
KidCasts : Podcast for Kids !

Bedtime Stories with R.A. Spratt

Bedtime Stories with R.A. Spratt

This is a weekly podcast of funny stories for kids. There are side-splitting versions of my own fractured fairy tales. Also short stories from some of my best-selling books, featuring characters from 'The Adventures of Nanny Piggins' and 'Friday Barnes, Girl Detective'. The stories are perfect for bedtime, long car rides or even if you're just stuck waiting a really long time at the doctor's office. They're written for 7-11 year olds but these are tales the whole family can enjoy. The silliness is ageless. I hope you enjoy listening to this as much as I enjoy recording it. After years of being a children's author, typing away in my office with only my goldfish for company, I was bursting to tell my stories out-loud and with lots of silly voices! So please - sit back, get comfy and enjoy some amazing, some silly and some just plain ludicous tales direct from my imagination to you.

Author: R.A. Spratt

320 Episodes !

'The Ballad of Mulan' according to Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells the story of her distant relative, Mulan, who fought in the Northern Chinese army 1600 years ago.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'Boris the Big Star' with Nanny Piggins - Part 2



Nanny Piggins goes down to the movie set to get Boris fired. 

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'Boris the Big Star' with Nanny Piggins - Part 1



After a traumatising incident at the local honey emporium, Boris gets the oppurtunity to pay for the damages when he is offered a role in a Hollywood blockbuster movie. 

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Holiday Special rerun - 'Nanny Piggins and the First Christmas'



Nanny Piggins recounts what really happened in the stable on the first Christmas according to her distant relative who happened to be there at the time. This story comes from the book 'The Nanny Piggins Guide to Conquering Christmas'.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Holiday Special rerun - 'The Story of Hanukkah as told by Nanny Piggins'



Nanny Piggins tells the children the story of Hanukkah as recounted by her distant relative who just happened to be there, inventing sticky date pudding, at the time.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Holiday Special rerun - 'Nanny Piggins and the Santa Photos'



When Nanny Piggins takes the children to the shopping centre to get their photo taken with Santa she is not impressed with his organsation. So naturally she takes over.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Holiday Special - 'Saturnalia and the first Christmas Cracker' according to Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells the story of her relative's involvement in creating the first Christmas Cracker.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'The True History of Archimedes' as told by Nanny Piggins



When Boris gets stuck in the bathtub, Nanny Piggins reassures him it is not his fault. It is the fault of a distant relative of hers - Archimedes Piggins and her ground breaking discoveries involving bath water.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Nanny Piggins and the Happy News



When Mr Green holds a press conference to defame Nanny Piggins, she is horrified to discover just how bleak the television news bulletins are, so she goes down to the television station to take over.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'The Legend of Lancelot' as told by Nanny Piggins - LIVE from Auckland NZ



Nanny Piggins tells the true story of Lancelot and Guinevere. This episode was recorded live at the PumpHouse Theatre in Auckland New Zealand. Thank you to everyone who came along.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Friday Barnes and the Mystery at the Munch



While Friday is in Norway visiting Binky and Ingrid, there is a robbery at the Munch Museum. Interpol needs Friday's help finding 'The Scream.'

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'Hades and Persephone' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells the tale of her distant relative who invented the seasons, when she was kidnapped by the King of the Underworld, back in the Ancient Greek Story days

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'The Great Race' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins explains the origins of the Chinese Zodiac and how her distant relative, Bramwell Piggins was involved.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

A Tall Tale about Bacteria and Chessboards



When Mum discovers a laundry lasagna in Vanessa's room, she explains why this is a horrific thing by telling Vanessa a story about bacteria and chessboards.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'Macbeth' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins reveals what really happened in the famous Scottish story. Spoiler alert - Shakespeare got it all wrong.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'The Legend of Achilles' as told by Nanny Piggins



When discussing the concept of "helicopter parents", Nanny Piggins reveals to the children that the greatest helicopter parent of all time was actually a distant relative of her from the ancient Greek story days. Thetis Piggins - the mother of the legendary warrior Achilles!

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Friday Barnes and the Case of the Fraudulant Forgery



Friday Barnes rushes to the Louvre with Ian so they can observe an art expert inspect the Mona Lisa. But something is fishy.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'The True History of Lady Godiva' as told by Nanny Piggins - LIVE at the Belco Arts Centre



While waiting for the local chocolate shop to open, Nanny Piggins tells Boris and the children the story of Lady Godiva.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'Romulus and Reamus' as told by Nanny Piggins - LIVE from the Riverside Theatre



Nanny Piggins reveals the true history of Romulus and Reamus and the creation of the city of Rome.

This episode was recorded live on stage at the Riverside Theatre in Parramatta, Sydney.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'Boris and the Big Snore' with Nanny Piggins - Part 2



Successfully sound-proofing the shed is not the end of Nanny Piggins problems. Not when a nosy journalist and then concerned scientists turn up.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'Boris and the Big Snore' with Nanny Piggins - Part 1



When Nanny Piggins brings home a firefighter's pole from the fire house it's hard work installing it. Especially for poor Boris. He is a growing bear, after all. So he needs his sleep but when a 700 kilogram bear falls into a super deep hibernation sleep it can lead to some strange consequences.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

The Final Chapters - The Peski Kids 5 - Final Mission



Mum's been tricked! Will she escape? Who will rescue her? How will all the stories end? Find out in this final episode of the Peski Kids story.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Chapter 27 - The Peski Kids 5 (second last episode)



Dame Bronwyn finally arrives, which means it's time for the Potato Princess Parade!

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Chapter 26 - The Peski Kids 5



The Potato Parade is about to begin. April is refusing to take off her dressing robe and let anyone see the dress she is wearing. And Fin hasn't turned up with her float yet.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Chapter 25 - The Peski Kids 5



The big day is here - the Potato Festival! And first event is the Capture the Potato competition. Will Currawong win? Will Joe survive? Will Daisy Oddinsdottir get her revenge?

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Chapters 22, 23, 24 - The Peski Kids 5



Loretta finds who she is looking for. It's voting time in the Potato Pageant. And someone breaks into the Peski house late at night.

If you'd like to get tickets to the upcoming Live Podcast Shows here are the links...

Riverside Theatre (Sydney) 3rd September 2023

Belco Arts Centre (Canberra) 9th September

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Chapters 20 & 21 - The Peski Kids 5



Loretta goes looking for Joy. April and Fin team up to make her Potato Pageant float.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Hamlet is Not OK - extract from my new book



My new book 'Hamlet is Not OK' goes on sale this week. I recorded two chapters as a bonus episode to promote this event. I hope you enjoy it.

Here's what it says about 'Hamlet is Not OK' on the back of the book...

Selby hates homework. She would rather watch TV - anything to escape the tedium of school, her parent's bookshop and small-town busybodies. So Selby didn't plan to read Hamlet. She certainly never planned to meet him.

Hamlet, the much-maligned miseryguts, is seen here with the empathy of a modern teenager's gaze. With warmth, brilliant banter, deadpan humour and, well, dead people. R.A. Spratt brings her trademark wit to Shakespeare's famous play.

If you want to read the rest, it's available at all book shops in Australia or your favourite online book seller.   Here's a link for amazon.com.au...


There is also an audiobook available from Audible or where ever else you like to buy audiobooks. Here's a link for Audible


Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Chapters 17,18 & 19



April confronts President Sweet. Joe has his first training session with the Capture the Potato team.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Chapter 16 - The Peski Kids 5



Just when April thought her day couldn't get any worse, she gets a new science teacher - and it's her worst nightmare.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Chapters 14 & 15 - The Peski Kids 5



Mum spots another foreign operative in town. And April goes in search of the potato princess sack.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Nanny Piggins and the Steel Chef



To promote the release of 'Nanny Piggins and the Accidental Blast-off' as an audiobook, I recorded one of the chapters for this podcast. It's the story of Nanny Piggins competing for the title of - Steel Chef! If you want to hear the rest of the book then it is available anywhere where you can buy audiobooks. Here's a link to where you can get it on Audible.


There are now four Nanny Piggins audiobooks. Each book is over four hours of listening. Buying one is a great way to support this podcast.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Chapters 12 & 13 - The Peski Kids 4, Final Mission



April discovers that she has been nominated for the Potato Princess. Meanwhile, Joe desperately tries to get out of captaining the school's Capture the Potato team.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Chapters 9, 10 and 11 - The Peski Kids 5



Dad is excited to get Dame Bronwyn's autograph. Fin gets to work on the giant potato. And Loretta races Pumpkin for the local paper so she can find out who her competition is.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Chapters 7 & 8 - The Peski Kids 5



Fin is run over by the giant potato. 

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Chapters 5 & 6 - The Peski Kids 5, Final Mission



The President of the Country Women's Association orders the Peski Kids to fix the giant potato. And it's time to make nominations for the title of Potato Princess.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Chapters 3 & 4 - The Peski Kids 5, Final Mission



Mum is spotting enemy agents all over town, Daisy Odinsdottir is nearly killed by a giant paper mache potato and the Peski Kids are summonsed by the CWA. 

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Chapters 1 & 2 - The Peski Kids 5, Final Mission



Mum struggles to adjust to life in Currawong, another crazy festival is starting up and Joe is grieving for his favourite breakfast.

