
KidCasts : Podcast for Kids !

Sparkle Stories Podcast

Sparkle Stories Podcast

Sparkle Stories produces original audio stories for families around the world. Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we'll be sharing a Free Story from one of our Original Story Series! Find us at: www.sparklestories.com

Author: Sparkle Stories

44 Episodes !

"JYT December 1" from the Junkyard Tales: Audio Advent Calendar collection



This week's free story comes from the Junkyard Tales: Audio Advent Calendar collection. It's called "JYT December 1."   One chilly evening in late autumn, Sergeant the steadfast Junkyard Watchdog announces some challenging news: the Junkyard isn’t able to pay its bills for the year, and the Junkyard Warden may have to leave. The other animals are upset — but when they realize that the Warden would take both Sergeant and Winnie with him, they are doubly distressed. What will they do? Luckily a familiar little mouse arrives with some support.   If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.   Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series! For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

"The First Good Deed (Libby's Mother)" from the Libby & Dish's Good-Deed-A-Day Club collection



This week's free story comes from the Libby & Dish's Good-Deed-A-Day Club collection. It's called "The First Good Deed (Libby's Mother)."   In this first episode of Libby & Dish's month-long adventure, Libby finds herself at odds with her mother over a challenging task. Can Dish help them out of their difficulties?   If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.   Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series! For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

"A Year to Build a Day — Introduction to a Day of Rest" from the Martin & Sylvia: Day of Rest collection



This week's free story comes from the Martin & Sylvia: Day of Rest collection. It's called "A Year to Build a Day — Introduction to a Day of Rest."   Christmas is over and Momma is backed up with work. Daddy is frustrated because their wood pile hasn’t been stacked and he isn’t sure when that is happening. Guests are coming and children are tired and it all seems a bit too much. And then, Momma is given a present that introduces a new idea to the family: A Day of Rest.   If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.    Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series! For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

"Episode One: The Long Ride North" from the The Dory Horde: The Gilded Dragon (Book One) collection



This week's free story comes from the The Dory Horde: The Gilded Dragon (Book One) collection. It's called "Episode One: The Long Ride North."   Aurora and her five children live a quiet life in the woods, until one day they receive a phone call: their grandfather has died suddenly and the family must take the long journey from Kentucky to his mysterious estate in the Yukon territory. But why? And what will they learn once they arrive?   If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.    Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series! For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

"Part One: The Welcome Wall" from the How to Be Super: The Violet Crown (Book One) collection



This week's free story comes from the How to Be Super: The Violet Crown (Book One) collection. It's called "Part One: The Welcome Wall."   In which we are introduced to Dante and his single mother and learn that on the morning of his twelfth birthday, he experiences something incredible: he is struck by lightning. He is fine, but it begins a series of events that leads him to the neighborhood welcome wall where he receives a message that changes everything.   If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.   Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series! For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

"The Shortest Day" from the At Home with Martin & Sylvia collection



This week's free story comes from the At Home with Martin & Sylvia collection. It's called "The Shortest Day."   Where Martin and Sylvia live, the nights are getting longer and the days are getting shorter. When Momma suggests they spend more time outside with the sun, brother and sister decide to invite the daylight into all their play. They go sledding, build fairy houses, do farm chores, and build a bonfire all with an eye on the sun — celebrating its shortest day of the year.   If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.   Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series! For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

"Holiday Delight" from the At Home with Martin & Sylvia collection



This week's free story comes from the At Home with Martin & Sylvia collection. It's called "Holiday Delight."   Between all the decorating, baking, crafting and celebrating, this year’s holiday season has been a very busy one for Martin and Sylvia. When they are suddenly faced with a day with no plans, however, brother and sister don’t know what to do with themselves. “Look for the delight,” suggests Momma, and as soon as they do, the magic begins.     If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.   Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series! For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

Wonder as a Power Tool with Dr. Carrie Contey



Our days are filled with busyness and many many demands. Kids lives too are full. How do we cut through all of that to find a little extra joy and peace? Wonder! It's a powerful tool for rekindling an inner sense of awe and appreciation - which leads to so many good feels. In this conversation with Lisabeth Sewell and Dr. Carrie Contey, they explore all the ways to enrich our days with a little wonder.   Visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

