
KidCasts : Podcast for Kids !

Mary Farfisa's Outer Space Radio Theater

Mary Farfisa's Outer Space Radio Theater

Wacky outer space adventures and musical fun for kids, starring Mary Farfisa and her space-horse, Briscoe! Join Mary and Briscoe, as they travel the stars, searching for strange and beautiful music to share with the Universe! Written and produced by Jim Cheff. ©2020 Jim Cheff.

Author: JIm Cheff

34 Episodes !

The MARY FARFISA trailer!



What will you find if you follow Mary Farfisa and Briscoe into adventure? This fun trailer will tell you what to expect!

Mary Farfisa Mini-Episode: 'Mary and Briscoe Discuss John Cage'



MARY FARFISA MINI-EPISODE! ‘Mary and Briscoe Discuss John Cage’ – Briscoe’s listening to one of the records in his vast collection. But there’s no SOUND coming out! Mary wants to know why, and Briscoe tells her about the music of composer John Cage. Starring Cara Alboucq and Jim Cheff. ©2017 Jim Cheff, All Rights Reserved.

Mary Farfisa Episode Thirty Two: 'The Giants of Gorblox Frumplestik'




This is it! The final chapter of the Mary Farfisa Audio Movie!

Imagine a planet covered with useless inventions … manufactured by giant robots that can make any product -– as long as it doesn’t work!

It’s the planet Gorblox Frumplestik! And Mary’s parents are being held captive there by those pointlessly productive giant robots. Can Mary and her friends free Mary’s mom and dad, now that she’s found them? Join Mary, Briscoe, Orbit Annie, Harmonia and WhichWay in the thrilling conclusion to the Mary Farfisa Audio Movie!

Written and produced by Jim Cheff. Starring Cara Alboucq, Ansel Andrews, Nancy Andrews, Leslie Baker, Emma Bax, Jim Cheff, Katie King, and April Stalder. ©2022 Jim Cheff, All Rights Reserved.

Hey, Mary Farfisa fans! Did you know that you can read tons of Mary Farfisa COMIC STRIPS, online, for free? Go to tapas.io/jimcheff

And, check out the Mary Farfisa music album “SONGS AND SOUNDS AND MUSIC AND NOISE.” All your favorite songs from the Mary Farfisa show!

And don’t forget to visit us on Facebook! facebook.com/maryfarfisa Give us a thumbs up, see posters and drawings, and leave a message for Mary and Briscoe!

Mary Farfisa Episode Thirty One: 'Stickytown'



‘STICKYTOWN’ -- THE MARY FARFISA AUDIO MOVIE, PART THREE: Visit Stickytown – and stick around!

Mary’s search for her parents comes to a halt when WhichWay the intergalactic starship gets stuck in a giant wad of cosmic bubblegum.

They’re stuck in Stickytown!

Starring Cara Alboucq, Nancy Andrews, Leslie Baker, Emma Bax, Jim Cheff, Katie King, April Stalder. ©2022 Jim Cheff, All Rights Reserved.

Episodes posted weekly for the whole four parts of the Mary Farfisa Audio Movie!

Mary Farfisa Episode Thirty: 'The Great Dissonance'



‘THE GREAT DISSONANCE’ -- THE MARY FARFISA AUDIO MOVIE, PART TWO: Mary Farfisa, Briscoe and Orbit Annie set off to find Mary’s parents in WhichWay, the Intergalactic Starship!

What strange dangers will they face in the topsy-turvy realm called … The Great Dissonance!

Starring Cara Alboucq, Nancy Andrews, Leslie Baker, Emma Bax, Jim Cheff, , Katie King, April Stalder. ©2022 Jim Cheff, All Rights Reserved.

Episodes posted weekly for the whole four parts of the Mary Farfisa Audio Movie!

Mary Farfisa Episode Twenty Nine: 'MOONSTOCK'



‘MOONSTOCK’ -- THE MARY FARFISA AUDIO MOVIE, PART ONE: Remember way back in episode four, when Mary’s parents got shot off into the Cosmos by their invention, the Inspirophone?