Please Note: I am re-posting this episode because when I first posted it I accidentally hit the explicit content box. There is nothing inappropriate in the episode. I was just tired when I uploaded the file. It's very hard to uncheck a box once it goes out to all the different podcast directories, so I'm just posting the whole thing again. My apologies for the confusion.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Chapters 27, 28 and 29 (the last three chapters) - The Peski Kids 4



This episode features the final three chapters from book 4. It wraps up the story from this book and sets up the beginning of book 5.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Chapters 24, 25, 26 - The Peski Kids 4



The Peski Kids try to hijack the bus back.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Chapters 22 & 23 - The Peski Kids 4



The bus gets hijacked. Dad rescues Mum.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Chapters 18 - 21 - The Peski Kids 4, Near Extinction



Fin's head is still stuck in a dinosaur, and now that dinosaur has been knocked over by a bus. Meanwhile, Dad and Ingrid are breaking into a secret maximum security prison somewhere in Eastern Europe.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Chapter 16 & 17 - The Peski Kids 4, Near Extinction



The T-Rex has crashed over the top of the school bus, Joe has sprained his ankle and April has to stop Mr Lang from driving off before Fin is decapitated. Meanwhile Mum and Dad are breaking into a maximum security Kolectiv prison.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Chapters 14 & 15 - The Peski Kids 4, Near Extinction



Fin is attacked by a dinosaur, which is quite something given that the dinosaurs are models made of fibre glass.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Chapters 12 & 13 - The Peski Kids 4, Near Extinction



Dad and Ingrid fly to Eastern Europe. The Peski Kids explore the dinosaur park in the middle of the desert.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Chapters 9-11 - The Peski Kids 4



April takes on the Bilgong rugby team so she can go on the excursion to the dinosaur park with Joe, Fin and Loretta.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Chapters 6-8 - Peski Kids 4, Near Extinction



Loretta starts at Currawong High. Dad and Ingrid go to the city for a romantic mini-break. And April gets in trouble for breaking the captain of the rugby team.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Chapters 3, 4 & 5 - Peski Kids 4, Near Extinction



The Peski Kids try to hurry home to check on Dad, but their worst nightmare comes true when the only one to offer them a lift is Professor Maynard. Then Loretta has some good/bad news of her own.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Chapter 1 and 2 - Peski Kids 4, Near Extinction



Dad's wedding to Ingrid is interrupted by an unexpected arrival. The Peski Kids find out they are going on a strange school excursion.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Nanny Piggins and the School Photos



When Nanny Piggins takes Samantha to get her hair cut the day before School Photo Day, things go horribly wrong. But it's nothing a little light kidnapping can't fix.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'Friday Barnes, Last Chance' - First Two Chapters



My new book, 'Friday Barnes, Last Chance' came out this week, so for this episode of the podcast I read the first two chapters from the book. I don't want to do any spoilers but basically her trip to Paris has been delayed because of a medical emergency, and she is really keep to get there and catch up with Ian and the case of the missing Mona Lisa.

If you want to buy a copy here's a link to Book Depository...


Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'Bramwellio' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells the true story of Bramwellio, the boy made of chocolate and Geppetto the master chocolatier who created him. 

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'Hercules and the Nemean Lion' as told by Nanny Piggins



When they are stuck on the train platform waiting for the next train, Nanny Piggins tells Boris and the children the story of the first labour of Hercules when he had to kill the Nemean Lion. And how it did not quite go that way, thanks to Nanny Piggins distant relative – Iolaus Piggins

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells the story of Ali Baba, forty thieves and a distant fabulously glamerous relative of hers who happened to be a slave girl in the village at the time.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'The True History of Marie Curie' as told by Nanny Piggins



After Samantha is suspended from school for throwing a slice of carrot cake at the school bully, Nanny Piggins tells the children the story of her distant cousin, the brilliant and alluring scientist - Marie Curie.

If you'd like to come to the launch of 'Friday Barnes 11, Last Chance' in Melbourne on January 28th 2023 here's the link...  https://fridaybarnes11at3.eventbrite.com

If you'd like to come to the Sydney event for 'Friday Barnes 11, Last Chance' at the Better Read Than Dead Bookstore on February 4th 2023 here's the link... https://www.betterreadevents.com/events/story-time-chat-with-r-a-spratt

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Nanny Piggins and the Great Boxing Day Disappointment



Nanny Piggins is tremendously disappointed to learn that Boxing Day does not actually involve fist fighting, at least it's not meant to, that is until her all her identical thirteenuplet sisters turn up.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the show

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'The First Christmas' as told by Nanny Piggins



This is a Christmas rerun episode. It's the story of the first Christmas when Jesus was born as told by Nanny Piggins (***spoiler alert*** one of Nanny Piggins distant relatives was there when it happened).

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'The Story of Hanukkah' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells the children the story of Hanukkah. She knows all about it because  her distant cousin Naomi Piggins, who was a leading cake research scientist, and just happened to be in Jerusalem when the miracle of the oil lasting eight days occurred.

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Nanny Piggins and the Christmas Carol Showdown



This a replay episode recorded last year. It's the story of Nanny Piggins attempt to beat Nanny Anne  in the Christmas Carol showdown.

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Nanny Piggins and the Santa Photo



This is a replay of an episode I recorded last Christmas. In this story, Nanny Piggins takes the children to get their photo taken with Santa at the their local shopping centre. But she is horrified by their prices and starts a photo rebellion.

If you're interested in getting a signed book by me as a Christmas present you can contact my local bookstore, 'The Bookshop Bowral' on 02 4862 1634 or email them at books@thebookshopbowral.com.au

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'1001 Arabian Cakes' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells the children the story of the second greatest storyteller in the world, after herself, her distant relative - Sheherazade Piggins and the 1001 cakes she baked.

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Friday Barnes and the Case of Ian's Dad



When Mr Wainscott turns up unexpectedly at Highcrest Academy claiming custody of his son, Friday is suspicious.

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'The Least Brave Knight of the Round Table' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells the story of her distant relative, Sir Bramwell Piggins who was a knight at the round table of Camelot, and how he came to face the fearsome Green Knight.

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'The Legend of Typhon' as told by Nanny Piggins



When Samantha has to learn about the geography of Sicily, Nanny Piggins tells her the real story of how Mount Etna formed. A story which just happens to feature one of her distant cousins, Cadmus Piggins as well as Zeus and a really horrible monster called Typhon.

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'Stone Cake' as told by Nanny Piggins



While waiting for their giant mug cake to cook, Nanny Piggins regales the children a story about her cousin Margarite and the Stone Cake she made.

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Nanny Piggins and the School Bus



While working as a volunteer at the school canteen, Nanny Piggins discovers that the school is looking for a new bus driver. She is just the pig for the job!

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Friday Barnes and the Case of the Purloined Pudding



This is an original Friday Barnes short story written especially for the podcast. It comes from her time in juvenile detention (between books 8 and 9). She is asked to help a fellow inmate who has been accused of eating her cellmate's pudding.

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'Tom Thumb' as told by Nanny Piggins



After a long day destroying report cards and chasing an ice cream van, Nanny Piggins settles the children down to sleep by telling them a story about her distant cousin 'Tom Thumb'

And this episode has a bonus story - 'A Tall Tale about Haircuts and Ninjas'

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'The True History of Galileo' according to Nanny Piggins



When Derrick's physics textbook meets with an unfortunate accident, Nanny Piggins fills in and tells Derrick everything he needs to know about the great physicist and astronomer - Galileo of Pisa.

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'The Sword in the Stone' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells the ancient Celtic story of about her distant cousin Arthur Piggins who accidentally began King of all Britain while trying to eat a chocolate cake.

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Friday Barnes and the Case of the Polar Bear



Friday has to hurry to Norway to help Melanie's Brother, Binky when he is accused of dereliction of duty and threatened with a dishonourable discharge from the Norwegian Army.

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Chapter 29 - What Happened - The Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



Everything is explained and resolved. Then there is a shocking cliffhanger ending.

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Chapter 28 - Identity Parade - The Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



Constable Pike holds an identity parade so his earwitness can identify the bank robber.

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Chapter 27 - The Investigation - The Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



Constable Pike tries to figure out what happened at the bank. 

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Chapter 26 (Part 2) - Photo Finish - The Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



We discover who really did win the mud run. 

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Chapter 26 (Part 1) - Photo Finish - The Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



Joe comes so close to winning the Mud Race but there are last moment surprises.

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Chapter 25 - The Heist - Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



When April and Tom seek refuge in the bank because of it's outstanding air conditioning, they get caught up in a crime.

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Chapter 24 - I Can't Take It Anymore - The Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



Tom finds the Mud Run a lot harder than he imagined. The heat gets to him.

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Chapter 23 - And So It Begins - The Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



It's race day. The Peski Kids launch themselves into the mud run.

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Chapter 21 & 22 - More Pressure - The Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



Mr Popov is angry with Fin because of the damage he had done to the school football field. It's the night before the big race and Joe is exhausted from over training.

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Chapter 20 - The Complaining - The Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



While April is in the guidance counselor's office checking in, Mr Lang gets a visit from an angry husband.

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Chapter 18 & 19 - The Build - The Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



Fin enlists Neils help to build the mud run obstacles.

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Chapter 17 - Mud Therapy - The Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



Loretta help Joe train for muddy part of the mud run.