Sweet Summertime with Dr. Carrie Contey



Carrie Contey has some wise and delightful ideas for capturing the sweetness of summer. Listen into her interview with Lisabeth — it's full of expert tips and intentional strategies that will enrich your family's entire summer. Join us as we delve into the joys of the season and uncover valuable insights to make this summer the sweetest one yet, filled with connection, growth, and cherished memories.       Visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

Finding Our Superpowers with Carrie Contey



This month we are exploring superpowers. We all have them, and the world needs them. How to do we discover and cultivate our own unique powers?   Lisabeth invited teacher and mentor Carrie Contey, PhD to discuss! Carrie shares her best tips and tools, as well as stories about her experiences with finding and nurturing her own gifts in a power-packed 18 minute conversation.   Dive into more insightful resources like this on the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

"Winter Wonder" from the Martin & Sylvia's Nature School collection



This week's free story comes from the Martin & Sylvia's Nature School collection. It's called "Winter Wonder"   At Goose-eye Wilderness Camp, Martin notices that his friend Sam is feeling tired of winter and missing her home in Arizona. He hesitates to tell her that there are still several weeks of winter left, but luckily Helmut, the apprentice from Germany, knows exactly how to show Sam the way to appreciate the gifts of Winter.   If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.    Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series! For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

"Rye the Meerkat" from the Sparkle Sleepytime collection



This week's free story comes from the Sparkle Sleepytime collection. It's called "Rye the Meerkat."   Rye loves his bedtime routine. He and his parents do the same thing every night and even have a song to help them remember every step. When the night comes when both his parents are on patrol, Rye must teach his aunt how it all works — and he is surprised by what happens...   If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.    Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series! For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

"Living Room Camping" from the At Home with Martin & Sylvia collection



This week's free story comes from the At Home with Martin & Sylvia collection. It's called "Living Room Camping."   Brother and sister look out at the gray late autumn landscape and long for summer again. They miss the easy play, the summer adventures — and most of all, they miss camping. "You can still go camping!" says Daddy, "You can go living room camping. It's the same as outdoor camping, but just ... inside." Martin and Sylvia are inspired and immediately set to preparing.   If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.    Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series! For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

"Part One: An Introduction" from the I Am Marvel (How I Became Super) collection



This week's free story comes from the I Am Marvel (How I Became Super) collection. It's called "Part One: An Introduction"   One Saturday morning, a seemingly ordinary husband, father, and elementary school teacher learns that he has the “mark” of a superhero. The moment he decides to rediscover lost superpowers from his youth, his eyes are opened to community of curious local folk who teach him How to Be Super.   If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.    Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series! For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

"Halldora the Humpback Whale" from the Sparkle Sleepytime collection



This week's free story comes from the Sparkle Sleepytime collection. It's called "Halldora the Humpback Whale."   Halldora the whale calf has heard many stories about people and their boats — and she would like to see one for herself. When the opportunity finally arrives, she is excited and a little nervous. She and her mother jump at the perfect time to see a boat filled with happy people, and there is one person in particular that catches Halldora's attention: a little girl with a special sparkle in her eye.   If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.    Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series! For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

"Liza Jane and the Birch Tree" from the Stories of Resilience collection



This week's free story comes from the Stories of Resilience collection. It's called "Liza Jane and the Birch Tree."   In the So Many Fairies story, "Liza Jane and the Birch Tree" a young girl is suddenly uprooted, and comes to live in a new town with her kindly second cousin. With the help of a birch tree fairy named Watchful, she develops her own inner strength, so that she might claim happiness in the new situation.   If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.    Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series! For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

"Connecticut: My Daughter Can" from the FIFTY: The Stars, the States, and the Stories collection