(If you don’t, listen to Episode Four, ‘The Ballad of Mary Farfisa’!) ‘Moonstock’ is the first part of a four-part adventure that tells of Mary’s search for her mom and dad in a mysterious region of the Universe called The Great Dissonance! Will she find them? It all starts at a rock concert on THE MOON (Blasé Koolkatt’s THE MOON. People start getting weird transmissions in their heads – transmissions meant for Mary Farfisa!

Starring Cara Alboucq, Leslie Baker, Jim Cheff, Antara Hunter, Katie King, April Stalder. ©2022 Jim Cheff, All Rights Reserved.

Episodes posted weekly for the whole four parts of the Mary Farfisa Audio Movie!

Mary Farfisa Episode Twenty Eight: 'Us, or Ice Cream'



US, OR ICE CREAM – Will Handyman How and Jayne Sarrah! be able to thwart the plans of two giant ice cream cones with a yen for world domination? And, more importantly, why doesn’t Jayne Sarrah! have her own theme song? A children's radio series written and produced by Jim Cheff. Starring Cara Alboucq, Frank Furtado, Bekah Coe, Lisa Coe, James Hasapis, Ivan King, and Katie King as Jayne Sarrah! ©2017 Jim Cheff, All Rights Reserved.

Hey, Mary Farfisa fans! Did you know that you can read tons of Mary Farfisa COMIC STRIPS, online, for free? Go to tapas.io/jimcheff

And, check out the Mary Farfisa music album “SONGS AND SOUNDS AND MUSIC AND NOISE.” All your favorite songs from the Mary Farfisa show!

And don’t forget to visit us on Facebook! facebook.com/maryfarfisa Give us a thumbs up, see posters and drawings, and leave a message for Mary and Briscoe!

Mary Farfisa Episode Twenty Seven: 'The Solar Heathcliffe'



THE SOLAR HEATHCLIFFE - What happens when a rare and wildly-anticipated Cosmic Event ... gets stage fright? Find out in today's episode! A children's radio series written and produced by Jim Cheff. Starring Cara Alboucq, Leslie Baker, Jim Cheff, Miranda Marie and Tim Young. Featuring a song by Tim Young "Let It Out!" This Mary Farfisa adventure is ©2017 by Jim Cheff, all rights reserved.

Hey, Mary Farfisa fans! Did you know that you can read tons of Mary Farfisa COMIC STRIPS, online, for free? Go to tapas.io/jimcheff

And, check out the Mary Farfisa music album “SONGS AND SOUNDS AND MUSIC AND NOISE.” All your favorite songs from the Mary Farfisa show!

And don’t forget to visit us on Facebook! facebook.com/maryfarfisa Give us a thumbs up, see posters and drawings, and leave a message for Mary and Briscoe!

Mary Farfisa Episode Twenty Six: 'Summer Won't Go!'



SUMMER WON’T GO – Summer is great! But what happens when Summer … wants to last the whole year? Mary is visiting the Inflatable Forest when she meets Summer Tall. Summer's a very nice girl --except she refuses to make way for Fall, Winter, and Spring when her time is up. A children's radio series written and produced by Jim Cheff. Starring Cara Alboucq, Nancy Andrews, Leslie Baker, Jim Cheff, Andra Henderson, Katie King, and Miranda Marie. Mary Farfisa and all her radio adventures are ©2017 by Jim Cheff, all rights reserved.

Mary Farfisa Episode Twenty Five: 'A Visit to Music Together'



A VISIT TO MUSIC TOGETHER - Mary Farfisa and Briscoe the Space-horse visit a Music Together class in Flagstaff, Arizona, on the planet Earth! There's lots of fun songs and music in this one!

Music Together is an early childhood music and movement program for children from birth through age eight. Parents curious about Music Together should definitely listen to this episode!

Special thanks to Rhea Stevenson, director of Flagstaff Music Together, and Alisa Ashley, the teacher of the class they looked in on. And extra-special thanks to the kids and parents of Miss Alisa's Thursday evening class! (Music Together songs are the property of Music Together and copyright by them.) flagstaffmusic.com

(A children's radio show written and produced by Jim Cheff. Starring Cara Alboucq and Jim Cheff. Mary Farfisa and this Mary Farfisa's Outer Space Radio Theater episode is copyright 2017 by Jim Cheff, all rights reserved.)