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Chapter 16 - Training - The Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



April and Tom start training with the visiting Olympian.

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Chapter 15 - In the Office, Again - The Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



Mr Lang is going to have to expel April, until Tom intervenes.

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Chapter 14 - Not a Good Look - The Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



April has to sit next to Tom in class. It does not go well.

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Chapter 13 - The Course Master - The Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



Fin is put in charge of building the course for the Mad Mud Mud Run, a responsibility that involves him having complete control over a bright yellow digger.

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Chapter 12 - A Quiet Word - The Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



Mr Lang Corners Joe and asks him to win the mud run. 

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Chapter 11 - Motivation - The Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



Loretta ponders how she can make April like her. Joe and Fin assure her any attempt is futile.

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Chapter 10 Part 2 - Home Front - The Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



Mr Chelsea from the Chelsea Bakery makes Joe and offer he can't refuse.

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Chapter 10 Part 1 - Home Front - The Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



April is horrified to discover that Loretta has already taken over her bedroom.

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Chapter 9 - Begging and Pleading - The Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



Constable Pike takes April home. But Ingrid won't let him in the house. And Dad is too afraid of Ingrid and April to disagree.

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Chapter 8 - Differability - The Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



April and Mr Lang argue about which of them has a greater respect for the notion of equality. It doesn't go well.

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Chapter 7 - Deep In Thought - The Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



Fin and Neil scheme up ways they can both triumph at the Mud Run.

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Chapter 6 - Pressure - The Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



April tries to pressure Joe into going in the mud run, until she is tripped and gets into a fight with a boy she has never met before.

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Chapter 5 - Denial - The Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



Dad has to accept the fact that Ingrid, with all her tall beautiful Swedish blondeness, really is going to come to live with them and pretend to be his girlfriend.

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Chapter 4 - Dramatic Entrance - The Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



A two time Olympic silver medallist drops in to Currawong, knocking Joe off his feet and throwing the Mad Mud Mud Run into chaos. 

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Chapter 3 - The Big Announcement - The Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



The Peski Kids find out about Currawong's latest strange festival. This time it involves mud.

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Chapter 2 - The Next Day - The Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



When April and Fin go to school the next day they are the focus of attention and gossip.

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Chapter 1 - One Week Earlier - The Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



Dad's proposal to Ingrid throws everything into chaos, somehow it results in Loretta moving in and April moving out, or at least up into the attic to get away from her.

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Prologue - The Peski Kids 3, Stuck in the Mud



In this prologue the story opens with the Peski Kids mum, still imprisoned by the Kolectiv, we find out how she reacts to the news of Mr Peski's engagement to Ingrid.

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Friday Barnes and the Case of the Incriminating Trousers



This is a repeat episode because I'm away on holiday. I picked a Friday Barnes one because I know there are lots of Friday Barnes fans out there, also I am currently writing a Friday Barnes book. This chapter is one of my favourite stories. It is very silly. 

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"Sisyphus" as told by Nanny Piggins



This is a repeat episode because I'm away on holiday. It's one of my favourites because it is the first of the Greek Myths I did with Nanny Piggins. It was a lot of fun and I've done many Greek Myths since. Although some of the names are hard to pronounce which means I have to do lots of retakes when I'm recording.

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A Tall Tale about Socks and Goblins



This is another replay because I'm on holiday with my family.

I love this story. It may be one that appeals more to Mums. I like that it features both of my daughters. My older daughter always complains that she isn't mentioned as much in the tall tales as her younger sister. I love the sock fairy. It is one of my favourite ideas I've come up with for this series.

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"The Elves and the Shoemaker" as told by Nanny Piggins



This is a replay of a story I wrote for the Adelaide Writer's Festival in 2021. I tried to record it live but it all went horribly wrong, so I recorded this in my hotel room that night. I'm very fond of this story. I do like coffee cake. Plus the Elves and the Shoemaker is a story my mother used to read to me when I was little.

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Chapter 24 and 25 - The Aftermath - The Peski Kids 2, Bear in the Woods



Chapter 24 - Everything is explained, about how the bear really came to be in the woods. 

Chapter 25 - Then everything is thrown into chaos again when Dad spontaneously makes a huge decision.

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Chapter 23 - The Big Day (Part 2) - The Peski Kids 2, Bear in the Woods



The Daffodil Day celebrations turn to chaos when a surprise visitor turns up, and Officer Odinsson is reinstated by the power crazed mayor.

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Chapter 23 - The Big Day - The Peski Kids 2, Bear in the Woods



Daffodil Day finally arrives. Dad is forced to dress up in a ridiculous costume. The mayor refuses to believe the truth about the bear, not when there are so many tourists in town.

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Chapter 22 - Trust No-One - The Peski Kids 2, Bear in the Woods



April gives up, until Loretta bursts in with evidence that proves she was right all along.

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Chapter 21 - Listen to Me - The Peski Kids 2, Bear in the Woods



April tried to warn everyone at the Good Times Cafe about the dangers of the bear in the wood. Dad gets a milkshake in the lap. And she gets another head injury.

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Chapter 20 - The Cat Whisperer - The Peski Kids, Bear in the Woods



The Peski Kids go to consult the Cat Lady about the bear.

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Chapter 19 - The Mayoral Proposition - The Peski Kids, Bear in the Woods



The mayor makes a surprise visit to the Peski house with propositions for Mr Peski and April.

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Chapter 18 - Neil - The Peski Kids 2, Bear in the Woods



Fin gets to know the Cat Lady's grandson.

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Chapter 17 - Tension - The Peski Kids 2, Bear in the Woods



Loretta bumps into Joe while he's waiting outside the psychiatrist's van.

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Chapter 16 - Pretty Please - The Peski Kids 2, Bear in the Woods



Dad has a grafting accident, Loretta helps him and together they uncover a secret from the burned out computer.

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Chapter 15 - More than One Way to Skin a Cat - The Peski Kids 2, Bear in the Woods



Fin meets another boy at the Cat Lady's farmhouse.

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Chapter 14 - Head Shrinking - The Peski Kids 2, Bear in the Woods



April and Pumpkin meet Dr Hilary, the travelling regional psychiatrist.

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Chapter 13 - Back in Hospital - The Peski Kids 2, Bear in the Woods



April and Officer Odinsson end up back in hospital. Dr Vass has a new idea about what might be causing April to see bears.

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Chapter 12 - Going on a Bear Hunt - The Peski Kids 2, Bear in the Woods



April drags everyone back out into the bush to find the bear she insists she saw.

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Chapter 11 - The Cat Lady - The Peski Kids 2, Bear in the Woods



Fin begins his "training" with the Cat Lady. She has some strange ideas.

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Chapter 10 - The Long Arm of the Law - The Peski Kids 2, Bear in the Woods



Constable Pike pulls over the Peski Kids and takes Fin away to do his community service with the Cat Lady.

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Chapter 9 - The Office of Animal Control - The Peski Kids 2, Bear in the Woods



The Peski Kids go to Officer Odinsson for help catching the bear.

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Chapter 8 - Hide and Seek - The Peski Kids 2, Bear in the Woods



April wakes up determined to rescue the bear she saw.

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Chapter 7 - All in the Mind - The Peski Kids 2, Bear in the Woods



When April wakes up in hospital nobody believes that she saw a bear.

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Chapter 6 - Near Death Experience - The Peski Kids 2, Bear in the Woods



April has to fight for her life to get out of a flash flood, and that's only the second most dangerous thing to happen to her in this episode.

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Chapter 5 (Part 2) - Community Service - The Peski Kids 2, Bear in the Woods



When April and Loretta start pulling rubbish out of the creek, Matilda refuses to help. Wrestling ensues.

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Chapter 5 (Part 1) - Community Service - The Peski Kids 2, Bear in the Woods



The Peski Kids set off into the bush with Constable Pike to do their community service.

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Chapter 4 - Hard Drive - The Peski Kids 2, Bear in the Woods



Ingrid tell Dad to fix the burnt out computer. Professor Maynard tells the Peski Kids to do a better job of fulfilling their mission.

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Chapter 3 - The Cat Lady - The Peski Kids 2, Bear in the Woods



The cat lady arrives and she's not what the Peski Kids expected.

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Chapter 2 - In Town - The Peski Kids 2, Bear in the Woods



When the Peski Kids go into town, Pumpkin chases a cat up a telegraph pole. The owner of the cat hits April with her handbag. The mayor is worried about a cat up a telegraph pole with Daffodil Day coming up. They turn to the closest thing Currawong has to a super hero.

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Prologue & Chapter 1 - The Peski Kids 2, Bear in the Woods



When the Peski kids home catches fire, Ingrid heroically races in and throws the flaming computer out the window. But who set fire to it in the first place?

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Chapter 26 & 27 - The Key - The Peski Kids



The gripping conclusion to this action packed novel.

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Chapter 25 - The Chase - The Peski Kids



When Coach Voss tries to escape in a hot air balloon, the Peski Kids give chase in their Dad's home made helicopter.

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Chapter 24 - Everything Goes Wrong - The Peski Kids



Finally, it's the big day of the Currawong Cockroach Races, but when the Peski Kids get there everything goes wrong.

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The Cockroach Races - Chapter 23 - The Peski Kids



The Peski Kids arrive at the Cockroach Races, some of them disguised as cockroaches.

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Depressed - Chapter 22 - The Peski Kids



Fin is depressed because Joe went on a date with Loretta. April is oblivious.