This week's free story comes from the FIFTY: The Stars, the States, and the Stories collection. It's called "Connecticut: My Daughter Can."   In 1777, two years after Paul Revere made his historic evening ride to Concord, Massachusetts, 16-year-old Sybil Ludington had a similar experience — though hers was twice as long, took all night, and was during a terrible storm. Her ride was to alert patriot farmers to gather at her father’s home where they would set off the following morning to defend Danbury Connecticut from the British army.   If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.    Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series! For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

"Part One: Aunt Cecily’s Sister Time" from the Libby & Dish: The Feel Guide collection



This week's free story comes from the Libby & Dish: The Feel Guide collection. It's called "Part One: Aunt Cecily’s Sister Time."   As Libby’s mom packs to leave, Dish helps Libby sort through all of the emotions she’s feeling: sad to say goodbye to her mom, and a bit worried — but also excited — about her grandmother’s visit. When her beloved aunt arrives, Libby can see she’s not the only one feeling big things! She starts to dream of a “Feel Guide” to help everyone navigate so much sensation.   If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to www.sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.   Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series! For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

"On Clouds and Hard Places" from the Libby & Dish collection



This week's free story comes from the Libby & Dish collection. It's called "On Clouds and Hard Places."   Libby immediately falls in love when she meets Juan Paco’s pet cobayo, Vellosa. She is on a cloud. And then, moments later, a neighbor enters and she is suddenly off the cloud and surrounded by hardness. Lucky for her, Juan Paco and his father can understand this - and they welcome her and her mother into their very soft, very welcoming home.   If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to www.sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.   Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series! For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

"Spring Cleaning" from the Martin & Sylvia collection



This week's free story comes from the Martin & Sylvia collection. It's called "Spring Cleaning."   It's Spring Cleaning Day in Martin and Sylvia's house! But Martin and Sylvia would much rather get in the way than help. A little springtime fun with Sasha and Jonathan turns the tide and provides a little inspiration to join the effort.   If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to www.sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.   Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series! For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

"Part One: The Other Side of the World" from the Martin & Sylvia's Whole World Easter collection



This week's free story comes from the Martin & Sylvia's Whole World Easter collection. It's called "Part One: The Other Side of the World"   Martin and Sylvia begin a penpal relationship with Ruby and Angus who live south of Sydney, Australia. They learn a great deal, especially that the seasons in Australia are the opposite of their own.   If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to www.sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.   Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series! For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

"Spring Seeing" from the Martin & Sylvia: Saturdays collection



This week's free story comes from the Martin & Sylvia: Saturdays collection. It's called "Spring Seeing"   Brother and sister take themselves on a Spring Seeing walk where they hunt for signs of spring. As they wander through the forest, they talk about the fairy life. Sylvia wonders if maybe this time she can see a fairy with her own eyes.   If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to www.sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.   Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series! For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

"Mrs. Castlechanter" from the Mrs. Castlechanter's Magic Cabinet collection



This week's free story comes from the Mrs. Castlechanter's Magic Cabinet collection. It's called "Mrs. Castlechanter"   Everyone has heard the curious tales about Mrs. Castlechanter, the beloved art teacher at Hillfort Elementary. How old is she anyway? And what was the story about the drawing that winked at a student? As it turns out, Mrs. Castlechanter’s history proves to hold some interesting stories ... as does her special art cabinet.   If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to www.sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.   Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series! For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

"Three Little Fairy Houses" from the Martin & Sylvia: Saturdays collection



This week's free story comes from the Martin & Sylvia: Saturdays collection. It's called "Three Little Fairy Houses"   There is a big storm coming, and Sylvia is worried about the fairy houses by the brook. Since they just read the "Three Little Pigs" story, she wonders what natural materials would be best for certain kinds of fairies. She and Martin get to work creating all about the yard and are delighted to discover which houses endure the "huffing and puffing" of the storm.   If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to www.sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.   Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series! For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