Mary Farfisa Episode Twenty Four: 'The Giant's Guitar'



THE GIANT’S GUITAR – Mary and Briscoe head to the High Seas to rescue the lost lost guitar of Near-Sighted John Jumbo, the Blues Giant. Will they find it at the bottom of the Sea? And – since Near-Sighted John really WAS a giant – will they be able to haul it back up to the surface? On the way, Briscoe tells Mary the life story of the legendary guitar player’s life. A children's radio series written and produced by Jim Cheff. Starring Cara Alboucq, Terry Alan, Jim Cheff, Bonnie Dumdei, Miranda Marie, Bernie Poshpishel, and Jayden Robin. Original music by Terry Alan.

Hey, Mary Farfisa fans! Did you know that you can read tons of Mary Farfisa COMIC STRIPS, online, for free? Go to tapas.io/jimcheff

And, check out the Mary Farfisa music album “SONGS AND SOUNDS AND MUSIC AND NOISE.” All your favorite songs from the Mary Farfisa show!

And don’t forget to visit us on Facebook! facebook.com/maryfarfisa Give us a thumbs up, see posters and drawings, and leave a message for Mary and Briscoe!

Mary Farfisa Episode Twenty Three: 'A River in Space'



A RIVER IN SPACE - While exploring a river in Outer Space, Mary and Briscoe visit a Nursing Home for Fading Stars. Mary meets a very old Sun that can no longer shine. He's cooled off, and all the planets that once orbited him have all moved away. Can Mary help? Written and produced by Jim Cheff. Starring Cara Alboucq, Nancy Andrews, Jim Cheff, Bill Culbertson, Kris Culbertson, Miranda Marie, and Anne Slobodchikoff . Music by Cara Alboucq, Terry Alan, Jim Cheff, George and Joyce Clark, Miranda Marie, and Anne Slobodchikoff. ©2017 Jim Cheff, All Rights Reserved.

Hey, Mary Farfisa fans! Did you know that you can read tons of Mary Farfisa COMIC STRIPS, online, for free? Go to tapas.io/jimcheff

And, check out the Mary Farfisa music album “SONGS AND SOUNDS AND MUSIC AND NOISE.” All your favorite songs from the Mary Farfisa show!

And don’t forget to visit us on Facebook! facebook.com/maryfarfisa Give us a thumbs up, see posters and drawings, and leave a message for Mary and Briscoe!

Mary Farfisa Episode Twenty Two: 'The Dream Boat'



THE DREAM BOAT - The flying 'Dream Boat' has hit a cloud-berg, and its cargo of musical dreams are escaping. Captain Slumber and his First Mate, Jollypop, ask Mary and Briscoe to help. A children's radio series written and produced by Jim Cheff. Starring Cara Alboucq, Nancy Andrews, Leslie Baker, Jim Cheff, Bill Culbertson, Kris Culbertson, and Miranda Marie . Acoustic guitar music written and performed by Terry Alan. Theme song by Cara Alboucq. ©2017 Jim Cheff, All Rights Reserved.

Hey, Mary Farfisa fans! Did you know that you can read tons of Mary Farfisa COMIC STRIPS, online, for free? Go to tapas.io/jimcheff

And, check out the Mary Farfisa music album “SONGS AND SOUNDS AND MUSIC AND NOISE.” All your favorite songs from the Mary Farfisa show!

And don’t forget to visit us on Facebook! facebook.com/maryfarfisa Give us a thumbs up, see posters and drawings, and leave a message for Mary and Briscoe!

Mary Farfisa Episode Twenty One: 'The Chocolate Covered Rocket'



THE CHOCOLATE COVERED ROCKET - Mary meets a Chocolate Covered Rocket in Outer Space. As it hides from a gang of hungry star-piglets, the Rocket tells Mary the story of the Candy King. A children's radio series written and produced by Jim Cheff. Starring Cara Alboucq, Jim Cheff, Bill Culbertson, Miranda Marie and Tim Young. Acoustic guitar music written and performed by Terry Alan. ©2017 Jim Cheff, All Rights Reserved.

