
KidCasts : Podcast for Kids !

Mysteries of Science

Mysteries of Science

The team behind The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine investigate unexplained phenomenon with the help of expert guests.

Author: Fun Kids

85 Episodes !

BONUS: Mysteries of Science Christmas Cracker



It's a Christmas special of Mysteries of Science! We're recapping the best bits of 2023 and diving into the archive, playing some previously unheard bits from past interviews.

Thanks for spending the year with us.

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Ötzi the Iceman



Two hikers stumble upon something in the ice: a mummy. Over the next few days, the mummy's extracted and examined by experts. It turns out to be 5,000 years old.

Who was this person? How did they get there? And what can we learn from the body in the ice? 

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Is it possible to live forever? Expert guests author Ross Welford and biologist María Pascual Torner unlock the secrets to turning back time.

Could a jellyfish hold the key to anti-aging? What would the world be like if nobody died? We find out.

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Cartoonist Dr. Jorge Cham and author Kathryn Hulick investigate the mystery of teleportation. Is it possible to travel somewhere else in the blink of an eye?

Dan and Michael investigate what might be possible, from robots in other cities to 3D printing people and even ferrying information across the universe in a flash.

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Michael, Jenny, and a team of top experts investigate one of the stickiest, gungiest mysteries we’ve ever explored: slime. From snails to slippery fish, the gang get to the bottom of this gooey, gloopy, natural puzzle. 

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Your Space Mysteries



Michael and Jenny sit down with top scientists to talk about some of the most mind-bending mysteries in the universe — quite literally. This time, we’re answering your most pressing space-themed questions, including what shape the space is, and whether aliens might be on Jupiter’s moon. 

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They look, sound, and might even move like someone you know – but they're not. Deepfakes are images, videos, and audio recordings that are increasingly used to trick people.

Michael and Dan enter the mirror world and try to decipher what's real and what's deepfake. How can you tell the difference? And what does the future look (and sound) like in a world where we can't be sure of what's right in front of us?

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Beast of Exmoor



Tales of a strange creature loping around the British countryside have existed for quite some time but is there any truth in them? Michael and Jenny investigate stories of a beast in Exmoor... 

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Is magic real?



The team behind Mysteries of Science present a very special episode, recorded live at Cheltenham Science Festival, all about magic and whether or not it's real! 

You can watch some of the tricks featured in this episode at sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/magic!

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BONUS: The Space Programme



Fun Kids, the UK's children's radio station, has a brand new series called The Space Programme

Life on the Isle of Lune is about to get out-of-this-world! It's a radio drama all about a brand new UK spaceport and the story of a soon-to-be child-astronaut.

Hear The Space Programme every Friday from 4pm on Fun Kids, the UK's children's radio station, and as a podcast too. 

Plus, Fun Kids Podcasts+ subscribers get all 20 episodes right now, ad-free! Listen to the whole series before anyone else.

Get a 30-day free trial of Fun Kids Podcasts+ by tapping 'Try Free' in Apple Podcasts or by heading to FunKidsLive.com/plus

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Why do we laugh?



Knock, knock. Who's there? Another episode of Mysteries of Science!

This week, Michael and Dan explore the mystery of laughter. Find out where laugher comes from and why it's surprisingly good for us. Plus, we're joined by top comedian Olaf Falafel.

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Secrets of Sharks



Michael and Jenny dip their toes into a brand new mystery, exploring the secrets of sharks – and discover that what lies beneath the surface might not be all that sinister after all... 🦈

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? If you're not sure, it's a UFO!

With World UFO Day right around the corner, Michael and Dan explore the mysteries of Unidentified Flying Objects. Could these ariel phenomena be aliens from another planet or could it be something more easily explained?

We're also launching a podcast survey for parents and guardians to help us better understand our listeners. It's 24 questions and will take just 10 minutes. You can also enter a prize draw to win a £50 Amazon gift card! The survey is open until 18 August: https://sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast-survey 

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Can you run as fast as The Flash?



Barry Allen – The Flash – can run pretty fast... but can you?

Kicking off season six of Mysteries of Science, Michael and Dan chat to top experts from a fitness trainer to a physics professor to try and work out what the speed limit of the human body is.

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Talking animals and dinosaurs coming back to life (Your mysteries answered)



It's the end of Season 5 of Mysteries of Science and we've had a blast! In this final episode, the team answer mysteries you are desperate to know the answers to... 