"Trash Fairies" from the At Home with Martin & Sylvia collection



This week's free story comes from the At Home with Martin & Sylvia collection. It's called "Trash Fairies"   One dark and stormy night, Martin decides to cut his weekly chores a little short and leave the trash bag by the garage instead of fetching the plastic garbage bin. In the morning, he discovers that something has gotten into the bag and has spread trash all about. "Was it a bear?" wonders Sylvia. "Too big", says Daddy. "A mouse?" wonders Sylvia. "Too small", answers Daddy. "I know", she says, "It was Trash Fairies!"   If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to www.sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.   Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series! For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

"Kings and Queens of the Forest" from the Martin & Sylvia's Nature School collection



This week's free story comes from the Martin & Sylvia's Nature School collection. It's called "Kings and Queens of the Forest."   When Martin leaves for Wilderness School, he can't help but feel envious for Sylvia's project with Daddy: preparing for May Day by building a huge bonfire and cooking Beltane Bannock Bread. This has his attention all morning until Eva gives his group an inspiring May Day question: What kind of King or Queen of the Forest do you want to be? His answer helps Martin understand not only the gift of May Day, but of leadership itself.   If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to www.sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.   Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series! For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

"Mother's Day" from the Martin & Sylvia collection



This week's free story comes from the Martin & Sylvia collection. It's called "Mother's Day."   Momma doesn't know what she wants to do for Mother's Day. So Daddy, Martin and Sylvia come up with all sorts of ideas. Together they create a small book of options. When Momma pages through, she is delighted and amazed to discover what her perfect mother's day could include!   If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to www.sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.   Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series! For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

"The Rat Catcher's Son" from the By Thistle By Thimble collection



This week's free story comes from the By Thistle By Thimble collection. It's called "The Rat Catcher's Son."   The role of rat-catcher may not be respected in the old stone city where Bern is employed, but he is very good at what he does. The son learns from his father that the skills of patience, confidence and perseverance are important not only for rat-catching, but for accomplishing any goal in life.   If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to www.sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.   Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series! For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

"Part One: The Spunderful Shop" from the Martin & Sylvia's Knitting From the Beginning collection



This week's free story comes from the Martin & Sylvia collection, Martin & Sylvia's Knitting From the Beginning. 
It's called "Part One: The Spunderful Shop."

Part One: "The Spunderful Shop"

"The Spunderful Shop" is the name of shop brother and sister discover during the annual Art Walk. Walking into the Spunderful Shop is like walking into a fairy land of bright sparkling colors and delightful little creatures -- all made of knitted and felted wool. When they find out that Miss Melinda, the proprietor of The Spunderful Shop, teaches classes, Martin and Sylvia are very excited!

If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to www.sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like. 

Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series!
For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website:
Questions?  Ideas?  Requests?
Email us!  info@sparklestories.com

"Catching Crayfish" from the Martin & Sylvia collection



This week's Free story comes from the Martin & Sylvia Collection.
It's called "Catching Crayfish."

Martin and Sylvia gauge the seasons less by the calendar, and more by the natural world. The sure sign that summer has begun is that the crayfish appear in the brook along the back of the yard. The two enjoy a summer day figuring out how to catch these wonderful, watery creatures!

Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series!

For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website:
Questions? Ideas? Requests?
Email us! info@sparklestories.com

"The Pirate Queen" from the Junkyard Tales: All Together Now collection



This week's Free story comes from the Junkyard Tales: All Together Now Collection.
It's called "The Pirate Queen."

Listen now! 

Georgia Bean, the kindly rat, is looking for something for the mice to do. The other animals suggest putting on a play and all offer to help in the production. They agree on a pirate theme, but everyone is surprised when one of the mice takes her part very very seriously.

Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series!

For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website:

Questions?  Ideas?  Requests?
Email us!  info@sparklestories.com

"Our First Trip Together" from the Sparkle Car collection



This week's Free story comes from the Sparkle Car Collection.
It's called "Our First Trip Together."

Listen Now!

Included in this episode is an original Martin and Sylvia story called “A Visit from Uncle Phil”:

In this story, Daddy’s adventuring friend Phil comes to visit for the weekend. And a visit from “Uncle Phil” means a whole lot of fun. Brother and sister have great ideas about what they’d each like to do, but they can’t seem to agree. When Uncle Phil arrives, he challenges them to find something they can all do together! With a little story magic from Uncle Phil, sibling harmony is found once again.