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The Ball - Chapter 21 - The Peski Kids



The Peski Kids go to the Cockroach Races Ball, some of them dressed as animals.

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Talking to Girls - Chapter 20 - The Peski Kids



In his desperation to not ask Daisy to the Cockroaches Races Ball, Joe lied and said he was taking Loretta. But he didn't think it through. Now he has to do something much worse - he has to ask Loretta. 

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Something in the Garden - Chapter 19 - The Peski Kids



Dad summons the courage to confront an intruder in the garden. 

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Confrontation with a Beauty - Chapter 18 - The Peski Kids



Daisy Odinsdottir corners Joe in the boys bathroom. How will he get out of asking her to the Cockroach Races Ball?

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Framed Again - Chapter 17 - The Peski Kids



April and Fin have another terrible day at school when they are accused of killing another cockroach.

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At Home - Chapter 16 - The Peski Kids



Dad finds bugs and not the creepy crawly kind all over the house. He wants to run away from home but the kids won't let him.

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Seriously - Chapter 15 - The Peski Kids



April and Fin are questioned down at the police station. But Constable Pike has not proof they were the ones to kill Kieren and Animesh's cockroach.

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The Investigation Begins... Badly - Chapter 14 - The Peski Kids



Joe, Fin and April go into town for breakfast and start investigating the death of Loretta's cockroach.

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Something Serious - Chapter 13 - The Peski Kids



Loretta reveals that something terrible has happened to Mr Bottomley.

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Paper, Rock, Glass - Chapter 12 - The Peski Kids



Fin is awoken by a rock.

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Kitty Cat Band-Aids - Chapter 11- The Peski Kids



Joe has to get a microwave held together with Kitty Cat Band-Aids to work. April and Fin have to sneak a cockroach into the house without their father who is terrified of everything, but especially cockroaches, knowing about it.

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Something in the Bushes - Chapter 10 - The Peski Kids



Dad hears something strange in the garden and finds the courage to investigate whether he needs to run away.

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The First Hurdle - Chapter 9 - The Peski Kids



April and Fin have to find a cockroach but their own house is bug free, so they have to visit their next door neighbour.

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Do Over - Chapter 8 - The Peski Kids



Mr Lang has a stern talk with April and Fin. They have had three official complaints made about them and Pumpkin the dog in just one day.

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Joe and the Bowls - Chapter 7 - The Peski Kids



Joe makes a dreadful first impression with his teachers and classmates, until they discover that he is unexpectedly brilliant at something.

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Not Fitting In - Chapter 6 - The Peski Kids



April and Fin go to their first PE class at Currawong High. It doesn't go well. The PE teacher makes the whole class do a theory lesson to punish April and Fin for not bringing their sports uniform. Then the theory lesson involves giving cockroaches interval training which just seems weird.

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The New School - Chapter 5 - The Peski Kids



Joe, Fin and April arrive at Currawong High School. Mrs Pilsbury, the school secretary is not impressed to meet Pumpkin. And Mr Lang, the school counsellor, encourages the Peski kids to take part in the annual Cockroach Races so they can become a part of the local community.

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School Uniform - Chapter 4 - The Peski Kids



Joe, Fin and April are horrified to discover that they have to wear a school uniform to their new school. Also, that their Dad doesn't drive - so they have to run to school if they have any chance of getting there on time. Luckily their staggeringly beautiful next door neighbour, Loretta is able to offer them a lift. They soon discover it will be hard to keep secrets from someone so perceptive.

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Dad - Chapter 3 - The Peski Kids



Joe, Fin and April meet their Dad for the first time in eleven years. 

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What's in a Name? - Chapter 2 - The Peski Kids



Professor Maynard explains to Joe, Fin and April where she is taking them and why. The kids are not impressed. 

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A Bad Start - Chapter 1 - The Peski Kids



April, Fin and Joe don't realise it yet but their mother is missing and their world is about to be turned upside down, by a woman they always regarded as being frumpiness squared.

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Prologue - The Peski Kids



This is the prologue from my book 'The Peski Kids, The Mystery of the Squashed Cockroach'. It sets up the story to come. 

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'The Twelve Dancing Pigcesses' as told by Nanny Piggins



You may have heard of the Grimms' Fairy Tale, 'The Twelve Dancing Princesses'. But in this podcast reveals what really happened. It wasn't about princesses at all! It was about pigcesses and those pigcessese were twelve of her identical fourteenuplet sisters.

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'The Legend of Narcissus' as told by Nanny Piggins



When a mean girl at school calls Michael a narcissist he asks Nanny Piggins to explain was a 'narcissist' is which leads her her telling the Ancient Greek story of Narcissus, Echo and Nemesis. Her version is a little different to the standard story because her distant relative Ovid Piggins wrote it all down with the details of what actually happened.

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Friday Barnes and the Case of the Stolen Suitcase



Friday is exhausted after a long day of solving art crime in Florence, Italy. But before she goes to bed she's got one more mystery to solve - who stole everything from Mrs Cannon's room?

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A Tall Tale about Real Estate and Robots



When Mum and Tammy have to walk to school from the other side of town, Mum begins to wonder about the motives of a very smiley real estate agent with unnaturally blue eyes.

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'Valiant Bramwell' as told by Nanny Piggins



Bramwell Piggins (Nanny Piggins no good brother) accidentally gets a job as a giant slayer after eating a fly infested jam tart.

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Friday Barnes and The Case of the Impure Gelato



When Friday's school group stays at a convent in Florence, the nuns need help dealing with accusations of impurity against their gelato.

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'Romeo and Juliet' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins is shocked to learn that the children will be performing Shakespeare's famous play 'Romeo and Juliet'. She knows the real story of what happened all those years ago in Italy, because it just so happens that a distant relative or hers was involved.

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'Sisyphus' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins fills the children in on what really happened in the Ancient Greek Story times to the great cunning genius - King (or rather Queen) Sisyphus.

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Nanny Piggins and the Christmas Carol Showdown



When Nanny Piggins discovers that her arch-nemesis, Nanny Anne has secretly formed a christmas carol singing choir she is outraged that she was not invited to join. Naturally she much form her own choir to get crush her rival with her superior showmanship skills. 

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Friday Barnes and the Case of the Stolen Star



It's Christmas at Highcrest Academy, Friday Barnes is in trouble with the Headmaster again, although she's not sure why and Ian has been accused of stealing the beautiful antique star from the top of the school's Christmas tree. Can Friday solve the mystery before the parents arrive for awards night and Ian gets expelled?

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Nanny Piggins and the Santa Photo



When Mr Green asks Nanny Piggins to take the children to have their photo taken with Santa she is shocked at his unexpectedly festive request. But she is even more shocked when she gets to the shopping centre and sees the expensive prices the elves are charging. Naturally she has to bring down the entire corrupt system.

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A Tall Tale about Bees and Alien Invaders



When mysterious things start appearing on the vacant block at the end of their street - Mum and Tammy's imaginations run wild.

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'The Red Shoes' as told by Nanny Piggins



After an unfortunate incident where Nanny Piggins is forced to throw a shoe at Mr Green's head, on the way to visiting the leopards at the zoo, she takes the children shoe shopping. This leads to her telling the story of her distant relative, Madge Piggins and the ill fated time she put on a pair of red shoes.

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Friday Barnes and the Potato Dash



When Binky asks Friday to help him win the school's annual 'Potato Dash' race, she is shocked by the level of cheating that is actively encouraged. But one of the competitors goes to far.

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'Hercules and the Augean Stables' as told by Nanny Piggins



When Derrick studies the Ancient Greek story of Hercules 5th labour - when he had to clean the Augean Stables - Nanny Piggins tells the children the true story as witnessed by a her great great great times 197 greats aunt Iolaus Piggins.

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A Tall Tale about Eggs and Witches



Tammy finds it hard to concentrate on her learning from home when Mum starts a vendetta with a raven.

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'The Scorpion and the Frog' as told by Nanny Piggins



While sailing a full sized chocolate replica of The Beagle down the river to school, Nanny Piggins regales the children with the story of her distant cousin, Freda the Frog and her encounter with a scorpion.

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Nanny Piggins and the Last Cake of the Romanovs



When Nanny Piggins takes her brother, Boris the ballet dancing bear down to the Russian embassy to get a passport she is shocked to discover a picture of herself on Russia's ten most wanted list. It looks like an illicit cake eating incident from her distant pass is about to catch up with her.

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'The Goose that Lay the Golden Egg' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells the real story of 'The Goose that Lay the Golden Egg', including the dramatic action finale that Aesop left out of the original ancient fable.

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'Swine Lake' as told by Nanny Piggins



When Boris the ballet dancing bear performs 'Swan Lake' for them, Nanny Piggins reveals the true story behind the ballet - how it isn't really about swans at all.

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'The Trojan Horse' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells the children the true story of the Trojan Horse and how an apple caused the whole drama. 

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Friday Barnes and the Case of the Sleepy Psychologist



When Friday is sent to see the school counsellor, she soon uncovers a mystery. The counsellor can't keep her eyes open. Friday takes advantage of the opportunity to avoid talking about herself.

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'The Wolf and the Seven Kids' as told by Nanny Piggins



After eating a massive sticky date pudding, Nanny Piggins tells the children the classic Grimm's fairytale  - the story of 'The Wolf and the Seven Kids', while they wait for the sugar to wear off and the feeling to return to their legs.

