew 19, Mark 10, Luke 18 in the Bible.  We have teamed up with ZonderKidz this season to learn all about the Gospels by reading stories from these three storybook Bibles: Jesus Storybook Bible, The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and I Wonder. Head over to faithgateway.com and use the code AD20 for 20% off these three books.  Grab the Journey Through The Gospels Guidebook at shopanniefdowns.com to join in on all fun for this season! This week we are drawing a picture of YOU! Click HERE to watch Annie’s miniBFF Podcast on YouTube. Click HERE to subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.

Episode 57: The Good Samaritan



You may have heard about the rule in the Bible that says to love God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. AND to love your neighbor the way you love yourself. But that word neighbor wasn’t easy for everyone to understand. Because Jesus isn’t just talking about the person who lives next door to you when he says to love your neighbor. Oh no, it is so much more than that miniBFFs. And we get to learn all about who exactly He is talking about in today’s lesson.  This story, The Good Samaritan, comes from The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and can be found on page 180. You can also read more about this story from Luke 10 in the Bible.  We have teamed up with Zonderkidz this season to learn all about the Gospels by reading stories from these three storybook Bibles: Jesus Storybook Bible, The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and I Wonder. Head over to faithgateway.com and use the code AD20 for 20% off these three books.  Grab the Journey Through The Gospels Guidebook at shopanniefdowns.com to join in on all fun for this season! This week we are drawing a picture of YOU! Click HERE to watch Annie’s miniBFF Podcast on YouTube. Click HERE to subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.

Episode 58: The Lost Sheep



miniBFFs! We all know what it feels like to lose our favorite toy. Right?! It's the worst! And once we realize it is lost, all we want to do is find it!  We will search high and low for our toy because we want it back. Well in our lesson today Jesus tells us a parable about a shepherd who lost his sheep and he reacts pretty much the same way we would if we lost our favorite toy.  This story, The Lost Sheep, comes from The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and can be found on page 168. You can also read more about this story from Luke 15 in the Bible.  We have teamed up with Zonderkidz this season to learn all about the Gospels by reading stories from these three storybook Bibles: Jesus Storybook Bible, The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and I Wonder. Head over to faithgateway.com and use the code AD20 for 20% off these three books.  Grab the Journey Through The Gospels Guidebook at shopanniefdowns.com to join in on all fun for this season! This week we are drawing a picture of sheep! Click HERE to watch Annie’s miniBFF Podcast on YouTube. Click HERE to subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.

Episode 59: The Son Who Came Home



Jesus spent a lot of time telling us parables while He was on earth. This episode is the parable about a son who told his father he was ready to go off and explore the world and take all his money with him. But the son didn’t handle his adventure very well. He made a lot of mistakes along the way. So many that he was afraid to go home to his dad and admit what he had done. Now we know from the title that the son does go back home. But what do you think his dad does when he arrives? I can’t wait for us to listen and find out!  This story, The Son Who Came Home, comes from the book I Wonder and can be found on page 144. You can also read more about this story from Luke 15 in the Bible.  We have teamed up with Zonderkidz this season to learn all about the Gospels by reading stories from these three storybook Bibles: Jesus Storybook Bible, The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and I Wonder. Head over to faithgateway.com and use the code AD20 for 20% off these three books.  Grab the Journey Through The Gospels Guidebook at shopanniefdowns.com to join in on all fun for this season! This week we are drawing a picture of the party! Click HERE to watch Annie’s miniBFF Podcast on YouTube. Click HERE to subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.

Episode 60: Zacchaeus



Have you ever been to a parade and had a really hard time being able to see all the excitement passing in front of you? Don’t you just wish there was a way you could make yourself taller?! Well, Zacchaeus had this problem too. He had heard Jesus was coming to town and wanted to see him. But he was so short that the only way he could get a look at his face was to climb a tree!! That part of the story is very fun. But it isn’t my favorite part. No, I like the part where Jesus finds Zacchaeus in the tree.  This story, Zacchaeus, comes from The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and can be found on page 168. You can also read more about this story from Luke 19 in the Bible.  We have teamed up with Zonderkidz this season to learn all about the Gospels by reading stories from these three storybook Bibles: Jesus Storybook Bible, The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and I Wonder. Head over to faithgateway.com and use the code AD20 for 20% off these three books.  Grab the Journey Through The Gospels Guidebook at shopanniefdowns.com to join in on all fun for this season! This week we are drawing a picture of a tree! Click HERE to watch Annie’s miniBFF Podcast on YouTube. Click HERE to subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.