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Weird Weather



Meteorologist Kirsty McCabe and author Tamsin Mori sit down with Michael and Stevie to talk about weird weather. From lightning that looks like carrots to the perfect conditions for rainbow spotting, we're asking 'why is the weather so weird?' 

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Do you have a double?



Do you have a lookalike – someone that looks just like you, but isn't actually you? In this episode of Mysteries of Science, we're exploring doppelgängers: people who look remarkably alike!

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Was King Arthur a real person?



You’ve heard the legends — of the sword in the stone and the Knights of the Round Table — but how much of that is fact? Dan and Michael investigate the legend of King Arthur. 

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Quantum Weirdness



Stevie and Michael are entering the realm of quantum physics in this episode of Mysteries of Science! It's all to celebrate the release of the new Ant-Man film.

But what exactly is 'quantum physics' anyway?

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Mountains of The Deep



Deep beneath the ocean exist vast mountain ranges, some of which are bigger than the ones above water!

To celebrate International Day of Women and Girls in Science (February 10th 2023), we're looking at one very special person – Marie Tharp – and her quest to map the mountains of the deep...

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The Abominable Snowman



Stories of wild giants living in the snow are part of growing up in the mountains. There’s a good chance you’ve heard these stories too; tales of large bipedal creatures (an animal that walks on two legs) living within the foothills of the Himalayan mountains have been around for over 2,000 years...

What is this creature? And is it really possible such a giant might exist? 

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Humans' secret superpower



Humans. We're everywhere! But how did we become the most advanced species on the planet and what is it about humankind that makes us stand out from the rest?

Dan and Michael investigate in a brand new season of Mysteries of Science.

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Christmas Bonus episode: How? What? Why? Expert Answers to Crazy Questions Live at Cheltenham Literature Festival



Maggie Aderin-Pocock, Isabel Thomas, and Peter Gallivan answer some crazy questions live on stage at Cheltenham Literature Festival 2022, in this bonus Christmas edition of Mysteries of Science.

See you in the new year for a BRAND NEW SERIES of Mysteries of Science. Until then – stay curious!

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Your Mysteries: Chicken or the egg, wormholes, and more



What came first, the chicken or the egg? It's a question that's puzzled people for centuries – including you! Dan and Michael sit down and answer some of your biggest mysteries of 2023. 

Do you have a mystery for us? Tell us at FunKidsLive.com and you might hear yourself in a future episode! 

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Inside the pyramids



They’re the most recognisable symbols of Ancient Egypt and the only ancient wonder still in existence. Although some of the secrets of the pyramids have been unearthed, the Great Pyramid still holds many mysteries…

Dan and Stevie chat to some top Egyptologists to find out more about them and discover a mysterious void located inside.

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Climate change



Right now, world leaders are gathering in Egypt at the COP27 climate conference to discuss what can be done about climate change... 

The planet's environment is changing and the safe conditions in which we can live are at risk. But what is climate change? What's causing these changing weather patterns? And is there anything we can do about it?

Dan and Michael chat to experts to find out these answers and speak to climate activists on the frontline of the fight for a better future.

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Ghost busting



Halloween's upon us and that means lots of creepy, spooky goings on... right?

Michael and Stevie chat to Chris French and paranormal investigator Yvette Fielding about the supernatural world and whether or not ghosts actually exist... 

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Looking for Atlantis



Atlantis. Just saying the name fills you with a sense of adventure. But where is it? And could a city really have sunk without a trace?

Michael and Dan go looking for Atlantis with the help of Cinzia and David... 

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Is your computer smarter than you?



You might have heard of something called AI – which stands for Artificial intelligence.

Smart machines have featured in a lot of movies and popped up in the news lately but what is it exactly? How does it work? And could computers become so smart that they could do everything for us humans? 


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Is luck real?



What’s considered lucky might be different depending on where you live and who you are. But what is luck exactly and does luck actually exist? Or is it just something we’ve made up?

Two top professors and famous illusionist Derren Brown tackle whether luck is real or not...


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Is time travel possible?



For many of us, what we know about time travel comes from stories, whether those be books, films or TV shows where characters go from the present to the past to the future and then back again. But is it possible to time travel outside the world of fiction?

Tim Peake, Karen Inglis and Ron Mallett sit down with Stevie and Michael to find out whether time travel is possible... 

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Your mysteries answered



Why do flies eat poo? Why, when I touch something, do my atoms not merge with the object? Are we living in a computer simulation?

All season we've been trying to answer the top mysteries that have baffled scientists for centuries. Now, we're answering yours! 

Ask a question of your own at FunKidsLive.com/mysteries and you could be in the next season of Mysteries of Science!