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A Tall Tale about Valkyries and Mullets



When Sammy starts going to a new school one day a week, Mum suspects the lollypop lady is secretly a Valkyrie.

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'The Midas Touch ' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins lures Derrick down to the kitchen where she is baking a cake, by promising to tell him the true story of 'King Midas' and what really happened in the Ancient Story Days.

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Nanny Piggins and the Psychic Gift



When Nanny Piggins accidentally damages a cake stand at the local Transport Museum while chasing the curator around in a World War One tri-plane, she has to make some fast cash. Luckily it turns out she has a psychic gift - and her fortune telling business soon does a roaring trade.

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'The Snow Queen' as told by Nanny Piggins



One Saturday morning, when forced to take over her local library's storytime or be arrested for verbal abuse, Nanny Piggins tells the tale of her distant relative Annabel Piggins. The pig who inspired the famous Danish folk tale 'The Snow Queen'. Suffice it to say, the original version got just about everything wrong.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'The Little Red Pig' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells the children a tragic tale of hardship endured by her great times 47 greats aunt, Little Red Pig in the olden story days.

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A Tall Tale about Cats, Dogs and Fighting Crime with the Queen



After a tough day of work, Mum picks Tammy up from school and it turns out that Tammy may have had the most brilliant idea in the history of ideas. ...at least in Mum's twisted opinion

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Friday Barnes and the River Challenge



This is chapter 12 from 'Friday Barnes 6, Danger Ahead' the book that takes place when Friday and her classmates go away to wilderness camp. In this chapter, they are set the challenge of retrieving supplies from the far side of a river. Friday hopes brains will count for more than brawn and finally their team will have a chance of winning.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'Medusa' as told by Nanny Piggins



When Samantha has to study the Ancient Greek story of Medusa for school, the library has run out of books on the subject. Luckily Nanny Piggins had a relative who was there. So she knows what really happened on that island all those years ago. 

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'Chicken Little Brain' as told by Nanny Piggins



One night, after eating a particularly large amount of dessert, Nanny Piggins tells the tale of a chicken with a mysterious head injury and the royal monarch who dealt with it.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'Pig in Boots' as told by Nanny Piggins



When the third son of a miller is left nothing more than a talking pig in his father's will, as punishment for becoming a vegetarian, he thinks he's had a raw deal. But this pig is a Piggins and therefore should not be underestimated.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Friday Barnes and Case of the Wet Boy



Friday Barnes is called in to help when her hapless repeat client Parker is found asleep on the polo field after a night of heavy rain. It appears that he has been the victim of a prank, but Friday soon realises there is more to his dilemma than meets the eye.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

A Tall Tale about Cardboard Boxes and Al Capone



While walking to school on Athletics carnival day, Mum tells Tammy about the child capturing techniques she learned at mothering school (a fictional institution she claims to have attended) and how these techniques were by the prohibition busters at the FBI in the 1930's. (NB. Mum is not a great believer in fact checking her stories).

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'George Washington and the Cherry Tree' as told by Nanny Piggins



When Derrick learns about George Washington at school, Nanny Piggins tells him what really happened according to the first hand account of her Great Great Great Great Great Aunt Anna Piggins. Spoiler alert - this story also reveals what really happened to make the Venus De Milo lose her arms.

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Nanny Piggins Joins Neighbourhood Watch



This is a story from the third book in the Nanny Piggins series, 'Nanny Piggins and the Runaway Lion'. Nanny Piggins is persuaded to join her local Neighbourhood Watch mainly by  the tray of free doughnuts at the meeting she attends, but her foray into crime solving does not go to plan.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'The Little Merpig' as told by Nanny Piggins



While waiting in the pharmacy, Nanny Piggins tells the children and Boris the story of her fabulously glamourous great great great great great (times 23 greats) aunt Ariel Piggins - otherwise known as - the Little Merpig.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'Robin Hood' as told by Nanny Piggins



When Nanny Piggins finds out that Samantha has been learning about Robin Hood at school, she tells her the true story of her distant relative and the forgotten story of the cake she ate.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

A Tall Tale about the Extinction of the Dinosaurs... and Cherry Blossum



When Mum and Tammy are walking to school they spot a small spring of cherry blossum, which makes them wonder about the real cause of the extinction of the dinosaurs.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Friday Barnes and the Case of the Disappearing Doctor



Friday is horrified when her Dad suddenly appears at Highcrest Academy and takes over a physics lesson. But she is even more shocked when he explains the reason for his unexpected arrival - her mother has gone missing!

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' as told by Nanny Piggins



When Michael is cast as a troll in a school play, Nanny Piggins tells the children the real story of 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'. Spoiler alert - there were no goats in it.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'Beauty and the Beast' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells the true story of 'Beauty and the Beast' as it happened to her cousin Belle Piggins. I don't want to give away any spoilers, but suffice it to say, there's more cake and chocolate involved than they lead you to believe in the movie version.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

A Tall Tale about Floating Leaves... and Vegetarian Spiders



When Tammy and Mum take the dog for a walk, a hovering autumn leaf makes them wonder about the possible existence of vegetarian spiders and the dangers of tofu hail.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Nanny Piggins and the Royal Wedding Cake



After spending a weekend crashing weddings because she was in desperate need of cake, Nanny Piggins realises that the world is crying out of a wedding cake baker of her genius. She soon becomes so popular she is called upon to bake for a Royal Wedding.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'Icarus' as told by Nanny Piggins



When Derrick leaves his homework at school, Nanny Piggins helps him by recounting the famous story from Greek mythology - the story of Icarus. Which she just happens to know because her (great times 48) aunt Daedulus Piggins was Icarus' mother.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

A Tall Tale about Faces... and Green Tights



While walking home from school, Tammy and Mum discuss the possible things Mr Stuart could be doing on his day off from classroom teaching.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'Rumplestiltskin' as told by Nanny Piggins



When Nanny Piggins gets a little bit over enthusiastic about commandeering an ice cream van, she and the children pass the time on the walk home with the story about a distant cousin of her and the strange little man who helped her spin straw into chocolate cake.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Friday Barnes and the Case of the Boy who was Kidnapped



When a boy is kidnapped from Highcrest Academy, Friday is astonished that no one is concerned. She soon finds out that he stages his kidnapping all the time, but Friday realises that this could be the perfect cover for a real kidnapping.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

A Tall Tale about Socks... and Goblins



One night after dinner, Mum reveals to Vanessa and Tammy that they are going to have to start picking up their own socks because of tragic circumstances involving the work place conditions of fairies.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Nanny Piggins tells 'The Elves and the Shoemaker'



Nanny Piggins tells the story of her distant cousin Matilda Piggins, a shoemaker who struggled against the pigism in the shoe industry to make enough money to eat the enormous volume of cake her athletic metabolism required.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Nanny Piggins - Holistic Cake Healer



This is a chapter from 'Nanny Piggins and the Wicked Plan' the second book in the Nanny Piggins series. In this story, Nanny Piggins gets so angry with the waiting time at her doctor's office that she decides to destroy his business by setting up a Holistic Cake Healing stall right outside.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'Wilhelmina Tell' as told by Nanny Piggins



When Nanny Piggins, Boris and the children accidentally chain themselves to the school canteen on a public holiday (while trying to protest against the inclusion of carrot sticks on the menu) she whiles away the time by telling them the story of her distant relative, who was a brilliant shot with a crossbow, called Wilhelmina Piggins.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

A Tall Tale about Big Sisters... and Alternate Realities



It's the last day of the school holidays and Tammy is worried about meeting her new teacher, so Mum tries to put her mind at ease by suggesting things she could say on her first day. 

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Friday Barnes and the Case of the Lost Passport



To celebrate the release 'Friday Barnes 9, No Escape' I have recorded a short story from that book. I hope you enjoy it. It features Parker, always a popular character. If you really like it, please do buy the book!

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Friday Barnes and the Case of the Stolen Diamond



The promote the release of the audio book of 'Friday Barnes 1, Girl Detective' on 2nd February 2021, I have recorded this mini-mystery from that book. It is the first case Friday ever solved.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'The Bramwell Who Cried Wolf' told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells story of the time her no good brother, Bramwell, got a job as a night shepherd. It did not go well for him, the sheep or the townspeople.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'Snow Pig' told by Nanny Piggins



While caught sheltering in a bus stop during a rain storm, Nanny Piggins regales the children with the story of a distant yet staggeringly beautiful relative of hers - Snow Pig and her much maligned stepmother.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Friday Barnes and the Case of Something in the Stroganoff



To promote the release of 'Friday Barnes 9, No Escape' on February 2nd 2021, I have recorded 'Something in the Strognanoff' from 'Friday Barnes 4, No Rules'. When the whole school has been poisoned it's up to Friday to figure out what happened. Will they need a whole fleet of ambulances, or is there another explanation?