Episode 61: Washed with Tears



When you are done playing outside at the end of each day I bet your feet might be a little stinky? To get those feet cleaned up I bet you would normally use soap and water! Right?! Well guess who else has had stinky feet? Jesus! Yep, minibffs even Jesus’ feet got dirty and He had to have His feet cleaned at the end of the day too!! But in the story we are reading today, He didn't use soap and water to clean His feet. Nope! His feet were cleaned with tears (and a whole jar of perfume) from a woman who had made a lot of mistakes.  This story, Washed with Tears, comes from The Jesus Storybook Bible and can be found on page 286. You can also read more about this story from Matthew 26, Mark 14, John 12 in the Bible.  We have teamed up with Zonderkidz this season to learn all about the Gospels by reading stories from these three storybook Bibles: Jesus Storybook Bible, The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and I Wonder. Head over to faithgateway.com and use the code AD20 for 20% off these three books.  Grab the Journey Through The Gospels Guidebook at shopanniefdowns.com to join in on all fun for this season! This week we are drawing a picture of a perfume bottle! Click HERE to watch Annie’s miniBFF Podcast on YouTube. Click HERE to subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.

The Sun Stops Shining



We know about Easter Sunday but did you know that there is a very important day that comes before Easter? Well, it is called Good Friday. On this day the people who didn’t know Jesus and all the wonderful ways He loved the world, decided that Jesus wasn't allowed to live anymore. Our story today talks about what happened on that day. It can feel really hard to read because it is so hard to think about Jesus being treated so badly. But miniBFFs, we know that what happened on Good Friday isn’t how this story ends. This story, The Sun Stops Shining, comes from The Jesus Storybook Bible and can be found on page 302. You can also read more about this story from Matthew 26, Mark 14, John 12 in the Bible.  We have teamed up with Zonderkidz this season to learn all about the Gospels by reading stories from these three storybook Bibles: Jesus Storybook Bible, The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and I Wonder. Head over to faithgateway.com and use the code AD20 for 20% off these three books.  Grab the Journey Through The Gospels Guidebook at shopanniefdowns.com to join in on all fun for this season! This week we are drawing a picture of a cross! Click HERE to watch Annie’s miniBFF Podcast on YouTube. Click HERE to subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.

Episode 63: The Sun Stops Shining



We know about Easter Sunday but did you know that there is a very important day that comes before Easter? Well, it is called Good Friday. On this day the people who didn’t know Jesus and all the wonderful ways he loved the world, decided that Jesus wasn't allowed to live anymore. Our story today talks about what happened on that day. It can feel really hard to read because it is so hard to think about Jesus being treated so badly. But miniBFFs we know that what happened on Good Friday isn’t how this story ends. This story, The Sun Stops Shining, comes from The Jesus Storybook Bible and can be found on page 302. You can also read more about this story from Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23 John 19 in the Bible.  We have teamed up with Zonderkidz this season to learn all about the Gospels by reading stories from these three storybook Bibles: Jesus Storybook Bible, The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and I Wonder. Head over to faithgateway.com and use the code AD20 for 20% off these three books.  Grab the Journey Through The Gospels Guidebook at shopanniefdowns.com to join in on all fun for this season! This week we are drawing a picture of a cross! Click HERE to watch Annie’s miniBFF Podcast on YouTube. Click HERE to subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.

Episode 64: Jesus Comes Back



Show Notes

Episode 65: Going Home



Show Notes

Episode 66: Joshua



Welcome to Season 5 of Annie’s miniBFF Podcast!  We have found this awesome new bible called, The Go Bible, and it has a feature in it called The True Tales of Transformed People. This feature gives a snapshot of a different person from the bible. Each week we will be focusing on one person who has been transformed by God.  This week we get to learn all about Joshua! We will hear how he heard from God, how he led the people into the promised land, and how he knew how to be strong through all of it! You can also read more about Joshua in the Go Bible on page 207.  The Go Bible is a wonderful resource for our miniBFFs. It is a bible that brings the word of God to life through the amazing learning materials packed throughout the bible. It is also written in the NLT version which makes it very readable for our miniBFFs. You can find the Go Bible at lots of retailers in your area, including Mardel who is offering a 40% discount for a limited time.  Follow us on Instagram @minibffclub Subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast so you don't miss any of the fun!