This episode might finish Season 3 but it doesn't spell the end of Mysteries of Science.

We'll be back soon and looking at more of the most mind bending stuff in the universe. 

Mysteries of Science is a fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids.

Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode

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Fantasy creatures that can morph and change their shape, size and appearance are known as shapeshifters... Creatures like werewolves, vampires, and even the Incredible Hulk are examples of this.

Shapeshifting is something that’s captured the human imagination for centuries – with many classic stories about shapeshifting creatures – some real and others imaginary. 

But is it actually possible? And if so, how? 

Mysteries of Science is a multi-award-winning, fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids.

Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Children raised by animals



You might be familiar with the story of Tarzan or Romulus and Remus, the children who founded Rome. 

But did you know there are also real-life stories of children being raised by animals?

That’s our mystery today – we're going to investigate these tales of so-called 'feral children' and find out whether or not it would actually be possible to be raised by animals.

Mysteries of Science is a multi-award-winning, fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids.

Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

The Lost City (Machu Picchu)



We’re going high up into the Peruvian Andes in South America, more than 2,000 metres above sea level, to the ancient lost city of Machu Picchu, one of the world’s most spectacular places.

It was named one of the seven wonders of the modern world in 2007. But it’s also one of the most mysterious. Who really built this awesome citadel and what it was used for has puzzled people for a long time...

Mysteries of Science is a multi-award-winning, fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids.

Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

What did dinosaurs look like?



Think you know about dinosaurs? Think again! 

Hollywood movies have lied to you. Are dinosaurs big, scaly creatures with tremendous roars? Maybe...

Or, as Michael and Stevie discover in this episode of Mysteries of Science, perhaps they were feathered and sounded more like birds... 

Mysteries of Science is a multi-award-winning, fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids.

Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Is something eating the universe? (Black holes)



Black holes are small regions of space where a great amount of matter is packed in and their gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, not even light can escape. 

But what’s inside a black hole? What would happen to someone if they got sucked in? And are they eating up the universe?

Mysteries of Science is a multi-award-winning, fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids.

Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Why can't I remember being a baby?



How far back can you remember? I bet you can't remember being a baby. Most people can't and it's a total mystery as to why.

Why does this happen? Where did my memories go? And is there any way we can get them back? 

In this episode, Michael and Dan chat to experts Sally and Carole about where our earliest childhood memories go and whether there's any way we can re-remember them.

Mysteries of Science is a multi-award-winning, fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids.

Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

The Kraken



What’s got loads of tentacles and, according to legend, snacks on gigantic sailing ships? It’s not a trick question and it’s no joke either.

The answer is one of the most mythical sea creatures of all, an animal so enormous that it's rumoured to have sunk ocean vessels and terrorised sailors for centuries. It’s known as the Kraken. 

Mysteries of Science is a multi-award-winning, fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids.

Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Mystery of the Moai (Easter Island heads)



We're heading to one of the world's most isolated and mysterious places – Easter Island! That's what a group of Dutch explorers called Rapa Nui when they came across the island on Easter Sunday in 1722. 

Rapa Nui is home to around a thousand large stone statues which have faces carved into them – called moai. People from outside the island have long wondered how its original inhabitants could have built these statues and what purpose they serve... 

Mysteries of Science is a fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids.

Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Biggest Hoaxes Ever: Fairies, crop circles, zero gravity



Welcome to Season 3 of Mysteries of Science! On this podcast we take a look at the strange phenomena and bizarre events that have left scientists scratching their heads and, despite their best efforts, remain well and truly unsolved. 

Since this brand new series is being released on April Fool’s Day, we thought we would celebrate by looking at three of the biggest hoaxes of all time, and try and get to the bottom of why so many people fell for the pranks.

Mysteries of Science is a fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids.

Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Your mysteries answered



We're finishing the second season of Mysteries of Science by looking at some of your mysteries. From unicorns to black holes and even the Big Bang, we're looking at some of the stuff that's thoroughly perplexed you and are on the hunt for answers!

This episode might finish Season 2 but it doesn't spell the end of Mysteries of Science. We'll be back soon and looking at some of the most mind bending stuff in the universe. 

Mysteries of Science is a fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids.

Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

The Overview Effect



Astronauts who have been far enough to see Earth from the stars often come back expressing a very peculiar feeling. It has become such a phenomenon that it now has its own name: The Overview Effect. 

Some get a feeling of interconnectedness while others get a feeling of awe. International Space Station astronaut Nicole Stott describes an overwhelming feeling of beauty. 