Also included: “The Bremen Town Musicians”, a story collected by the Brother’s Grimm and “East of the Sun and West of the Moon”, a story from Norway.

Woven between the stories are some long “staircase” verses that everyone can join in, as well as some fun and original car games.

If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to www.sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like. 

Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series!
For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website:
Questions?  Ideas?  Requests?
Email us!  info@sparklestories.com 

"Now That's a Camp!" from the Junkyard Tales: All Together Now collection



This week's free story comes from the Junkyard Tales: All Together Now collection.
It's called "Now That's a Camp!"

Ben wants to create a summer camp for the mice, but he isn't sure how to do it. Sally gives him advice and encourages him to enroll the other Junkyard animals — but Ben knows they are all very busy. When he suggests they all offer to teach something they truly love, the camp quickly comes together. And what a unique camp it is!

If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to www.sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.

Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series!
For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website:
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Email us!  info@sparklestories.com 

"A Trip to Boredomville" from the Stories for Boredom Collection



This week's free story comes from the Stories for Boredom collection.
It's called "A Trip to Boredomville"

In this Sparkle Car story, "A Trip to Boredomville," Javon goes to visit his Pappi at a cabin in the woods for a month. He is convinced the month will be the most boring time of his life — that is, until his Grandfather introduces him to Boredomville, and the whole world transforms into one of wonder and exciting possibilities.

If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to www.sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.

Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series!
For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website:
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Email us!  info@sparklestories.com 

"Introduction Part Two: Adventure Checklist" from the Libby & Dish Collection



This week's Free story comes from the Libby & Dish Collection.
It's called "Introduction Part Two: Adventure Checklist."

Libby and Dish prepare for Libby’s outing to the city with their Adventure Checklist. All four items — including a Mask of On-and-Off Invisibility and a Shelter Cloak of Safekeeping — serve to provide Libby with everything she needs for the trip. Ready for a little detective work, she ventures out and finds the first clue in the elevator, thanks to Mr. Bhachu, her neighbor.

If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to www.sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like. 

Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series!
For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website:
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Email us!  info@sparklestories.com

"Spy Team" from the Martin & Sylvia Collection



This week's Free story comes from the Martin & Sylvia Collection.
It's called "Spy Team."

Listen here! 

Martin's friend Julian is coming over and Sylvia knows that he loves to play spies. Sylvia likes spies too but she really wants to be on Martin and Julian's team - not by herself. When Julian suggests they all be together, Martin wonders who they will spy on. Their solution makes for an exciting afternoon.

If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to www.sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.

Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series!

For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website:
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Email us!  info@sparklestories.com


"Really Explorers" from the At Home with Martin & Sylvia Collection



This week's Free story comes from the At Home with Martin & Sylvia Collection.
It's called "Really Explorers."

One morning Daddy wakes brother and sister early in the morning to hike Mount Mooseberry. He and Momma give them the added challenge of leading the way up the trail to discover magical secrets the mountain may be saving for them.

If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to www.sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like. 

Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series!
For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website:
Questions?  Ideas?  Requests?
Email us!  info@sparklestories.com

"Camp Over The Hills And Far Away" from the By Thistle By Thimble Collection



This week's free story comes from the By Thistle By Thimble Collection. It's called "Camp Over The Hills And Far Away."   Frances has a particular camp that she wishes to attend — the only problem is that everyone tells her that it doesn't exist. But one morning at the library, she finds a flier on the floor; it is for a camp named "Over the Hills and Far Away". She soon learns that it is not only the perfect camp, but a place that sees her for who she truly is.   If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to www.sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.   Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series! For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

"Let's Get to Work" from the Junkyard Tales: All Together Now Collection



This week's free story comes from the Junkyard Tales: All Together Now Collection.
It's called "Let's Get to Work"

It is hot in the Junkyard, and the little pond in the back just won't cut it for keeping the Junkyard friends cool. But Ben, Spiro and Sally have an idea: they can make rain! It takes a little ingenuity and a lot of hard work, but in the end, they give a cool gift to all of the Junkyard animals.