Episode 67: Rahab



Oh miniBFFs season 5 is off and running and we are so excited. We have found this awesome new bible called, The Go Bible, and it has a feature in it called The True Tales of Transformed People. This feature gives a snapshot of a different person from the bible. Each week we will be focusing on one person who has been transformed by God.  Didn’t you love learning about Joshua last week?! This week we get to learn all about Rahab! And spoiler alert - she also knew Joshua. Isn’t that so cool?! Rahab was an important part in helping Joshua lead God’s people to the Promised Land. I can’t wait for you to find out in this episode how she was involved! You can also read more about Rahab in the Go Bible on page 269.  The Go Bible is a wonderful resource for our miniBFFs. It is a bible that brings the word of God to life through the amazing learning materials packed throughout the bible. It is also written in the NLT version which makes it very readable for our miniBFFs. You can find the Go Bible at your local Barnes and Noble or Books A Million stores, both online or in store.  Follow us @minibffclub Subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.

Episode 68: Ruth and Naomi



We are so excited to share with you this awesome new Bible called The Go Bible. It has a feature in it called The True Tales of Transformed People. This feature gives a snapshot of a different person from the Bible who has been transformed by God, and we get to We got to learn about Rahab last week, and this week we get to learn all about Ruth and Naomi! Not one but two new people from the Bible! I love this so much. Ruth and Naomi both know what it is like to travel to a new place and how to find hope again even when things looks really sad. You can also read more about Ruth and Naomi on page 331 in the Go Bible.  The Go Bible is a wonderful resource for our miniBFFs. It is a Bible that brings the word of God to life through the amazing learning materials packed throughout its pages. It is also written in the NLT version which makes it very readable for our miniBFFs. You can find the Go Bible online at christianbook.com. They are currently offering discounts of at least 20% off. We love a deal like that!  Follow us @minibffclub Subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.

Episode 69: Samuel



minibFFs, we have found this awesome new bible called, The Go Bible, and it has a feature in it called The True Tales of Transformed People. This feature gives a snapshot of a different person from the bible. Each week we will be focusing on one person who has been transformed by God.  This week we get to learn all about a guy named Samuel. Now miniBFFs, Samuel was a very close friend of God. In fact he could hear God calling for him to listen when he was just a young boy. I can’t wait for you to learn about all the ways Samuel was transformed. You can also read more about Samuel in the Go Bible on page 341.  The Go Bible is a wonderful resource for our miniBFFs. It is a bible that brings the word of God to life through the amazing learning materials packed throughout the bible. It is also written in the NLT version which makes it very readable for our miniBFFs. You can find the Go Bible at Amazon.  Follow us @minibffclub Subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.

Episode 70: Nehemiah



For this season we have partnered with the Go Bible to bring you lessons from one of their features called The True Tales of Transformed People. This part of the Go Bible gives a snapshot of a Biblical character, and each week we will be focusing on one person who has been transformed by God.  For this week we will be learning about Nehemiah! Nehemiah was thought of as a very trustworthy person. Which is a big deal, miniBFFs! He also followed God’s laws and wanted to do what was right. You can also read more about Nehemiah in the Go Bible on page 589.  The Go Bible is a wonderful resource for our miniBFFs. It is a Bible that brings the word of God to life through the amazing learning materials packed throughout its pages. It is also written in the NLT version which makes it very readable for our miniBFFs. You can find the Go Bible available at your local Christian bookstore. Visit GetItLocal.com to find locations! Follow us @minibffclub Subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.

Episode 71: Mary Magdalene



We are loving this season of the podcast! We have partnered with the Go Bible to bring you lessons their True Tales of Transformed People. This part of the Go Bible gives a snapshot of a different person from the Bible. Each week we will be focusing on one person who has been transformed by God.  For this week we will be learning about Mary Magdalene! You all are really going to like her. She was a very close friend of Jesus. Just like you are miniBFFs. And she was one of the people who Jesus came and saw after he rose from the dead. Wowie Zowie!! You can also read more about Mary Magdalene in the Go Bible on page 1245.  The Go Bible is a wonderful resource for our miniBFFs. It is a bible that brings the word of God to life through the amazing learning materials packed throughout the bible. It is also written in the NLT version which makes it very readable for our miniBFFs. You can find the Go Bible at many retailers in your area - including Mardel - who is offering a 40% discount for a limited time.  Follow us @minibffclub Subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.