Hey, Mary Farfisa fans! Did you know that you can read tons of Mary Farfisa COMIC STRIPS, online, for free? Go to tapas.io/jimcheff

And, check out the Mary Farfisa music album “SONGS AND SOUNDS AND MUSIC AND NOISE.” All your favorite songs from the Mary Farfisa show!

And don’t forget to visit us on Facebook! facebook.com/maryfarfisa Give us a thumbs up, see posters and drawings, and leave a message for Mary and Briscoe!

Mary Farfisa Episode Twenty: 'Scent of the Star-Dodo'



SCENT OF THE STAR-DODO – Jayne Sarrah! found out where she came from … and she’s NOT happy about it! Mary Farfisa thinks going to a Skunkmustache concert on the planet Holjernozia will cheer up the irritable ex-assistant of Handyman How. A children's radio series written and produced by Jim Cheff. Starring Cara Alboucq, Emma Bax, Jim Cheff, Bill Culbertson, Katie King and April Stalder.©2017 Jim Cheff, All Rights Reserved.

Hey, Mary Farfisa fans! Did you know that you can read tons of Mary Farfisa COMIC STRIPS, online, for free? Go to tapas.io/jimcheff

And, check out the Mary Farfisa music album “SONGS AND SOUNDS AND MUSIC AND NOISE.” All your favorite songs from the Mary Farfisa show!

And don’t forget to visit us on Facebook! facebook.com/maryfarfisa Give us a thumbs up, see posters and drawings, and leave a message for Mary and Briscoe!

Mary Farfisa Episode Nineteen: 'The Empty Eggs of Embrios'



THE EMPTY EGGS OF EMBRIOS – Mary’s “frenemy” Jayne Sarrah! steers the Toolbox beyond the Wall of Sleep, in search of her origins. But Handyman How is hot on her trail, determined to stop her! Can Mary stall him long enough for Jayne Sarrah! to complete her quest? And why is a whole planet laughing at Briscoe? A children's radio series written and produced by Jim Cheff. Starring Cara Alboucq, Leslie Baker, Jim Cheff, Bill Culbertson, Kris Culbertson, James Hasapis, and Katie King as Jayne Sarrah! ©2017 Jim Cheff, All Rights Reserved.

Hey, Mary Farfisa fans! Did you know that you can read tons of Mary Farfisa COMIC STRIPS, online, for free? Go to tapas.io/jimcheff

And don’t forget to visit us on Facebook! facebook.com/maryfarfisa Give us a thumbs up, see posters and drawings, or, leave a message for Mary and Briscoe!

Mary Farfisa Episode Eighteen: 'The Music Police'



THE MUSIC POLICE – Mary and Briscoe travel to the planet Bubbellopilla. Their assignment is to capture a lost recital by the now-famous musician, Chartreuse Pinkley, in her student days. But are Mary and Briscoe risking being captured themselves … by the Music Police? A children's radio series written and produced by Jim Cheff. Starring Cara Alboucq, Jim Cheff, Bill Culbertson, Kris Culbertson, Katie King and April Stalder. ©2017 Jim Cheff, All Rights Reserved.

Mary Farfisa Episode Seventeen: 'Time Out!'



TIME OUT! - The perky Mary Farfisa and the petulant Jayne Sarrah! are forced to endure each other's company in this interstellar tale of mistaken identity. A children's radio series written and produced by Jim Cheff. Starring Cara Alboucq, Leslie Baker, Jim Cheff, Emma Bax and Katie King. ©2017 Jim Cheff, All Rights Reserved.

Mary Farfisa Episode Sixteen: 'Merry Thanksalotsmas & Happy Giftsgiving'



MERRY THANKSALOTSMAS AND HAPPY GIFTSGIVING - It's the Holiday Season in Outer Space! Mary and her friends visit the Inflatable Forest, to await the arrival of the Giftsgiving Tree. A children's radio series written and produced by Jim Cheff. Starring Cara Alboucq, Nancy Andrews, Leslie Baker, Jim Cheff, Ivan King, Anna Shockey and April Stalder. ©2017 Jim Cheff, All Rights Reserved.