If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to www.sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like. 

Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series!
For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website:
Questions?  Ideas?  Requests?
Email us!  info@sparklestories.com

"Introduction Part One: The Lion's Eye." from The Willowbee Tree collection



This week's free story comes from The Willowbee Tree collection.
It's called "Introduction Part One: The Lion's Eye."

In the backyard of an ordinary house on an ordinary street in an ordinary town, there was once a most extraordinary tree. It was an enormous willow tree and in the middle of its trunk there was a hole. And if you found yourself near that willow tree with a certain wonder stirring in your heart, you might notice a colorful sparkle coming from that hole. And what was that sparkle? An invitation to go somewhere long ago and far far away.

This is part one of the Willowbee introduction, called “The Lion’s Eye”

Six year old Clancy, notices something strange about the willow tree in the back yard of his new house. Could that be a glow coming from the center of the tree? On closer inspection, he finds a large hole and discovers that it leads him to a wonderful land where animals talk and a little boy can play games with giddy zebras, a joyful baboon and a very persnickety lion.

If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to www.sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like. 

Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series!
For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website:
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Email us!  info@sparklestories.com

"Chapter One: The Anomaly in Greenhorn" from the Life as a Martian collection



This week's free story comes from the Life as a Martian collection.
It's called "Chapter One: The Anomaly in Greenhorn."

When the Nebraska family lands in Greenhorn, there’s a lot they don’t know — including the fact that they are Martians sent to Earth as undercover researchers. As they become accustomed to their new town, they study the local culture and even shuttle their youngest son to a podcast camp where he hosts a new show ... and reveals their true identity.

If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to www.sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like. 

Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series!
For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website:
Questions?  Ideas?  Requests?
Email us!  info@sparklestories.com

"Libby & Dish: What Is School Time?" from the Back to School Stories collection



This week's free story comes from the Back to School Stories collection. It's called "Libby & Dish: What Is School Time?."   When Libby starts showing some back-to-school energy, Dish knows just how to stoke the fires! Libby has settled into summer and the easy rhythms of life at her grandparents’ house. Dish, however, feels ready to get back to their predictable city ways. When the clever cat notices telltale signs that Libby is itching to learn some new skills, he invites her to imagine a glorious return to the city and the delights of School Time.   If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to www.sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.   Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series! For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

"Episode One: Periwinkle's Parrot" from the Windward Ho! Fore & Aft (Book One) collection



This week's free story comes from the Windward Ho! Fore & Aft (Book One) collection.
It's called "Episode One: Periwinkle's Parrot."

In this first episode of Windward Ho! book one, Periwinkle "Wink" Mackenzie excitedly waits to purchase the next book in her favorite series, The Windward Chronicles, early on the morning of its release. She never suspects that receiving the new book will be only the beginning of an unforeseen adventure.

If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to www.sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like. 

Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series!
For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website:
Questions?  Ideas?  Requests?
Email us!  info@sparklestories.com

"Part One: The Welcome Wall" from the How to Be Super: The Violet Crown (Book One) collection



This week's free story comes from the How to Be Super: The Violet Crown (Book One) collection. It's called "Part One: The Welcome Wall."   In which we are introduced to Dante and his single mother and learn that on the morning of his twelfth birthday, he experiences something incredible: he is struck by lightning. He is fine, but it begins a series of events that leads him to the neighborhood welcome wall where he receives a message that changes everything.   If you enjoyed that story, there are hundreds and hundreds more where that came from. Try a Sparkle subscription now - for free. Go to www.sparklestories.com and click the button at the top that says “Start Free Trial,” then you can listen to our giant library as much as you like, anytime you like.   Each week on the Sparkle Stories Podcast, we share a free story from one of our original story series! For many many many more stories like this one, visit the Sparkle website: www.sparklestories.com Questions?  Ideas?  Requests? Email us!  info@sparklestories.com Enjoy!

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