Episode 72: Paul



Wow we have already learned so much this season about people from the Bible! Thanks to the Go Bible, we are able to bring you lessons from a feature called The True Tales of Transformed People. This part of the Go Bible gives a snapshot of the stories of different people from the Bible. Each week we will be focusing on one person who has been transformed by God.  For this week we will be learning about Paul! Well did you know that Paul actually had a different name before he became Paul? Yes, miniBFFs! His name was Saul. And Saul did not like christians at all. But once he was DEEPLY transformed by God, he became a very big part of growing God’s kingdom. I can’t wait for you to see how God uses Paul. You can also read more about Paul in the Go Bible on page 1327.  The Go Bible is a wonderful resource for our miniBFFs. It is a bible that brings the word of God to life through the amazing learning materials packed throughout the bible. It is also written in the NLT version which makes it very readable for our miniBFFs. You can find the Go Bible on Amazon!  Follow us @minibffclub Subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.

Episode 73: Lydia



The last episode of Season 5! I know, I am sad too miniBFFS. But think of all the people we have learned about this season!  We have also grown so much deeper in our knowledge of how God works through his people. We have loved using the Go Bible, which brought us lessons from a feature called The True Tales of Transformed People. This part of the Go Bible gives a snapshots of different people from the Bible, and each week we are focusing on one person who has been transformed by God.  For our last week we are learning all about Lydia. Oh miniBFFs, I love her. First she made a very expensive type of purple cloth, which is very unique because finding clothing with color back then was rare, minibffs!  And she used the money she earned from her business to help grow the kingdom of God too. You can also read more about Lydia in the Go Bible on page 1341.  The Go Bible is a wonderful resource for our miniBFFs. It is a Bible that brings the word of God to life through the amazing learning materials packed throughout the bible. It is also written in the NLT version which makes it very readable for our miniBFFs. You can find the Go Bible at your local Christian store. Visit GetItLocal.com to find a location near you!  Follow us @minibffclub Subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.

Episode 74: Who We Are



Welcome to a special mini-series in honor of my newest kid’s book “Where Did TJ Go?”, which is available for pre-order now and releases February 18th. You and your grown up can find out all the details at wheredidTJgo.com. For this episode we are learning about Who We Are. We talk about how well God knows who we are because He made us! He crafted you and me perfectly together to be an image of Him. God made you ON purpose, FOR a purpose, miniBFFs. Isn’t that amazing?! Our reading today comes from Genesis 1 and Psalm 139.  Follow us @minibffclub Subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.

Episode 75: Why We Are Here



Welcome to our mini series that goes along with my newest kid’s book “Where Did TJ Go?”, which is available for pre-order now and releases February 18th. You and your grown up can find out all the details at wheredidTJgo.com. For this episode we are learning about Why We Are Here. So we know that God made us. Right? But why did He make us? What are we supposed to do? Well, miniBFFs, God made you ON purpose, FOR a purpose. And He has a really important job for you as a kid. Listen to find out what it is. (Hint - it is something you are already really good at!  Our reading today comes from Mark 10 Follow us @minibffclub Subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.

Episode 76: Where We Are Going



Join us as we finish up our mini-series to honor my newest kid’s book Where Did TJ Go?, which is available for pre-order now and releases TOMORROW (February 18th). You and your grown up can find out all the details at wheredidTJgo.com. For this episode we are learning about Where We Are Going. In the book, Where Did TJ Go?, I write about what I think heaven might be like for TJ right now. Today we talk about what the Bible tells us about heaven. Now, I don’t know exactly what heaven will be like, miniBFFs. But because of some stories in the Bible I can maybe dream about what heaven could be. What do you think heaven could be like?  Our reading today comes from John 14, Philippians 3 and Revelation 21. Follow us @minibffclub Subscribe to Annie’s miniBFF Podcast.

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