Today, Michael and Dan investigate.

Mysteries of Science is a fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids.

Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.




Some scientists think there may be a countless number of universes, all with their own laws of physics and their own unique map of the stars, separate from the one we know.

It’s an idea that challenges everything about the way we think, and there are even several different theories as to how these multiple universes might be created...

This is the theory of the multiverse.

Mysteries of Science is a fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids.

Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Sutton Hoo



Dan and Stevie chat to Angus and Laura at the National Trust all about an inland ship burial and stories of ghosts and mysterious treasure! 

Mysteries of Science is a fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids.

Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

How to Talk to Aliens



Ciaran and Dan delve into one of the biggest mysteries of all time: Are we alone in the universe? 

With the help of Voyager Golden Record artist Jon Lomberg and more, we try to discover how we might know if something else was out there and if we ever did discover alien life, how would we talk to it? 

Plus, we tell you about a very special project called Mission Transmission. Fun Kids is sending your voice to space. Enter now at FunKidsLive.com

Mysteries of Science is a fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids.

Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

2021 Year in Review: Unheard bits from past Mysteries



We're always chatting to clever people on Mysteries of Science but not all of their interviews make the cut; sadly, sometimes we have to chop bits out!

We're looking back at our favourite mysteries of 2021 and we're playing some never-before-heard, extra-special clips from some of our favourite episodes...

We'll be back in the new year with more Mysteries of Science, including episodes on alien communication and archeological discoveries. 

Mysteries of Science is a fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids.

Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Stone Circles



Stonehenge is one of the most famous prehistoric moments around but its age also hides lots of its secrets. How old is Stonehenge? Who was it built by? What was it used for? Why does it align perfectly with the summer and winter solstices? 

In this episode of Mysteries of Science, we find out. 

Mysteries of Science is a fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids.

Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.




How is it possible for many different cultures around the world, all living at different times, to come up with the same stories? Dragons come in all kinds of shapes and sizes and nearly every country has its own tale to tell. Does that mean these mythical beasts could have been real?

Mysteries of Science is a fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids.

Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Bermuda Triangle



There's a mysterious place on Earth where planes and ships frequently go missing... The space has become known as the Bermuda Triangle but is there something untoward happening in there or are the events just statistical probabilities? 

Mysteries of Science is a fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids.

Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Witches, werewolves, and vampires



It's a brand new season of Mysteries of Science and we're kicking it all off with a Halloween special. Stevie, Ciaran and Dan tackle three spooky mysteries of science, all united by a single theme. 

Mysteries of Science is a fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids.

Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Mystery of the Meg



It sounds like something from a very popular dinosaur theme park film series, but the idea of a prehistoric shark still swimming the seas today is one that has popped up every now and then in recent history.

As recently as 2013, a film – promoted as being a documentary – suggested an animal known as the megalodon could still be alive...

Is it?

Dan and Ciaran find out.

Mysteries of Science is a fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids.

Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

LISTENER SPECIAL: Your questions and reviews



This wraps up our first series of Mysteries of Science. Thank you so much for all of your comments, reviews, and to all of our contributors who spoke to us for the series. 

Series two of Mysteries of Science is well underway so it won't be long before you hear from us again. 

Until then... 

Stay curious.

Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode, and get ready for more mysteries coming soon.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

World's Biggest Treasure Hunt



Today, we're going on one of the biggest treasure hunts in history. There's something very special about this treasure hunt though.

It was created by Forrest Fenn – an art dealer and author in the US – and unlike the treasure hunts you might read of in books or see in movies, he was very much alive and giving out clues.

No pirates here... Just a stash of goodies worth thousands of dollars.

It's the last episode of Mysteries of Science but don't worry, we'll be back with a new season very soon. 

Until then... Stay curious.

Mysteries of Science is a fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids.

Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode, and get ready for a summer of fascinating mysteries, including Planet X and massive treasure hunts.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Planet X



Ciaran and Dan look at what makes a planet and whether there's a mysterious extra planet – Planet X – just beyond Neptune, lurking in our cosmic neighbourhood. 

Mysteries of Science is a fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids.

Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode, and get ready for a summer of fascinating mysteries, including Planet X and massive treasure hunts.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.




This is the case of a curious creature known as Bigfoot.

Could the rumours of a hairy, human-like ape wandering the North American wilderness be true, or are they just folk stories that have been passed down for generations?

Dan and Ciaran try to find out... 

Mysteries of Science is a fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids.

Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode, and get ready for a summer of fascinating mysteries, including Planet X and massive treasure hunts.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Deja vu



Have you ever felt like you were living through a memory all over again, even though it couldn't have possibly have happened before?

That feeling is known as deja vu, a French term that means 'already seen'... 

In this episode of Mysteries of Science, what causes deja vu, and might it have anything to do with ghosts, past lives, and alien encounters? 

Mysteries of Science is a fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids.

Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode, and get ready for a summer of fascinating mysteries, including Bigfoot and Planet X.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

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Brain Tingles: ASMR



ASMR is a mysterious sensation... It stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. People who feel it describe it as a tingling, sparkly feeling in the brain, triggered by soft sounds, watching slow, repetitive movements or moments of positive personal attention.

In this episode of Mysteries of Science, Dan and Ciaran investigate ASMR, and ask how it works and why doesn't everyone experience it? 

Mysteries of Science is a fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids.

Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode, and get ready for a summer of fascinating mysteries, including Bigfoot, Deja vu, and Planet X.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

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Medicine's Greatest Mystery: The Placebo Effect



It sounds like magic – a pill that makes you feel better, even though it contains no medicine. Yet, strangely enough, fake drugs called placebos really do work. In this episode, Ciaran and Dan explore why the pills can fool us, and why we should be wary of their evil cousins, the nocebos. 

Mysteries of Science is a fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids Radio. Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode, and get ready for a summer of fascinating mysteries, including Bigfoot, deja vu, and Planet X.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

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The Missing Aviator



Amelia Earhart was one of the best pilots of her age. An American pioneer, she was the first female to fly solo across the Atlantic and broke countless records. Then, one day, she took off and never landed at her intended destination. In this episode, we explore what might have happened on that now infamous flight...

Mysteries of Science is a fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids Radio. Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode, and get ready for a summer of fascinating mysteries, including Bigfoot, deja vu, and the disappearance of Amelia Earhart.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

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King Tut's Curse



Was a deadly curse hidden in an ancient Egyptian tomb for centuries? If not, why were so many deaths connected to the discovery of King Tut's tomb? Dan and Ciaran have called on archaeologists, authors and someone who guards a real-life curse to help them solve the mystery. 

Mysteries of Science is a fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids Radio. Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode, and get ready for a summer of fascinating mysteries, including Bigfoot, deja vu, and the disappearance of Amelia Earhart.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

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Does life exist elsewhere in the universe? It's one of the biggest mysteries of all time, so Dan and Ciaran have recruited a brilliant team of experts, including a record-breaking astronaut and a NASA scientist, to help them find out.

Mysteries of Science is a fortnightly podcast created by The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine and Fun Kids Radio. Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode, and get ready for a summer of fascinating mysteries, including King Tut's Curse, Bigfoot, and deja vu.

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

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Loch Ness Monster



Is there a mysterious creature living in one of Scotland's largest lakes or could it all be an elaborate joke? Speaking with experts from Scotland and the rest of the UK, Dan and Ciaran go on a deep dive in their first investigation to check out theories around the Loch Ness Monster. 

This first episode kicks off a brand new season of Mysteries of Science. Fortnightly episodes to come from May 31st. Tap follow or subscribe wherever you're listening to this to make sure you never miss an episode. 

Get three copies of The Week Junior's Science+Nature magazine for just £5. sciencenature.theweekjunior.co.uk/podcast is the place to claim yours.

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What is Mysteries of Science?



Mysteries of Science is the brand new podcast from The Week Junior's monthly Science+Nature magazine. The very first episode, which is all about the Loch Ness Monster, comes out on April 1st. 

Tap subscribe or follow wherever you're listening to this to be among the very first to hear the episode. 

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Time Machines



We're going back to the future in a brand new episode of Mysteries of Science, investigating the antikythera mechanism – a strange artefact from the past that looks like it could be made today!

Plus, we're telling you how to add to the Fun Kids Time Capsule. Enter online at https://funkidslive.com/timemachine 

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Dark Matter



Jenny and Michael venture into the cosmos to unravel the secrets of dark matter.

As astronomers observe stars and galaxies moving under the influence of an unseen force, we ask: What is dark matter? Why can't we see it? And just how much of the universe does it comprise?

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We're going under the sea and chatting to top tentacle geniuses in the form of Chris Packham and friends as we investigate the mystery of octopuses...

There's something incredibly unique about these eight-legged creatures that's got us suckered. Can Dan and Michael get to the bottom of it?