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

A Tall Tale about Seashells and Zombies



When Mum takes Tammy and Vanessa to the beach to escape the pre-Christmas stress, she ends up telling them an alarming story about the consequences of taking seashells from beaches and how it can lead to zombies in sushi restaurants.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Nanny Piggins and the First Christmas



Nanny Piggins recounts the story from the Piggins family's own oral history of the first Christmas. It involves more chocolate cake than the original version.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Nanny Piggins Saves Christmas



This is the episode I recorded on the weekend as a livestream on Facebook. It is the story of Nanny Piggins standing in for Santa after Boris accidentally causes him to have a head injury outside their house.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Friday Barnes and the Case of the Incriminating Trousers



When her boyfriend/nemesis Ian Wainscott is accused of cheating in an examination, Friday hurries to investigate. She soon proves that there's more to the incriminating evidence written on his trousers than meets the eye.

For all the #frian fans out there, you'll know this story as the one with the first kiss.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Nanny Piggins and 'The Hideously Ugly Duckling'



When they become inadvertantly locked in a bank vault (note to self, don't argue with bank robbers) Nanny Piggins tells Boris and the children the story of 'The Ugly Duckling'. Her version may not be famililar to you.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

A Tall Tale about Giants... and Libraries



When Tammy and Mum take the dog for a walk the renovations at their local library lead to a discussion about the importance of building accessibility for the improvement of giant literacy.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Ant and Chelly Break Records - Part 2



When their attempts to break records on Earth don't work out, Ant and Chelly get the brilliant idea - to try breaking records somewhere else! This soon leads to terrible consequences. Luckily they now have the skilled to fix their own hair brained disasters.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Ant and Chelly Break Records - Part 1



When Ant and Chelly get a book for their birthday they are a bit disgruntled, until they discover that it's a book of world records. They are soon inspired to start breaking records of their own. Unfortunately their attempts nearly trigger the destruction of the world, that is until Granny arrives...

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

The Adventures of Nanny Piggins - Chapter 1



The audio book of 'The Adventures of Nanny Piggins' went on sale this week! To promote the release, I've recorded this special episode of the podcast with a reading of the first chapter. I hope you enjoy it. Here's a link where you can buy a CD of the audiobook... https://www.bookdepository.com/Adventures-Nanny-Piggins-R-Spratt/9781867502623?ref=grid-view&qid=1602827770043&sr=1-40

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Friday Barnes and the Case of the Voice in the Night



As a Halloween special, I have recorded a chapter from FRIDAY BARNES 3, BIG TROUBLE. It's as close as Friday Barnes gets to a ghost story (it's not really very spooky, but the word 'ghost' is mentioned twice). 

When two girls keep hearing a voice in the attic above their dorm room, they go to Friday to solve the mystery. Special thanks to my publisher, Penguin for giving me permission to record this episode as a promotion for the upcoming release of my new book FRIDAY BARNES 9, NO ESCAPE in February 2021.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

A Tall Tale About War... and Chocolate



When Mum takes Vanessa to the city to see the orthodontist, they get side tracked by gourmet chocolate shops and wondering about the violent tendencies of the staff.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Nanny Piggins tells 'The Little Match Girl'



After a particularly exhausting morning avoiding the truancy officer and eating ice cream, Nanny Piggins entertains the children by telling them the story of her long distant Danish cousin Hannah Christian Anderson Piggins and the Normal Sized Match Girl.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Friday Barnes and the Case of the Missing Homework



When Parker's assignment goes missing and it's worth 80% of his final mark for the year, Friday has to help him find it so he doesn't enrage Mr Spencer and have to do the whole year 9 science coarse again. This is a chapter from 'Friday Barnes 1, Girl Detective' recorded for the podcast to promote the upcoming release of 'Friday Barnes 9, No Escape'.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

A Tall Tale About Granny... and a Pillow



When Mum is driving Tammy and cousin Perry to the Park she tells them a story about Granny that is very hard to believe. It involves a pillow, elite fence climbing skills and secrets from Granny's dark past.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'The Princess and the Pea' told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells her version of the classic story 'The Princess and the Pea' with her own strongly held views on the subject.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Nanny Piggins and the Sherbet Lemon That Saved the Day



To celebrate the upcoming release of the audiobook of 'The Adventures of Nanny Piggins', I'm posting this live recording of me reading Chapter 4 from that book. I recorded this at a zoom event for The Little Bookroom in Melbourne. You can't hear them because they were muted but there were over 90 kids listening in as I read and I could see their faces in the little boxes all over my screen.

This is a classic Nanny Piggins story from the first book in her series. It features her first experience driving a car and the first appearance of the Police Sergeant who went on to become a much loved character.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Cat's Brilliant Idea



Dirk only had one friend. And that friend was Cat. Cat was the highest maintenance person at Banksia Grove Public School. And that included Mr Jenner the maintenance man who Cat insisted was on prison release having murdered a substitute teacher. Dirk was trying to live an ordinary life but it was never going to happen, not once Cat had her brilliant idea.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'The Princess and the Frog' told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells an educational story about the dangers of birthday presents for royal princesses and the dubious integrity of some frogs.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

My Story About Coming Up With Stories



It was supposed to be Book Week this week. So to mark the occasion, this weeks episode is the answer to my most commonly asked question when I visit schools for Book Week. It is my explanation of how I come up with ideas for stories. It is quite a story in it's own right.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Nanny Piggins and The Duel at Dead Man's Gorge



My lovely publisher kind gave me permission to record a chapter from 'Nanny Piggins 2, The Wicked Plan'. It is a wonderful story about a deluded armadillo and the pig who bested him.

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

A Tall Tale About Bagpipes... and Tree Rain



When Tammy reluctantly goes out for a walks with Mum late one rainy night, they spot an amazing sight.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

The Peski Kids - The Final Mission



The 5th and final book in The Peski Kids series goes on sale this week. To mark the occasion this weeks episode is me reading the prologue and chapter 1 of that book. I hope you enjoy it! If you want to read the rest of the book for yourself you can order 'The Peski Kids, The Final Mission' from your local bookstore or go to my website and click on the Book Depository banner. They have all my titles and free international shipping.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'Jack and the Cacoa Beanstalk' told by Nanny Piggins



While stuck in a wrought iron fence, Nanny Piggins tells the story of her amazing relative, Jack Piggins and the time she swapped a cow for some cacoa beans.

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

The Peski Kids - The Beginning



This is me reading the Prologue and Chapter 1 of 'The Peski Kids 1, The Mystery of the Squashed Cockroach'. It's where the story of April, Fin and Joe Peski all begins.

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'Snoring Beauty' told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells the true story of 'Sleeping Beauty', the fairy who betrayed her, her irrational desire to get her ears pierced and the royal medical student who tried to cure her sleep apnoea.

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Live Show from BUC with 'Mr Wolf Pie' and 'Pirahna' stories



This is a recording of a live story telling session I did for Bowral Uniting Church in the middle of the Covid-19 isolation. It was set up for local kids but we ended up having kids log in from all around Australia and even America. During the show I tell the stories of 'Mr Wolf Pie' and A Tall Tale of Ducks and Pirahna and you can hear me talking to the kids and answering their questions.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'The Pig Piper of Hamlin' told by Nanny Piggins



While waiting an incredibly long time for medical treatment at their local emergency room, Nanny Piggins tells the tragic of her great great great great aunt, otherwise known as the Pig Piper of Hamlin.

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'The Gingerbread Man' told by Nanny Piggins



Early one morning, while waiting for the chocolate shop to open, Nanny Piggins tells the story of her great Aunt Marg from the olden story days and how she baked a Gingerbread Man who came to life and was very reluctant to agree to being eaten.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'The Tortoise and the Hare... and the Pig' told by Nanny Piggins



Late one night, after eating an incredibly large amount of ice cream Nanny Piggins tells the children the story of her distant relative from Ancient Greece, Aesop Piggins and the time she got in a foot race with a tortoise and a hare.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'The Emperor's New Clothes' told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells the story of the time her no-good brother Bramwell became a tailor and got in trouble with the local royalty.

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

A Tall Tale About Ducks... and Pirahna



Mum and Tammy take the dog for a walk and imagine some very strange goings on in the creek.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'Hansel and Gretel' told by Nanny Piggins



When detained by the police for starting a riot at the local supermarket, Nanny Piggins tells the children a story about two distant cousins of hers called Hansel and Gretel.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Friday Barnes and The Case of the Missing Dollar Coin



When the Vice Principal sets a trap to catch a thief, Friday proves why setting traps is a terrible idea.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

A Tall Tale About the Moon... and Cows



While out walking the dog one night, Tammy's Mum tells the most outrageous story about the origin of the moon and the cows responsible.

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'Little Red Riding Pig' told by Nanny Piggins



After accidentally eating a large amount of coffee cake, the children need a good bedtime story. So Nanny Piggins tells them the tale of one of her distant yet fabulously glamorous relatives, Little Red Riding Pig.

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Friday Barnes and The Case Where Binky Cheated



When Binky gets accused of cheating in a physics exam, he has no idea what happened, so he rushes to Friday Barnes to solve the mystery before he is suspended by the Headmaster.

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'Rapunzel Bacon Hair' told by Nanny Piggins



After a terrible baking accident Nanny Piggins is unable to read, so she tells the children a bedtime story instead. Luckily she knows a crackingly good tale about a young girl called Rapunzel who had been cursed to have hair made of bacon.