Mary Farfisa Episode Fifteen: 'Planet Whichway'



PLANET WHICHWAY - Mary comes down with a case of the Mungoolian Measles -- and it's up to Briscoe, Orbit Annie, and Harmonia to find her a space-doctor! Their search takes them to a very surprising place. A children's radio series written and produced by Jim Cheff. Starring Cara Alboucq, Isaac Andrews, Leslie Baker, Emma Bax, Jim Cheff, and April Stalder. Featuring "Smile," an original song written and performed by Emma Bax. ©2017 Jim Cheff, All Rights Reserved.

Mary Farfisa Episode Fourteen: 'The Inflatable Forest'



THE INFLATABLE FOREST - Mary visits the Inflatable Forest. All of its inhabitants -- elves, goblins, fairies, giants, trolls, wizards and dragons -- are getting ready for Halloween. A children's radio series written and produced by Jim Cheff. Starring Cara Alboucq, Nancy Andrews, Leslie Baker, Jim Cheff, Katie King, April Stalder and Kristian Wale. Featuring a song by Anne Slobodchikoff. ©2017 Jim Cheff, All Rights Reserved.

Mary Farfisa Episode Thirteen: 'JOYRIDE'



JOYRIDE – Handyman How asks Mary and Briscoe for help when his smart (but bratty) assistant Jayne Sarrah! runs off with the Toolbox. They set out to get the amazing vehicle, and Jayne Sarrah!, back. Naturally, they wind up trapped on a planet of robot ballerina baboons. A children's radio series written and produced by Jim Cheff. Starring Cara Alboucq, Jim Cheff, James Hasapis, and Katie King. ©2017 Jim Cheff, All Rights Reserved.

Mary Farfisa Episode Twelve: 'Sludge, Sparkle, Magic, GO!'



SLUDGE, SPARKLE, MAGIC, GO! – On Murkel’s first day in Mrs. Menlo’s class, the other space-kids make fun of her. But Mary Farfisa wants to get to know the sludgy newcomer. When Murkel invites Mary to come home with her after school, Mary finds out that Murkel has a BIG secret! Written and produced by Jim Cheff. Starring Cara Alboucq, , Nancy Andrews, Leslie Baker, Cat Black, Jim Cheff and April Stalder. ©2019 Jim Cheff, All Rights Reserved.

Mary Farfisa Episode Eleven: 'Mary Goes to School'



MARY GOES TO SCHOOL - Mary Farfisa is terrified when she finds out she has to go to School. A children's radio series written and produced by Jim Cheff. Starring Cara Alboucq, Isaac Andrews, Nancy Andrews, Leslie Baker, Jim Cheff, Katie King, April Stalder and Jag Thacker, featuring music by Tim Young. ©2017 Jim Cheff, All Rights Reserved.

Mary Farfisa Episode Ten: 'Novice Dancer on the Streams of Time'



NOVICE DANCER ON THE STREAMS OF TIME – Part Two of ‘The Marvelous Music Box of Moxo Boxo.’ Mary and her companions must journey back in Time to stop the Big Nothing. It’s up to Whichway and D.J. Tyme to get them there! A children's radio series written and produced by Jim Cheff. Starring Cara Alboucq as Mary Farfisa. Also starring Isaac Andrews, Nancy Andrews, Leslie Baker, Jim Cheff, James Hasapis, Katie King, Hunter E. Redday, April Stalder and Tim Stokes. ©2017 Jim Cheff, All Rights Reserved.

Mary Farfisa Episode Nine: 'The Marvelous Music Box of Moxo Boxo'



THE MARVELOUS MUSIC BOX OF MOXO BOXO – The mystery of a slowly vanishing planet called Moxo Boxo results in the reappearance of an old friend … and the arrival, perhaps, of a new enemy! A children's radio series written and produced by Jim Cheff. Starring Cara Alboucq as Mary Farfisa. Also starring Leslie Baker, Jim Cheff, James Hasapis, Katie King, April Stalder and Tim Stokes. ©2017 Jim Cheff, All Rights Reserved.