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Your Mysteries



It's a Mysteries of Science season finale! In this episode, Michael and Dan tackle some of your biggest mysteries including ones about intelligent species and the first ever living organisms. We even have an answer from the one and only Professor Brian Cox!

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The Big Bang theory



Hosts Dan and Michael kick off this new season of Mysteries of Science with a Big Bang: the theory that explains the origin of the universe.

Fred Hoyle coined the term to mock a theory he didn't believe in. Now, expert guests Dr. Maggie Lieu and Ethan Siegel shed light on the Big Bang theory and its evidence – and what might happen next...

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How to read minds



Stevie and Michael dive into the topic of telepathy – the (supposed) strange ability to transmit thoughts or read minds!

Joining the team to probe the psychic powers of the human mind are emeritus professor Chris French, and journalist and author Kathryn Hulick. 

We chat about Elon Musk's futuristic Neuralink project, which claims to be able to harness the power of the brain, and hear the story of a clever horse.

Are you ready for things to get weird?

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This week we're investigating a mystery requested by one of our listeners – could dinosaurs still walk among us?

These terrible lizards went extinct after an asteroid hit Earth 66 million years ago, but is there more the story? Join us and some expert guests as we find out whether or not we're walking with dinosaurs...

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Area 51



In the middle of the desert in Nevada, USA, sits a top-secret military base. You probably know it as Area 51.

Today, Michael, Dan, and a team of top experts are peeking over the fence to see what they can spot... 

Will they find mysterious alien spacecraft? And what's this about a strange airline? Or is the whole thing nothing more than a good story?

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Return to Area 51



Michael and Dan are back after a mid-season break to take on perhaps one of the strangest mysteries we’ve ever encountered… What’s being hidden in a top secret US military base, thousands of miles from anywhere, in the middle of a desert?

Could it be aliens? 

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Dan and Michael are going down under to hunt for a thylacine. Also known as the tasmanian tiger or tasmanian wolf, could this supposedly extinct creature actually be secretly lurking in the nation's forests? 

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Dan and Michael explore the concept of altruism. From vampire bats who share food to prevent each other from starving, to giving money to charity: why are people kind?

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Your Mysteries



Dan and Stevie break down some of the biggest mysteries around – as asked by you!

Professor Brian Cox and a host of other special guests answer your questions on everything from the temperature of space to jellyfish stings.


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Future of food: Would you eat insects?



Are insects in our diets the new sustainable food source? We're sharing parts of our talk from Cheltenham Science Festival plus chatting to exports like dairy farmer, Rich.

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Magic potions



Inspired by the Harry Potter series, hosts Stevie and Michael explore magic potions!

They uncover the real-life inspiration behind Professor Snape, revealing that a real potions master named Henry Lloyd Snape existed in the late 19th century...

We also meet illustrator Johnny Duddle and ask you for your own ideas for magical potions!

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Your Mysteries: Moonbows, werewolves, and dinosaur extinction



Michael and Stevie get answers to your burning questions in another episode of Mysteries of Science including a phenomena all about rainbows at night as well as what caused the extinction of the dinos.

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Hosts Dan and Michael delve into the enigma of Oumuamua, a mysterious object that passed through our solar system in 2017.

Initially thought to be a comet or asteroid, Oumuamua's unusual characteristics led to speculation about its origins, including the possibility of it being an alien spacecraft...

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Animal consciousness



Stevie and Michael sit down and chat with some top experts to find out how animals experience the world. From dolphins to octopuses to pets and more, we ask the question: are animals smarter than us?

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How to sail like Moana



To celebrate the release of Moana 2, coming soon to cinemas, Dan and Stevie go on a journey to Polynesia to find out how thousands of islands thousands of miles apart were settled without the use of typical instruments using a technique known as wayfinding... 

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What killed Venus?



Michael and Stevie become interplanetary detectives as they investigate the solar system's hottest and most deadly murder mystery.

Venus is often referred to as Earth's twin because the two planets are so similar. But if that's the case, then why is Venus is so inhospitable to life? We take a trip into space and find out what killed Venus... 

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Mariana Trench



We're off to the deepest part of the ocean today – the Mariana Trench – on the quest to find out what lurks in its waters and why it's so hard to explore... 

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Loch Ness Monster



We’re diving into one of the greatest mysteries of all time – The Loch Ness Monster. From ancient legends to modern scientific investigations, we explore the history, sightings, and possible explanations for Nessie. Could she be a prehistoric creature, a giant eel, or just a trick of the imagination? 

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