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Friday Barnes and The Case of the Smashed Statue



When Friday gets a D for art because her statue exploded in the kiln she suspects foul play. It's especially suspcious because her nemesis, Ian Wainscott's statue was destroyed too. She is determined to get to the bottom of the mystery no matter how painfully laborious the process may be.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Nanny Piggins and the Ghosts of Easter



Every Easter Nanny Piggins goes on a  shameless chocolate eating frenzy. Her Easter egg guzzling is so out of control it frightens children, and adults and even the Police Sergeant. So Derrick, Samantha and Michael come up with an idea to convince their beloved Nanny to behave better, just this once. They visit her in the night dressed up as the ghosts of Easter past, present and future. Will she reform her ways? Listen and find out!

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Nanny Piggins and the Problem Cat



When builders find a cat stuck up the tree on their building site, they know who to call on - the world's greatest flying pig, Nanny Piggins! No one is better at firing herself out of a cannon into a tree top than her.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Friday Barnes and The Case of the Stolen Sandwich



Friday Barnes is on the case! When Sergeant Crowley can't figure out why the local billionaire has started shoplifting he calls in the smartest girl detective. Can she unravel the mystery? I hope so because there's more than just a ham and cheese roll at stake. This is a previously unpublished original Friday Barnes short story for all the fans out there who have been asking me to write more.

For more information visit my website


Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

The Dreadful Martian Encounter



When Amy and James have to demonstrate a principle of physics for their school science fair, Amy decides to go big. While other kids make paper mache volcanos and drop eggs of the roof, Amy builds an intergalactic space ship so they can travel to another planet. 

I wrote this story a long time ago, back when I was doing Nanny Piggins. It was a challenge because I had a strict word limit, which is why it is a bit shorter.  I enjoyed the oppurtunity to write about something totally different. I'd never done science fiction before and I really wanted to do a 'Twilight Zone' style twist ending. I hope you like it.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Nanny Piggins and the story of 'Pigerella'



Nanny Piggins tells Derrick, Samantha and Michael the story of her fabulously glamorous distant relative - Pigerella. It is a cautionary tale warning of the dangers of having too many identical siblings. And an empowering message about the importance of cake baking.

This story was written for 7-11 year olds but it is fun for all ages. There are lots of laughs for the whole family, young and old.

For more information about Nanny Piggins and my other books visit http://www.raspratt.com

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Yellowhead (alias Goldilocks)



Grandmother tells Peter, Lucy and Luke a bedtime story. This one is about three lovely bears and the horrible breakfasts they endure, until one day when they encounter a deeply wicked, yet incredibly cute, yellow-headed home invader.  

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Mr Wolf Pie (The Three Little Pigs)



When Luke, Lucy and Peter go to visit their Grandmother she tells them an amazing tale. It is the most unusual version of the Three Little Pigs they have ever heard. Who knew pigs had so much architectural ingenuity?

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'Orpheus and the Underworld' as told by Nanny Piggins



When the children come home from school and discover a 60 piece orchestra in their front yard, Nanny Piggins explains the importance of always carrying two marshmallows in your pockets. Something the women in her family have been doing ever since the Ancient Greek Story days.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

The Bremen Town Musicians



Nanny Piggins tells the story of her cousin Helga the donkey, how she fought off a crime wave and very nearly invented Rock 'n Roll 200 years ahead of schedule.

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'Hercules and the Golden Apples' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells the children the story of Hercules and how he rescued Prometheus, tricked Atlas and was responsible for the creation of a really top notch lemon tart.

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'The Peasant's Wise Daughter' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells a story from Grimm's Fairy Tales that was based on her very clever distant cousin, who solved a king's riddle.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'The Six Labours of Theseus' as told by Nanny Piggins



After accidentally destroying their television in an enthusiastic game of Dodge Shoe, Nanny Piggins tells the children the story of Theseus. Not the story in the Labyrinth, but his origin story where it turns out he is a she and a pig and related to Nanny Piggins, who battled six different guardians to the Underworld.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Friday Barnes and the Case of the Locked Door



Friday and Melanie arrive in Paris for their undercover mission at the Louvre, there's one slight problem - they can't get into the bathroom. Their room mate has locked herself in, and Melanie just drank three bottles of water. Can Friday get that door open?

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Friday Barnes 12, Collision Course - Opening Two Chapters



Here are the first two chapters from my new book, the latest in the Friday Barnes series. If you like it - please do buy a copy - it's a great way to support this show. If you're overseas and the physical book is not available in your area, you can get the ebook or the audibook.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Q&A Anniversary Celebration



To celebrate the 4th anniversary of this podcast and the 10th anniversary of the Friday Barnes book series, I asked listeners to send in their questions for me to answer.

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'The True History of St Patrick' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells the children the true story of St Patrick and what really happened with the snakes of Ireland.

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'The Story of Pandora' as told by Nanny Piggins



When Samantha asks where the expression, 'to open a Pandora's box' comes from, Nanny Piggins tells the tragic tale of Pandora from Greek Mythology. Not the version written by the no-good poet Hesiod. But the true story, handed down through generations of her own family.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Nanny Piggins and the Grandmaster



While sitting on the naughty bench outside their local supermarket, Nanny Piggins decides to enter the Regional Chess Championship because the prize includes a years supply of cheesecake (which she considered to be the 7th most delicious type of cake in the world.

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For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Nanny Piggins and the Grandmaster - Part 2



Boris competes in the chess tournament against the famous (and staggeringly beautiful) grandmaster - Olga Svinya. But Nanny Piggins thinks there is something suspicious about Olga.

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To purchase merchandise visit... https://raspratt.threadless.com/

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'The Story of Hermes' as told by Nanny Piggins



When Mr Green is sent home early from work because of a Hermes bag related head injury, Nanny Piggins tells the children the story of the original Hermes from the Ancient Greek story days and how he invented the banjo.

If you want to see a picture that was painted on an urn over 2000 years ago, depicting Hermes lyre/banjo there's one on the homepage of my website at https://raspratt.com 

I’m very excited to announce that we now have merchandise for BEDTIME STORIES WITH R.A. SPRATT! You can order t-shirts, sweaters, hoodies, notebooks and coffee cups all with the show’s new logo on it. They look super cool. Here's the link to the online shop...


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To purchase merchandise visit... https://raspratt.threadless.com/

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'Theseus and the Minotaur' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells the children the real story of Theseus' famous confrontation with the Minotaur in the Labyrinth. The historical version misses out many key facts involving fake moustaches.

I’m very excited to announce that we now have merchandise for BEDTIME STORIES WITH R.A. SPRATT! You can order t-shirts, sweaters, hoodies, notebooks and coffee cups all with the show’s new logo on it. They look super cool. Here's the link to the online shop...


Support the show

To purchase merchandise visit... https://raspratt.threadless.com/

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'The Story of St David' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells the story of the Patron Saint of Wales, his extraordinary mother and their relationship to King/Queen Arthur of Camelot and how this all involves the vegetable - leeks.

I’m very excited to announce that we now have merchandise for BEDTIME STORIES WITH R.A. SPRATT! You can order t-shirts, sweaters, hoodies, notebooks and coffee cups all with the show’s new logo on it. They look super cool. Here's the link to the online shop...


Support the show

To purchase merchandise visit... https://raspratt.threadless.com/

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Friday Barnes and the Case of the Missing Passports



While catching the train to Switzerland Friday tries to help two elderly passengers. It does not go well.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the Show.

To purchase merchandise visit... https://raspratt.threadless.com/

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'The Golden Fleece' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells another tale from the Ancient Greek story days. This time about the origin of the Golden Fleece. It turns out it didn't really come from a sheep.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

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To purchase merchandise visit... https://raspratt.threadless.com/

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Mr Wolf Pie - Redux



I was away on a trip with my mother this week, so I didn't have time to write a new story. Instead I did this re-recording of the first ever episode of 'Bedtime Stories with R.A. Spratt'. I wanted to re-record it because I didn't have a proper microphone or any experience as a narrator when I started. Hopefully this version is a bit more polished than the original. 

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

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To purchase merchandise visit... https://raspratt.threadless.com/

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Yellowhead and the Three Traumatised Bears - Redux



This a re-recording of the second ever episode of this podcast. My version of the story of Goldilocks. Hopefully it sounds better now that I have proper equipment and a slightly better idea what I'm doing.

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To purchase merchandise visit... https://raspratt.threadless.com/

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'Pigerella' as told by Nanny Piggins - Redux



This is a re-recording of the 3rd episode of the podcast, originally recorded back at the beginning of 2020 with the inline microphone on my apple earbuds. Now that I've had four years of practise I wanted to re-record this story.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

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To purchase merchandise visit... https://raspratt.threadless.com/

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Nanny Piggins and the Campaign Strategy - Part 1



When Nanny Piggins runs for mayor she is forced to adopt a desperate strategy to beat her rival, Mr Green in the election.

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To purchase merchandise visit... https://raspratt.threadless.com/

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Nanny Piggins and the Campaign Strategy - Part 2



Nanny Piggins takes on her arch-nemesis, Nanny Anne in the 'Town to Tip' fun run. Not everyone has fun.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

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To purchase merchandise visit... https://raspratt.threadless.com/

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'The Quest for the Golden Sheet Cake' as told by Nanny Piggins



Jason sets out to liberate his father and reclaim their kingdom from his wicked uncle, but ends up being set an impossible quest to fetch the Golden Sheet Cake.