Mary Farfisa Episode Eight: 'Blase Koolkatt'



BLASÉ KOOLKATT – Mary Farfisa’s friend, Blasé Koolkatt, is a beatnik cat-girl from the Moon. Can she keep her cool when Mommy-O demands that she clean her room? Blasé flies to Outer Space, on her rocket-powered guitar, to ask three constellations – the Star Owl, the Celestial Snake, and Hobo Tom – what she should do. A children's radio series written and produced by Jim Cheff. Starring Katie King as Blasé Koolkatt, Cat Black, Jim Cheff, James Hasapis, Anna Shockey, April Stalder, and Sir Tim Stokes. Cara Alboucq will be back next week as Mary Farfisa. ©2017 Jim Cheff, All Rights Reserved.

Mary Farfisa Episode Seven: 'Lullaby and Goodnight'



LULLABY AND GOODNIGHT - Mary explores a fairy tale planet called Nevereverever, where a mysterious lullaby has put everyone to sleep. She also meets the mysterious Handyman How. A children's radio series written and produced by Jim Cheff. Starring Cara Alboucq, Leslie Baker, Jim Cheff, James Hasapis, Katie King, Anna Shockey and April Stalder. ©2017 Jim Cheff, All Rights Reserved.

Mary Farfisa Episode Six: 'The Asterodeo!'



THE ASTERODEO - Mary Farfisa and Briscoe discover a rodeo in Outer Space – where students rope, ride and catch the musical instruments of their dreams! A children's radio series written and produced by Jim Cheff. Starring Cara Alboucq, Cat Black, Jim Cheff, Marcus Conn-Minister, Ian Robin, Brianna Robin, and Sir Tim Stokes. ©2017 Jim Cheff, All Rights Reserved

Mary Farfisa Episode Five: 'Overdue!'



Briscoe’s overdue library book unleashes the wrath of the Krone Brezheen – five fearsome knights who ride robot sharks, and punish those who abuse their library privileges! Can Mary and Briscoe return the book, before the Krone Brezheen find them? A children's radio series written and produced by Jim Cheff. Starring Cara Alboucq, Isaac Andrews, Nancy Andrews, Leslie Baker, Jim Cheff, Katie King, Anna Shockey and April Stalder. ©2017 Jim Cheff, All Rights Reserved.

Mary Farfisa Episode Four: 'The Ballad of Mary Farfisa'



THE BALLAD OF MARY FARFISA - Briscoe tells the story of how Mary Farfisa became an audio wrangler, after her parents are accidentally lost somewhere amongst the stars. A children's radio series written and produced by Jim Cheff. Starring Cara Alboucq, Ansel Andrews, Leslie Baker, Jim Cheff, and April Stalder. ©2017 Jim Cheff, All Rights Reserved.

Mary Farfisa, Episode 3: 'Into The Unexpected!'



INTO THE UNEXPECTED! – Mary Farfisa and Briscoe go to three different worlds, and find the unexpected on each of them! They search for a musical instrument called the Padiddywhistle … they hunt down the lingering sounds of long-vanished dinosaurs … and they answer a cry for help on a planet of living bells. A children's radio series written and produced by Jim Cheff. Starring Cara Alboucq, Leslie Baker, Jim Cheff, and Katie King. ©2017 Jim Cheff, All Rights Reserved.

Mary Farfisa Episode Two: 'The Stardust Storm'



THE STARDUST STORM - Mary and Briscoe take shelter in an abandoned spaceship as a huge stardust storm approaches. But … the abandoned spaceship is not quite as abandoned as they thought! A children's radio series written and produced by Jim Cheff. Starring Cara Alboucq, Nancy Andrews, Leslie Baker, Jim Cheff, Bill Culbertson, and Katie King. Music by Cara Alboucq, and Jim Cheff. ©2017 Jim Cheff, All Rights Reserved.

Mary Farfisa Episode One: 'The Sound Stealer'



1. THE SOUND STEALER - Mary Farfisa and her space-horse Briscoe visit Bazorbabill, where all of the sounds things make are mysteriously disappearing! A children's radio series written and produced by Jim Cheff. Starring Cara Alboucq, Nancy Andrews, Isaac Andrews, Jim Cheff, Katie King, Cheryl Love, Fernando Aguirre, Ariyah Ockenfels, and McKenna Robin. ©2017 Jim Cheff, All Rights Reserved

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