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To purchase merchandise visit... https://raspratt.threadless.com/

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Part 2 - 'Jason and the Quest to be the Worst Dinner Party Guest Ever' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins continues telling the tale of Jason and his Quest to fetch the Golden Sheet Cake.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the Show.

To purchase merchandise visit... https://raspratt.threadless.com/

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Part 3 - Jason and the Quest for a Snack



On his mission to fetch the Golden Sheet Cake, Jason and the Argonauts get peckish and stop in at Thrace for a snack. Things go horribly wrong when they sit down with King Phineas and they discover how Zeus has decided to punish him.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the Show.

To purchase merchandise visit... https://raspratt.threadless.com/

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Holiday Rerun - 'Macbeth' as told by Nanny Piggins



I'm on holiday with my family this week so I'm planning this classic episode. I'll be back in two weeks with more adventures of 'Jason and the Quest for the Golden Sheet' cake. Best wishes, R.A.

Support the show at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/storiesraspratt

Support the Show.

To purchase merchandise visit... https://raspratt.threadless.com/

For information about live shows use this link... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Holiday Rerun - 'Nanny Piggins and the School Bus'



I'm away on holiday with my family so this week I'm playing a rerun of a classic episode. I'll be back in one week to continue the story of 'Jason and his Quest for the Golden Sheet Cake'. Best wishes, R.A.

I'm going to be launching my next book, NANNY PIGGINS AND THE ORIGIN STORY in Perth with a live show at the Dolphin Theatre. If you want to come along you can get tickets here... https://www.ticketswa.com/event/nanny-piggins-and-origin-story

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Part 4 - 'Jason and the Stunningly Beautiful Witch' as told by Nanny Piggins



Jason continues his quest to fetch the Golden Sheet Cake and he meets a staggeringly beautiful witch, who just happens to be a distant relative of Nanny Piggins.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'The Story of Paul Bunyen' as told by Nanny Piggins



When Boris has nasty roller skating accident due to his great height, Nanny Piggins comforts him that he is no where near as tall as Paul Bunyen.

I'm doing another show in Perth at the Dolphin Theatre on 2nd Nov at 5.30pm. You can get tickets here...


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'The Story of Johnny Appleseed' as told by Nanny Piggins



After eating an apple pie, Nanny Piggins reveals that she is related to legendary American folk hero, Johnny Appleseed. And that in fact Johnny Appleseed's real name was Bramwell Appleseed.

I'm doing my live show 'Christmas Stories with R.A. Spratt at theatres in Sydney, Canberra and Brisbane. If you'd like to come, you can get your tickets here... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Nanny Piggins and the Daring Rescue - Part 1



Nanny Piggins, Boris and the children travel to Vanuatu to rescue Mr Green.

I'm doing my live show 'Christmas Stories with R.A. Spratt at theatres in Sydney, Canberra and Brisbane. If you'd like to come, you can get your tickets here... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

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Nanny Piggins and the Daring Rescue - Part 2



This is the 2nd part of the story about Nanny Piggins mission to rescue Mr Green from being the national hero of Vanuatu.

NB. I realise there is a mistake in this episode where I say 'nannity's sanity' but I thought it was funny so I left it in.

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'The True History of Pigthagoras' as told by Nanny Piggins



When she discovers Derrick doing his maths homework, Nanny Piggins explains the true origins of Pythagoras' theorem. 

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

'The True History of St George' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells Boris and the children the story of St George, what really happened - not what you may have seen written down in all the story books.

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Nanny Piggins and Her Dramatic Entrance



This the first chapter of the first Nanny Piggins book published back in 2008. On October 15th 2024 my latest book 'Nanny Piggins and the Origin Story' will be released. I though recording this chapter would be a good way to remind everyone where it all began, and get you all ready for the new book.

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'The Real Reason the Sea is Salt' according to Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins reveals the truth behind why the sea is salty. It does contradict everything Derrick has learned in science.

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'The Jade Rabbit and the Moon' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins explains how we know that the moon is not made of cheese, and how it has to do with the rabbit who lives there.

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'The Story of Chang e and the Moon' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells Boris and the children all about her distant relative Chang e and how she came to live on the moon.

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'Aesop and the Sour Grapes' as told by Nanny Piggins



When Michael misses out on elected office at school, Nanny Piggins explains the ancient origins of the expression 'sour grapes'.

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Nanny Piggins and the Origin Story



In this week's episode, I read the introduction and first two chapters of my new book 'Nanny Piggins and the Origin Story'.  To find out more about the book and where you can buy your own copy, use this link...


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'The Truth About the Loch Ness Monster' according to Nanny Piggins



When Boris gets mistaken for Big Foot, Nanny Piggins is able to empathise because it is not unlike a problem suffered by her dear cousin Gillian McPiggins in the Highlands of Scotland.

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Friday Barnes and the Case of the Jade Necklace



Friday is stuck in transit at Zurich international airport so she makes a bargain with the embassy official who comes to interview her. If he promises her a passport, she'll solve the crime that has just been committed at the embassy.

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'Joseph and his Multi-Coloured Coat' as told by Nanny Piggins



When the children come home and tell Nanny Piggins that their school is performing the story of of Joseph and his Mult-coloured coat. Nanny Piggins tells them what really happened all those years ago in the Ancient Judean Story days.

My new book 'Nanny Piggins and the Origin Story' is now on sale as a paperback, ebook and audiobook read by me. If you'd like to buy a copy ask your local bookstore if they've got a copy or search for it on your favourite online retailer. Or use this link... https://amzn.to/4hzE1Mw

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'Joseph and his Multi-Coloured Coat' as told by Nanny Piggins - Part 2



Nanny Piggins finishes the epic tale of what happened to Josephn (Josephine) after she was sold into slavery and taken to Egypt.

My new book 'Nanny Piggins and the Origin Story' is now on sale as a paperback, ebook and audiobook read by me. If you'd like to buy a copy ask your local bookstore if they've got a copy or search for it on your favourite online retailer. Or use this link... https://amzn.to/4hzE1Mw

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Nanny Piggins and the Attempted Escape



Having been kidnapped by the Ringmaster, Nanny Piggins is determined to escape through whatever means necessary. And she comes up with some very creative means.

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'The Story of Bluebeard' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells the story of Bluebeard. She happens to know what really happened back in the Olden French Story days because a branch of her distant family were living there at the time.

I'm doing my live show 'Christmas Stories with R.A. Spratt at theatres in Sydney, Canberra and Brisbane. If you'd like to come, you can get your tickets here... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

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Holiday Rerun - Nanny Piggins and the Santa Photos



When Nanny Piggins discovered the cost and quality of Santa photographs she is outraged. So naturally she takes over the whole operation and does a much better job.

I'm doing my live show 'Christmas Stories with R.A. Spratt at theatres in Sydney, Canberra and Brisbane. If you'd like to come, you can get your tickets here... https://raspratt.com/live-shows/

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Holiday Rerun - 'Saturnalia and the First Christmas Cracker' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells the story of how the first Christmas cracker was invented back in the time of Saturnalia, the Winter Festival celebrated in Europe in the time before Christmas. 

Here's a link for Spotify...


And here it is on Apple Audiobooks...


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Holiday Rerun - Nanny Piggins and the Christmas Carol Showdown



When Nanny Piggins discovers that Nanny Anne has secretly formed a choir, and without inviting her, she vows to beat her arch-nemesis in competitive Christmas carol singing.

Here's a link for Spotify...


And here it is on Apple Audiobooks...


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Holiday Rerun - 'The First Christmas' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells the story of the first Christmas and what really happened in that stable in Bethlehem all those years ago, which she knows because a distant relative of hers just happened to be there at the time.

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To buy one of my books use this link... https://amzn.to/3sE3Ki2

Holiday Rerun - 'The Story of Hanukkah' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells the story of how the celebration of Hanukkah started. It involves a distant relative of hers, a catapult and a lot more sticky date pudding than has been previously revealed.

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'Odysseus' as told by Nanny Piggins



After Michael has a strange conversation with the driver of his school bus, Nanny Piggins explains who Odysseus was and how the word 'odyssey' was named after them.

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'Odysseus and the Lotus Eaters' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins begins the story of the Odyssey, starting with the tale of the Lotus Eaters and how they nearly derailed Odysseus' homeward journey with a slice of sticking date pudding.

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'The Salmon of Knowledge' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells the children about her distant Irish relative who derived their super power of wisdom from sucking their thumb.

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'The Woodcutter and the Heavenly Nymph' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells the children why they should always be concerned if their clothes go missing, in case it is a repeat of a traumatic incident that happened to one of her distant relatives in the Olden Korean story days.

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Friday Barnes and the Case of the Bunya Bunya Pine



When the school caretaker is knocked out by a giant pine cone, Friday suspects that something more sinister may have happened.

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'Odysseus and the Cyclops' as told by Nanny Piggins



Nanny Piggins tells the tale of what really happened to Odysseus when she was trapped in a cave with a hungry Cyclops and nothing to defend herself except a jug of chocolate milk.

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'Huengbu and Nolbu' as told by Nanny Piggins



When a vindictive game of monopoly leads to financial ruin, a broken leg brings unexpected good fortune in the form of a pumpkin. At least, that's Nanny Piggins' version of events according to her relatives who were there at the time.

If you want to pre-order a copy of 'Epically Good Greek Myths' which goes on sale in March 2025, here's the link...


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